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Data from: TaqMan-based duplex real-time PCR approach for analysis of grain composition (Zea mays - Sorghum bicolor) in feedstock flour mixes for bioethanol production

Some U.S bioethanol plants use a blend of maize and sorghum grains as feedstocks depending on availability and price. Knowledge of the grain composition of milled feedstock is beneficial for maximizing process efficiency and for potential future regulatory requirements. To analyze feedstock composition, we developed a duplex real-time PCR assay based on TaqMan™ probes for the simultaneous analysis of flour blends. For sorghum, the method amplified a sequence within the F-Box domain-containing protein and for maize, the method amplified a sequence of the high mobility group a (HMGa) proteins. To acquire fluorescent signals simultaneously, FAM and TAMRA fluorescent probes were used to label the sorghum- and maize- specific probes, respectively. Results showed that the primers and probes were highly specific either for maize or sorghum. The real-time duplex PCR assay was validated on simulated flour binary mixtures and high in the precision and accuracy for the sorghum PCR system. Results with the established method showed specificity and sensitivity in quantifying sorghum composition in bioethanol feedstock mixtures. Resources in this dataset: Resource title: Primer sets used File name: Table 1 1.jpg Resource title: Experimental setup File name: experiemntal set ups Real time PCR project Sorgh-Maize.xlsx Resource title: Multiplex data HMGa and FBox File name: 2022-01-24 multiplex FBox - HMGa 60 C 200nM.xls Resource description: Data and analysis of sorhum maize and miusxtures using HMGa and FBox genes Resource title: multiplex FBox HMGa flour mixes 60 C File name: 2022-02-22 multiplex FBox HMGa flour mixes 60 C 11 points.xls Resource description: PCR multiplex data FBox HMGa flour mixes 60 C Resource title: Standard curves for zein DNA HMGa gene File name: 2022-01-11 Hmga - Zein X07535 standard curves.xls Resource description: Standard curves for zein DNA HMGa gene detection

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MaizeNP306RT-qPCRSorghum bicolorZea maysbioethanolsorghum
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
On-Farm Residue Removal Study for Resilient Economic Agricultural Practices in Morris, Minnesota

On-Farm Residue Removal Study for Resilient Economic Agricultural Practices in Morris, Minnesota Interest in harvesting crop residues for energy has waxed and waned since the oil embargo of 1973. Since the at least the late 1990’s interest has been renewed due to concern of peak oil, highly volatile natural gas prices, replacing fossil fuel with renewable sources and a push for energy independence. The studies conducted on harvesting crop residues during the 1970’s and1980’s focused primarily on erosion risk and nutrient removal as a result early estimates of residue availability focused on erosion control (Perlack et al., 2005). More recently, the focus has expanded to also address harvest impacts on soil organic matter and other constraints (Wilhelm et al., 2007; Wilhelm et al., 2010). In West Central Minnesota, crop residues have been proposed a replacement for natural gas (Archer and Johnson, 2012) while nationally residues are also be considered for cellulosic ethanol production (US DOE, 2011). The objective of the on-farm study was to assess the impact of residue harvest on working farms with different management systems and soils. Indicators of erosion risk, soil organic matter, and crop productivity is response to grain plus cob, or grain plus stover compared to grain only harvest.

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EnvironmentMinnesotaMorris MN OnFmNP211NP212Natural Resources and GenomicsREAPSoilUnited States Environmental Protection Agencybioethanolbulk densitycombustioncorncorn stovercrop rotationearsenergyerosion controlethanol productionfarmingfarmsharvest indexheadleavesmanagement systemsmanual harvestingnatural gasnutrientsoilsparticulate organic matterphosphoruspricesrisksoil organic mattersoil samplingsoybeansstrawvegetation coverwet digestion method
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago