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Median Weekly Earnings of Full-time Wage and Salary Workers (by selected characteristics)
OwnerBureau of Labor Statistics - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updatedabout 1 year ago

Median weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers by selected characteristics, based on Labor Force Statistics data from the Current Population Survey. The Current Population Survey is a monthly survey of households conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides a comprehensive body of data on the labor force, employment, unemployment, persons not in the labor force, hours of work, earnings, and other demographic and labor force characteristics. __Connected to Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 8.5.1 - Average hourly earnings of female and male employees, by occupation, age and persons with disabilities__ Internet Archive URL:*/

Census BureauNRPSDGsSustainable Development Goalsearnings datagender equalitylaborsalary datawage data
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