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Request a dataset
How to request data
Why request data?

Open Net Zero makes it easy to search, access, and securely share data across industry, environment and finance. We are committed to helping organisations easily use internal and external data to drive towards net zero.

When you can't find the data you are looking for, making a data request helps us direct our data sourcing efforts and see where gaps in our data sets are.

What happens to my data request?

While our team can't guarantee the existence or availability of the data you are looking for, your requests can help shape the conversations we are having with data sharing organisations on a daily basis.

You can help play a critical part in shaping the future of open net zero data by highlighting where the demand and gaps are today, so that we can have a more complete picture tomorrow.

Suggest/submit Data

If you are aware of, or are a controller, of a potentially open data set that would be worth adding to our collection, please consider submitting a data suggestion.