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Hydrogeology of central Jornada del Muerto: Implications for travel along El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, Sierra and Doña Ana counties, New Mexico - Open-file Report 573

Between 1598 and the 1880s, El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro (El Camino Real) served as a 1,600 mile long trade route between Mexico City and San Juan Pueblo/Ohkay Owingeh, New Mexico. El Camino Real transects the Jornada del Muerto, located in southern New Mexico. This stretch of the trail is thought to have been one of the most feared sections along El Camino Real due, primarily, to the scarcity of water. Archaeologists have hypothesized that water availability largely influenced the travel route and locations of parajes (campsites) in the Jornada del Muerto. This report describes a study in the Central Jornada del Muerto, conducted by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (NMBGMR). The study was funded the New Mexico Spaceport Authority (NMSA) and is the fulfillment of one of the measures specified in a mitigation plan that identifies a series of measures specifically intended to mitigate adverse effects to El Camino Real. These measures include actions that “will result in compilation of additional information about the properties and function of the trail and associated resources,” and “that will result in increased public awareness and appreciation of the trail.”

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archaeologycultural resourcesenvironmental tracersgeochemistrygroundwater age datinggroundwater chemistrygroundwater levelsgroundwater resourceshistorical water availabilityperched aquifersplayasseepsstable isotopeswater chemistrywater wells
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resourcesabout 1 year ago
National Monuments Service - Archaeological Survey of IrelandSource

This Archaeological Survey of Ireland dataset is published from the database of the National Monuments Service Sites and Monuments Record (SMR). This dataset also can be viewed and interrogated through the online Historic Environment Viewer: A Sites and Monuments Record (SMR) was issued for all counties in the State between 1984 and 1992. The SMR is a manual containing a numbered list of certain and possible monuments accompanied by 6-inch Ordnance Survey maps (at a reduced scale). The SMR formed the basis for issuing the Record of Monuments and Places (RMP) - the statutory list of recorded monuments established under Section 12 of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act 1994. The RMP was issued for each county between 1995 and 1998 in a similar format to the existing SMR. The RMP differs from the earlier lists in that, as defined in the Act, only monuments with known locations or places where there are believed to be monuments are included. The large Archaeological Survey of Ireland archive and supporting database are managed by the National Monuments Service and the records are continually updated and supplemented as additional monuments are discovered. On the Historic Environment viewer an area around each monument has been shaded, the scale of which varies with the class of monument. This area does not define the extent of the monument, nor does it define a buffer area beyond which ground disturbance should not take place – it merely identifies an area of land within which it is expected that the monument will be located. It is not a constraint area for screening – such must be set by the relevant authority who requires screening for their own purposes. This data has been released for download as Open Data under the DPER Open Data Strategy and is licensed for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. Please note that the centre point of each record is not indicative of the geographic extent of the monument. The existing point centroids were digitised relative to the OSI 6-inch mapping and the move from this older IG-referenced series to the larger-scale ITM mapping will necessitate revisions. The accuracy of the derived ITM co-ordinates is limited to the OS 6-inch scale and errors may ensue should the user apply the co-ordinates to larger scale maps. Records that do not refer to 'monuments' are designated 'Redundant record' and are retained in the archive as they may relate to features that were once considered to be monuments but which on investigation proved otherwise. Redundant records may also refer to duplicate records or errors in the data structure of the Archaeological Survey of Ireland. This dataset is provided for re-use in a number of ways and the technical options are outlined below. For a live and current view of the data, please use the web services or the data extract tool in the Historic Environment Viewer. The National Monuments Service also provide an Open Data snapshot of its national dataset in CSV as a bulk data download. Users should consult the National Monument Service website for further information and guidance on the National Monument Act(s) and the legal significance of this dataset. Open Data Bulk Data Downloads (version date: 23/06/2023) The Sites and Monuments Record (SMR) is provided as a national download in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format. This format can be easily integrated into a number of software clients for re-use and analysis. The Longitude and Latitude coordinates are also provided to aid its re-use in web mapping systems, however, the ITM easting/northings coordinates should be quoted for official purposes. For a live and current view of the data, please use the web services or the data extract tool in the Historic Environment Viewer. Included in the ZIP file download is the related Zones data layer as ESRI Shapefile. These represent an area around each monument, the scale of which varies with the class of monument. This area does not define the extent of the monument, nor does it define a buffer area beyond which ground disturbance should not take place – it merely identifies an area of land within which it is expected that the monument will be located. It is not a constraint area for screening – such must be set by the relevant authority who requires screening for their own purposes. GIS Web Service APIs (live views): For users with access to GIS software please note that the Archaeological Survey of Ireland data is also available spatial data web services. By accessing and consuming the web service users are deemed to have accepted the Terms and Conditions. The web services are available in the formats and at the URL endpoints advertised below: OGC Web Map Service version Sites and Monuments Record (SMR): Zones: ArcGIS REST Web service version Sites and Monuments Record (SMR): Zones: Historic Environment Viewer - Download Export Tool The "Data Export Tool" can alternatively be used to selectively filter and download the data represented in the Historic Environment Viewer. The instructions for using this tool in the Historic Environment Viewer are detailed in the associated Help file:

No licence known
archaeologyarchitectureenvironmentirelandplanningcadastreprotected sites