World Bank
L o a d i n g
The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans and grants to the governments of poorer countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects.[5] It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank is a component of the World Bank Group.
Available DatasetsShowing 7 of 7 results
- The Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) Project Database has data on over 6,400 infrastructure projects in 137 low- and middle-income countries. The database is the leading source of PPI trends in the developing world, covering projects in the energy, transport, water and sewerage, ICT backbone, and Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) sectors (MSW data includes projects since 2008) Projects include management or lease contracts, concessions, greenfield projects, and divestitures.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- Selection of 104 water security related indicators, with visualisation tools to plot up to 4 variables simultaneously. Graphs can be direct linked, and data sets can be downloaded as CSV files1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- A collection of mapped water, disaster, climate, environment, and water-related social and economic indicators, from various sources, including: Lake Levels, Standardized Precipitation Index, GEOGloWS Streamflow Explorer, City Water Intakes, Glacker Inventory, Surface Water Explorer, Cropping Extent, Water Conflicts, Population Density, Land Cover Comparison, Water Stress (Aqueduct), Livestock Density, GRACE Groundwater, Forest Cover, Satellite Temperature, MODIS Layers, Night LIghts, Satellite Precipitation (NASA GPM), Hydroviewer, Global urban Footprint, Watershed Mapper, Annual Precipitation, Soil Moisture, Water Transition, Global Wetlands, Land-Water Changes, Snow Cover, Martime Boundaries, Illustrative Watershed Tool, Water Security Dashboard, Major Ports, World Water Quality, World Wind Map, ESRI WATER Balance, GEOGRLAM RAPP, GEOSS Portal, GRACE Groundwater Portal, Open Street Map Data, Servir Tehys Apps, NASA Disasters Portal, GEOGLOWS Streamflow Estimater, GFMS, MODIS Flood Explorer, IWMI Water Data Portal, GDACS Tool, GDACS Floods, Flood Exposure, Country Data Visualizations, Drought Exposure, Flood Risk, NOAA Buoy Data Center, Flood Frequency, Flood Observatory, Climate Engine, GADS (Agriculture) Climate (KNMI) Stations, Fishing Watch, MIT Trad Atlas, GRDC, Climate Stations, Dams, Hydropower Plants, All Power Plants, Tsunamis, Groundwater Climate Vulnerability, Climate Change Knowledge Portal, Projected Dry Spells, Protected Areas, Erosion Risks, Toxic Sites, Water Quality (Chlorophyll-A), Sea Surface Temperature, Crop Nutrient Balance, Landsat Archive, WorldPop, UN Cities Population, Google Earth Engine Datasets, Open Data Cube, FAO WaPOR, CIESIN Pop Grid, DFO App, Google Earth1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- 45 data sources of hydrological/hydromet, water quality, water resource, environmental, agro-environmental and development indicators. Datasets include: Achieving National Development Strategy in Tajikistan (Nurek), Water Transition, Central Asia Hydrometeorology Modernization Project, Lake Levels, Night Lights, Landscan Population Density, Satellite Precipitation, Solar Energy Data, Earth Wind Map, Land Cover Comparison, Earth Engine NDVI Analysis, Kyrgyz Republic DRM Portal, Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin, Croplands, Watershed Mapper, Forest Cover, Kyrgyz Republic Hydromet Portal, World Water Quality, Human Footprint, Glacier Inventory, MODIS layers, Cropping Extent, Fire Data, Surface Water Explorer, Human Influence Index, Development Data, GADAS (Agriculture) Wind Potential, ESRI Water Balance, Air Quality, Tajikistan Hydromet Website, Open Street Map Data, Land-Water Changes, Himawari, GEOGRLAM RAPP, Google Earth Data, GEOSS Portal, USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis), STRM Topography Data, UNEP Database, DIVA GIS Country Boundaries, ARCGIS Hub- Water Bodies, ARCGIS Hub- World Cities, WUEMoCA, World Bank Climate Change Portal1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- This innovative interactive e-book is to provide a quick introduction to how Technology and Innovation are being applied in the Blue Economy. An interactive e-book is more than a pdf or static electronic document. This e-book includes text and a wide range of interactive elements (e.g., hyperlinks, photo galleries, video galleries, interactive graphs, interactive maps, interactive data/knowledge filters, etc.) drawing upon multiple online resources.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- "An interactive data-story narrative and infographic on progress on the targets for SDG #6 Clean Water and Sanitation, focusing on water, sanitation, and hygiene: essential for well-being. One chapter in a larger collection of data stories in the Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2020. The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2020 presents interactive storytelling and data visualizations about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It highlights trends for selected targets within each goal and introduces concepts about how some SDGs are measured. Where data is available, it also highlights the emerging impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the SDGs. The Atlas draws from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators database, as well as from a wide variety of relevant data sources from scientists and other researchers worldwide."1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- This e-book is a quick primer on earth observation of water resources and has been developed jointly by the World Bank and NASA. It provides a basic introduction to hydrologic processes and the types of in-situ and earth observation monitoring approaches to gain a global perspective to help address problems in the real world such as floods, droughts, cyclones, and forecasting for agriculture and water-related disease management applications. It provides a primer for accessing useful NASA data, modeling tools, related interactive viewers and useful links in this regard, that showcase interactive maps to visualize precipitation and even groundwater data and trends and near-real time flood potential from space. This e-book provides an illustrative overview of the use of increasingly powerful free data from satellites that can be critical for monitoring and managing watersheds and aquifers around the world.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago