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Data from: A systematic review of the behavioral responses by stored-product arthropods to individual or blends of microbially-produced volatile cues

A systematic search of the literature using Google Scholar, ( and Web of Science was used to identify studies that examined the effects of individual compounds or mixtures of MVOCs on the behavioral responses of stored-product arthropods. Stored-product arthropods were defined as those insects and arachnids attacking stored, durable commodities in the post-harvest supply chain at any of the successive links, including storage, transportation, processing, and marketing. Where applicable, we parsed studies into component experiments where behavioral responses or other factors such as type of assays or measured variables may have differed (e.g. dosage, compound, etc.). We classified each test as resulting in statistically significant attraction (+), repellence (−), or neither (○) compared to a negative or positive control. We excluded any studies lacking appropriate negative or positive controls, lacking replication, or lacking sufficient details on the identity of tested substrates to enable appropriate interpretation. Terms used to search databases included the following singly and/or in combination: “fungal”, “volatiles”, “stored products”, “insect behavior”, “insect-microbe”, “interactions”, “semiochemicals”, “mycotoxin”, “behavioral response”, “attraction”, and “postharvest”, and combinations thereof. In addition, we kept track of methodology used for tests, response variables, target insect, insect stage, and microbial taxon. We split our analysis up between tests with complex (but usually uncharacterized) blends of MVOCs, and those with known individual or known component mixtures of MVOCs.

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MVOCsNP304Weevilsarthropodsattraction behaviorbehavioral ecologyinfochemicalslesser grain borermicrobial cuesmitesred flour beetlesemiochemicalsstored product pestsstored productswheat
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Hyalella azteca Official Gene Set v1.0

The Hyalella azteca genome was recently sequenced and annotated as part of the i5k pilot project by the Baylor College of Medicine. The Hyalella azteca research community has manually reviewed and curated the computational gene predictions and generated an official gene set, OGSv1.0. The OGS is an integration of automatic gene predictions from Maker with manual annotations by the research community (via the Apollo manual annotation software). If you wish to use this dataset, please follow the Baylor College of Medicine's conditions for data use:

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Hyalella aztecaarthropodsi5k
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Hyalella azteca Official Gene Set v1.2

This dataset presents the Hyalella azteca Official Gene Set OGSv1.2. The Hyalella azteca genome assembly was recently updated to assembly Hazt_2.0 ( The Hyalella azteca Official Gene Set v1.0, originally generated from assembly Hyalella azteca Genome Assembly 1.0 (10.15482/USDA.ADC/1415994) was lifted over to Hazt_2.0 using the NCBI's remap service, the CrossMap software (, and remap_gff3 ( This resulted in the unreleased OGSv1.1. OGSv1.1 received additional QA/QC during NCBI submission, generating Hyalella azteca OGSv1.2. This dataset contains the following files: hyaazt_OGSv1.2.tar.gz hyaazt_OGSv1.2.1.gff - GFF3 file of the Hyalella azteca Official Gene Set OGSv1.2 hyaazt_OGSv1.2_cds.fa - CDS fasta file of the Hyalella azteca Official Gene Set OGSv1.2 hyaazt_OGSv1.2_pep.fa - Protein fasta file of the Hyalella azteca Official Gene Set OGSv1.2 hyaazt_OGSv1.2_trans.fa - Transcript fasta file of the Hyalella azteca Official Gene Set OGSv1.2 readme

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Hyalella aztecaarthropodsi5k
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Neodiprion lecontei Official Gene Set v1.1

This dataset presents the Neodiprion Official Gene Set (OGS) v1.1. It was generated using Maker v2.31.8, followed by CrossMap re-mapping of coordinates to genome assembly Nlec1.1 ( This dataset is now obsolete - a new genome assembly, iyNeoleco1.1 ( has been produced by the Ag100Pest project, with annotations from NCBI's RefSeq resource.

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Neodiprion leconteiarthropodsi5k
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago