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Monthly Global Max Temperature Projections 2070-2099Source

What does the data show? This data shows the monthly averages of maximum surface temperature (°C) for 2070-2099 using a combination of the CRU TS (v. 4.06) and UKCP18 global RCP2.6 datasets. The RCP2.6 scenario is an aggressive mitigation scenario where greenhouse gas emissions are strongly reduced.   The data combines a baseline (1981-2010) value from CRU TS (v. 4.06) with an anomaly from UKCP18 global. Where the anomaly is the change in temperature at 2070-2099 relative to 1981-2010.   The data is provided on the WGS84 grid which measures approximately 60km x 60km (latitude x longitude) at the equator.   Limitations of the data We recommend the use of multiple grid cells or an average of grid cells around a point of interest to help users get a sense of the variability in the area. This will provide a more robust set of values for informing decisions based on the data.   What are the naming conventions and how do I explore the data? This data contains a field for each month’s average over the period. They are named 'tmax' (temperature maximum), the month and ‘upper’ ‘median’ or ‘lower’. E.g. ‘tmax Mar Lower’ is the average of the daily minimum temperatures in March throughout 2070-2099, in the second lowest ensemble member.   To understand how to explore the data, see this page:   Please note, if viewing in ArcGIS Map Viewer, the map will default to ‘tmax Jan Median’ values.   What do the ‘median’, ‘upper’, and ‘lower’ values mean? Climate models are numerical representations of the climate system. To capture uncertainty in projections for the future, an ensemble, or group, of climate models are run. Each ensemble member has slightly different starting conditions or model set-ups. Considering all of the model outcomes gives users a range of plausible conditions which could occur in the future.   To select which ensemble members to use, the monthly averages of maximum surface temperature for the period 2070-2099 were calculated for each ensemble member and they were then ranked in order from lowest to highest for each location. The ‘lower’ fields are the second lowest ranked ensemble member. The ‘upper’ fields are the second highest ranked ensemble member. The ‘median’ field is the central value of the ensemble. This gives a median value, and a spread of the ensemble members indicating the range of possible outcomes in the projections. This spread of outputs can be used to infer the uncertainty in the projections. The larger the difference between the lower and upper fields, the greater the uncertainty.   Data source CRU TS v. 4.06 - (downloaded 12/07/22) UKCP18 v.20200110 (downloaded 17/08/22)   Useful links Further information on CRU TS Further information on the UK Climate Projections (UKCP) Further information on understanding climate data within the Met Office Climate Data Portal  

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2070-209960kmCRU TS v.4.06 and UKCPClimateGlobalMet OfficeProjectionsTemperaturemaxmaximummonthly
Met Officeabout 1 year ago
Monthly Global Max Temperature Projections 2070-2099Source

Monthly averages of global maximum surface temperatures (°C) for 2070-2099 from CRU TS and UKCP18 RCP2.6, provided on an approximately 60km grid.This data contains a field for each month’s average over the period. They are named 'tmax' (temperature maximum), the month, and 'upper' 'median' or 'lower' as per the description below. E.g. 'tmax March Median' is the mean of daily-maximum temperatures in March throughout 2070-2099, in the median ensemble member.Data defaults to displaying January averages. Each monthly average is a field in the data. Use 'show table' to view all values, and 'change style' to change which month is displayed in the map.The grid is a lat-long grid, with cells close to the equator measuring approximately 60kmx60km.More about CRU TS - about UKCP - is the data?The data combines a baseline 1981-2010 value from CRU TS with an anomaly (the temperature change in °C relative to 1981-2010) from UKCP18.The anomaly data is from the UKCP18 regional projections using the RCP2.6 scenario. RCP2.6 is a low emissions scenario, representing a mitigation scenario aiming to limit the increase of global mean temperature to around 2°C above preindustrial levels .What do the 'median', 'upper', and 'lower' values mean?This scenario is run as 12 separate ensemble members. To select which ensemble members to use, a single value for the mean global precipitation for the period 2070-2099 was taken from each ensemble member. They were then ranked in order from lowest precipitation to highest. The 'lower' fields are this data is the second lowest ranked ensemble member. The 'higher' fields are the second highest ranked ensemble member. The 'median' fields are the central (7th) ranked ensemble member.This gives a median value, and a spread of the ensemble members indicating the level of uncertainty in the projections.Recommendations for use of this data:1. We don't recommend using this data at the resolution of a single cell.The higher resolution of this data improves representation of topography, coasts, etc. but at the same time increases some of the uncertainty for individual grid cells. And so it is recommended to work with multiple grid cells, or an average of grid cells around a point to improve certainty.2. Consider whether the lower, median, or upper projections, or a combination, are most suitable for your use case.As described above, the spread of the ensemble members shown by the lower, median, and upper values indicates the level of uncertainty in the projections.Data source: CRU TS v. 4.06 - (downloaded 12/07/22)UKCP18 v.20200110 (downloaded 17/08/22)This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

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2070-2099CRU TSMet OfficeRCP2.6UKCP18averageclimateglobalmaxmaximummonthlyprojectionstemperature
Met Officeover 1 year ago
Monthly Global Min Temperature Projections 2070-2099Source

What does the data show? This data shows the monthly averages of minimum surface temperature (°C) for 2070-2099 using a combination of the CRU TS (v. 4.06) and UKCP18 global RCP2.6 datasets. The RCP2.6 scenario is an aggressive mitigation scenario where greenhouse gas emissions are strongly reduced.   The data combines a baseline (1981-2010) value from CRU TS (v. 4.06) with an anomaly from UKCP18 global. Where the anomaly is the change in temperature at 2070-2099 relative to 1981-2010.   The data is provided on the WGS84 grid which measures approximately 60km x 60km (latitude x longitude) at the equator.   Limitations of the data We recommend the use of multiple grid cells or an average of grid cells around a point of interest to help users get a sense of the variability in the area. This will provide a more robust set of values for informing decisions based on the data.   What are the naming conventions and how do I explore the data? This data contains a field for each month’s average over the period. They are named 'tmin' (temperature minimum), the month and ‘upper’ ‘median’ or ‘lower’. E.g. ‘tmin Mar Lower’ is the average of the daily minimum temperatures in March throughout 2070-2099, in the second lowest ensemble member.   To understand how to explore the data, see this page:   Please note, if viewing in ArcGIS Map Viewer, the map will default to ‘tmin Jan Median’ values.   What do the ‘median’, ‘upper’, and ‘lower’ values mean? Climate models are numerical representations of the climate system. To capture uncertainty in projections for the future, an ensemble, or group, of climate models are run. Each ensemble member has slightly different starting conditions or model set-ups. Considering all of the model outcomes gives users a range of plausible conditions which could occur in the future.   To select which ensemble members to use, the monthly averages of minimum surface temperature for the period 2070-2099 were calculated for each ensemble member and they were then ranked in order from lowest to highest for each location. The ‘lower’ fields are the second lowest ranked ensemble member. The ‘upper’ fields are the second highest ranked ensemble member. The ‘median’ field is the central value of the ensemble. This gives a median value, and a spread of the ensemble members indicating the range of possible outcomes in the projections. This spread of outputs can be used to infer the uncertainty in the projections. The larger the difference between the lower and upper fields, the greater the uncertainty.   Data source CRU TS v. 4.06 - (downloaded 12/07/22) UKCP18 v.20200110 (downloaded 17/08/22)   Useful links Further information on CRU TS Further information on the UK Climate Projections (UKCP) Further information on understanding climate data within the Met Office Climate Data Portal  

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2070-209960kmCRU TS v.4.06 and UKCPClimateGlobalMet OfficeProjectionsTemperatureminminimummonthly
Met Officeabout 1 year ago
Monthly Global Min Temperature Projections 2070-2099Source

Monthly averages of global minimum surface temperatures (°C) for 2070-2099 from CRU TS and UKCP18 RCP2.6, provided on an approximately 60km grid.This data contains a field for each month’s average over the period. They are named 'tmin' (temperature minimum), the month, and 'upper' 'median' or 'lower' as per the description below. E.g. 'tmin March Median' is the mean of daily-minimum temperatures in March throughout 2070-2099, in the median ensemble member.Data defaults to displaying January averages. Each monthly average is a field in the data. Use 'show table' to view all values, and 'change style' to change which month is displayed in the map.The grid is a lat-long grid, with cells close to the equator measuring approximately 60kmx60km.More about CRU TS - about UKCP - is the data?The data combines a baseline 1981-2010 value from CRU TS with an anomaly (the temperature change in °C relative to 1981-2010) from UKCP18.The anomaly data is from the UKCP18 regional projections using the RCP2.6 scenario. RCP2.6 is a low emissions scenario, representing a mitigation scenario aiming to limit the increase of global mean temperature to around 2°C above preindustrial levels .What do the 'median', 'upper', and 'lower' values mean?This scenario is run as 12 separate ensemble members. To select which ensemble members to use, a single value for the mean global precipitation for the period 2070-2099 was taken from each ensemble member. They were then ranked in order from lowest precipitation to highest. The 'lower' fields are this data is the second lowest ranked ensemble member. The 'higher' fields are the second highest ranked ensemble member. The 'median' fields are the central (7th) ranked ensemble member.This gives a median value, and a spread of the ensemble members indicating the level of uncertainty in the projections.Recommendations for use of this data:1. We don't recommend using this data at the resolution of a single cell.The higher resolution of this data improves representation of topography, coasts, etc. but at the same time increases some of the uncertainty for individual grid cells. And so it is recommended to work with multiple grid cells, or an average of grid cells around a point to improve certainty.2. Consider whether the lower, median, or upper projections, or a combination, are most suitable for your use case.As described above, the spread of the ensemble members shown by the lower, median, and upper values indicates the level of uncertainty in the projections.Data source: CRU TS v. 4.06 - (downloaded 12/07/22)UKCP18 v.20200110 (downloaded 17/08/22)This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

No licence known
2070-2099AverageCRU TSGlobalMet OfficeRCP2.6UKCP18climateminminimummonthlyprojectionstemperature
Met Officeover 1 year ago
Monthly Global Precipitation Projections 2070-2099Source

What does the data show? This data shows the monthly averages of rainfall amount (mm) for 2070-2099 using a combination of the CRU TS (v. 4.06) and UKCP18 global RCP2.6 datasets. The RCP2.6 scenario is an aggressive mitigation scenario where greenhouse gas emissions are strongly reduced.   The data combines a baseline (1981-2010) value from CRU TS (v. 4.06) with a percentage change relative to 1981-2010 from UKCP18 global. Where the baseline value was <1mm/month, the projection value has been replaced with 'Null' because the percentage change may be unreliable with a very small baseline.   The data is provided on the WGS84 grid which measures approximately 60km x 60km (latitude x longitude) at the equator.   Limitations of the data We recommend the use of multiple grid cells or an average of grid cells around a point of interest to help users get a sense of the variability in the area. This will provide a more robust set of values for informing decisions based on the data.   What are the naming conventions and how do I explore the data? This data contains a field for each month’s average over the period. They are named 'pr' (precipitation), the month and ‘upper’ ‘median’ or ‘lower’. E.g. ‘pr Mar Lower’ is the average of monthly-total rainfall in March throughout 2070-2099, in the second lowest ensemble member.   To understand how to explore the data, see this page:   Please note, if viewing in ArcGIS Map Viewer, the map will default to ‘pr Jan Median’ values.   What do the ‘median’, ‘upper’, and ‘lower’ values mean? Climate models are numerical representations of the climate system. To capture uncertainty in projections for the future, an ensemble, or group, of climate models are run. Each ensemble member has slightly different starting conditions or model set-ups. Considering all of the model outcomes gives users a range of plausible conditions which could occur in the future.   To select which ensemble members to use, the monthly averages of precipitation for the period 2070-2099 were calculated for each ensemble member and they were then ranked in order from lowest to highest for each location. The ‘lower’ fields are the second lowest ranked ensemble member. The ‘upper’ fields are the second highest ranked ensemble member. The ‘median’ field is the central value of the ensemble. This gives a median value, and a spread of the ensemble members indicating the range of possible outcomes in the projections. This spread of outputs can be used to infer the uncertainty in the projections. The larger the difference between the lower and upper fields, the greater the uncertainty.   Data source CRU TS v. 4.06 - (downloaded 12/07/22) UKCP18 v.20200110 (downloaded 17/08/22)   Useful links Further information on CRU TS Further information on the UK Climate Projections (UKCP) Further information on understanding climate data within the Met Office Climate Data Portal  

No licence known
2070-209960kmCRU TS v.4.06 and UKCPClimateGlobalMet OfficePrecipitationProjectionsaveragemonthly
Met Officeabout 1 year ago
Monthly Global Precipitation Projections 2070-2099Source

Monthly averages of global rainfall amount (mm) for 2070-2099 from CRU TS and UKCP18 RCP2.6, provided on an approximately 60km grid.This data contains a field for each month’s average over the period. They are named 'pr' (precipitation), the month, and 'upper' 'median' or 'lower' as per the description below. E.g. 'pr March Median' is the mean of monthly-total rainfall in March throughout 2070-2099, in the median ensemble member.Data defaults to displaying January averages. Each monthly average is a field in the data. Use 'show table' to view all values, and 'change style' to change which month is displayed in the map.Data has been removed and replaced with 'Null' where the baseline 1981-2010 value was <1mm/month. This is because the percentage change may be unreliable with a very small baseline. 'Null' means that data is not provided, it doesn't mean 0mm precipitation. The grid is a lat-long grid, with cells close to the equator measuring approximately 60kmx60km.More about CRU TS - about UKCP - is the data?The data combines a baseline 1981-2010 value from CRU TS with a percentage change relative to 1981-2010 from UKCP18. Where the baseline value was <1mm/month, the projection value has been replaced with 'Null' because the percentage change may be unreliable with a very small baseline.The percentage change data is from the UKCP18 regional projections using the RCP2.6 scenario. RCP2.6 is a low emissions scenario, representing a mitigation scenario aiming to limit the increase of global mean temperature to around 2°C above preindustrial levels .What do the 'median', 'upper', and 'lower' values mean?This scenario is run as 12 separate ensemble members. To select which ensemble members to use, a single value for the mean global precipitation for the period 2070-2099 was taken from each ensemble member. They were then ranked in order from lowest precipitation to highest. The 'lower' fields are this data is the second lowest ranked ensemble member. The 'higher' fields are the second highest ranked ensemble member. The 'median' fields are the central (7th) ranked ensemble member.This gives a median value, and a spread of the ensemble members indicating the level of uncertainty in the projections.Recommendations for use of this data:1. We don't recommend using this data at the resolution of a single cell.The higher resolution of this data improves representation of topography, coasts, etc. but at the same time increases some of the uncertainty for individual grid cells. And so it is recommended to work with multiple grid cells, or an average of grid cells around a point to improve certainty.2. Consider whether the lower, median, or upper projections, or a combination, are most suitable for your use case.As described above, the spread of the ensemble members shown by the lower, median, and upper values indicates the level of uncertainty in the projections.Data source: CRU TS v. 4.06 - (downloaded 12/07/22)UKCP18 v.20200110 (downloaded 17/08/22)This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

No licence known
2070-2099CRU TSCRUTSMet OfficeRCP2.6UKCP18averageclimateglobalmonthlyprecipitationprojectionsrainrainfallworld
Met Officeover 1 year ago
Monthly Global Temperature Projections 2070-2099Source

What does the data show? This data shows the monthly averages of surface temperature (°C) for 2070-2099 using a combination of the CRU TS (v. 4.06) and UKCP18 global RCP2.6 datasets. The RCP2.6 scenario is an aggressive mitigation scenario where greenhouse gas emissions are strongly reduced.   The data combines a baseline (1981-2010) value from CRU TS (v. 4.06) with an anomaly from UKCP18 global. Where the anomaly is the change in temperature at 2070-2099 relative to 1981-2010.   The data is provided on the WGS84 grid which measures approximately 60km x 60km (latitude x longitude) at the equator.   Limitations of the data We recommend the use of multiple grid cells or an average of grid cells around a point of interest to help users get a sense of the variability in the area. This will provide a more robust set of values for informing decisions based on the data.   What are the naming conventions and how do I explore the data? This data contains a field for each month’s average over the period. They are named 'tas' (temperature at surface), the month and ‘upper’ ‘median’ or ‘lower’. E.g. ‘tas Mar Lower’ is the average of the daily average temperatures in March throughout 2070-2099, in the second lowest ensemble member.   To understand how to explore the data, see this page:   Please note, if viewing in ArcGIS Map Viewer, the map will default to ‘tas Jan Median’ values.   What do the ‘median’, ‘upper’, and ‘lower’ values mean? Climate models are numerical representations of the climate system. To capture uncertainty in projections for the future, an ensemble, or group, of climate models are run. Each ensemble member has slightly different starting conditions or model set-ups. Considering all of the model outcomes gives users a range of plausible conditions which could occur in the future.   To select which ensemble members to use, the monthly averages of surface temperature for the period 2070-2099 were calculated for each ensemble member and they were then ranked in order from lowest to highest for each location. The ‘lower’ fields are the second lowest ranked ensemble member. The ‘upper’ fields are the second highest ranked ensemble member. The ‘median’ field is the central value of the ensemble. This gives a median value, and a spread of the ensemble members indicating the range of possible outcomes in the projections. This spread of outputs can be used to infer the uncertainty in the projections. The larger the difference between the lower and upper fields, the greater the uncertainty.   Data source CRU TS v. 4.06 - (downloaded 12/07/22) UKCP18 v.20200110 (downloaded 17/08/22)   Useful links Further information on CRU TS Further information on the UK Climate Projections (UKCP) Further information on understanding climate data within the Met Office Climate Data Portal  

No licence known
2070-209960kmCRU TS v.4.06 and UKCPClimateGlobalMet OfficeProjectionsTemperatureaveragemonthly
Met Officeabout 1 year ago
Monthly Global Temperature Projections 2070-2099Source

Monthly averages of global surface temperatures (°C) for 2070-2099 from CRU TS and UKCP18 RCP2.6, provided on an approximately 60km grid.This data contains a field for each month’s average over the period. They are named 'tas' (temperature at surface), the month, and 'upper' 'median' or 'lower' as per the description below. E.g. 'tas March Median' is the mean of daily-mean temperatures in March throughout 2070-2099, in the median ensemble member.Data defaults to displaying January averages. Each monthly average is a field in the data. Use 'show table' to view all values, and 'change style' to change which month is displayed in the map.The grid is a lat-long grid, with cells close to the equator measuring approximately 60kmx60km.More about CRU TS - about UKCP - is the data?The data combines a baseline 1981-2010 value from CRU TS with an anomaly (the temperature change in °C relative to 1981-2010) from UKCP18.The anomaly data is from the UKCP18 regional projections using the RCP2.6 scenario. RCP2.6 is a low emissions scenario, representing a mitigation scenario aiming to limit the increase of global mean temperature to around 2°C above preindustrial levels .What do the 'median', 'upper', and 'lower' values mean?This scenario is run as 12 separate ensemble members. To select which ensemble members to use, a single value for the mean global precipitation for the period 2070-2099 was taken from each ensemble member. They were then ranked in order from lowest precipitation to highest. The 'lower' fields are this data is the second lowest ranked ensemble member. The 'higher' fields are the second highest ranked ensemble member. The 'median' fields are the central (7th) ranked ensemble member.This gives a median value, and a spread of the ensemble members indicating the level of uncertainty in the projections.Recommendations for use of this data:1. We don't recommend using this data at the resolution of a single cell.The higher resolution of this data improves representation of topography, coasts, etc. but at the same time increases some of the uncertainty for individual grid cells. And so it is recommended to work with multiple grid cells, or an average of grid cells around a point to improve certainty.2. Consider whether the lower, median, or upper projections, or a combination, are most suitable for your use case.As described above, the spread of the ensemble members shown by the lower, median, and upper values indicates the level of uncertainty in the projections.Data source: CRU TS v. 4.06 - (downloaded 12/07/22)UKCP18 v.20200110 (downloaded 17/08/22)This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

No licence known
2070-2099CRU TSMet OfficeRCP2.6UKCP18averageclimateglobalmonthlyprojectionstemperature
Met Officeover 1 year ago