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2015 Count of Traveller Families in all categories of AccommodationSource

Accommodation for Travellers is provided across a range of options including standard local authority housing financed from the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government’s capital allocations for social housing, Traveller-specific accommodation which is also funded by means of 100% capital funding from the Department, private housing assisted by the local authority or approved housing bodies, private rented accommodation and by Travellers’ own resources. Travellers can opt for any of these forms of accommodation; including Traveller-specific accommodation (halting site bays and Traveller group housing) and local authority Traveller Accommodation Programmes are intended to reflect these preferences. The third round of Traveller Accommodation Programmes (TAPs) covered the period 1st January 2009 – 31st December 2013.

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CSV months ago
2015 to 2017 Count of all categories of Traveller Family AccommodationSource

Accommodation for Travellers is provided across a range of options including standard local authority housing financed from the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government’s capital allocations for social housing, Traveller-specific accommodation which is also funded by means of 100% capital funding from the Department, private housing assisted by the local authority or approved housing bodies, private rented accommodation and by Travellers’ own resources. Travellers can opt for any of these forms of accommodation; including Traveller-specific accommodation (halting site bays and Traveller group housing) and local authority Traveller Accommodation Programmes are intended to reflect these preferences.

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CSV months ago
Annual Count of Frost Days - ProjectionsSource

Annual Count of Frost Days (annual number of days where the minimum daily temperature is below 0 °C), projections for a range of future warming levels from UKCP18. Provided on a 12km BNG grid.Frost days have large negative impacts on crops, transportation, and energy demand. While there is a general reduction in frost days across the country, different administrative regions of the UK show a variation in the magnitude of the projected decrease in the numbers of frost days. There is a steady rate of decrease in frost days per year with global mean warming in all UK regions. See also Icing Days, which is a similar metric but measures more severe cold weather impacts.This data contains a field for each warming level. They are named 'Frost Days', the warming level, and 'upper' 'median' or 'lower' as per the description below. E.g. 'Frost Days 2.5 median' is the median value for the 2.5°C projection. Decimal points are included in field aliases but not field names e.g. 'Frost Days 2.5 median' is 'FrostDays_25_median'. Data defaults to displaying 'Frost Days 2.0°C median' values, use 'change style' to display other values.The warming levels used are 1.5°C, 2.0°C, 2.5°C, 3.0°C, 4.0°C, and two baselines are also provided for 1981-2000 (corresponding to 0.51°C warming) and 2000-2017 (corresponding to 0.835°C warming).What is the data?The data is from the UKCP18 regional projections using the RCP8.5 scenario. Rather than giving projections for a specific date under different scenarios, one scenario is used and projections are given at the different warming levels. So this data shows the expected number of Frost Days should these warming levels be reached, at the time that the warming level is reached.For full details, see 'Future Changes to high impact weather in the UK'. HM Hanlon, D Bernie, G Carigi and JA Lowe. Climatic Change, 166, 50 (2021) do the 'median', 'upper', and 'lower' values mean?This scenario is run as 12 separate ensemble members. To select which ensemble members to use, a single value was taken from each ensemble member - the mean of a 21yr period centred on the year the warming level was reached. They were then ranked in order from lowest to highest.The 'lower' fields are the second lowest ranked ensemble member.The 'higher' fields are the second highest ranked ensemble member.The 'median' fields are the median average of all ensemble members.This gives a median average value, and a spread of the ensemble members indicating the level of uncertainty in the projections.This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

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Met OfficeUKUKCPUKCP18airfrostairfrost daysannualclimatecountdaysfrostfrost daysprojectionstemperature
Met Officeover 1 year ago
Annual Count of Icing Days - ProjectionsSource

Annual Count of Icing Days (annual number of days where the maximum daily temperature is below 0°C), projections for a range of future warming levels from UKCP18. Provided on a 12km BNG grid.This metric is similar to frost days, but measures more severe cold weather impacts as it is defined as a day where the maximum daily temperature is below 0°C. In other words, the temperature does not rise above 0°C for the whole day. By definition, the daily minimum will also be below 0°C so all icing days are also counted as frost days. On an icing day, more ice will form, having a greater impact than other frost days. Frost days and Icing Days have large negative impacts on crops, transportation, and energy demand.This data contains a field for each warming level. They are named 'Icing Days', the warming level, and 'upper' 'median' or 'lower' as per the description below. E.g. 'Icing Days 2.5 median' is the median value for the 2.5°C projection. Decimal points are included in field aliases but not field names e.g. 'Icing Days 2.5 median' is 'IcingDays_25_median'. Data defaults to displaying 'Icing Days 2.0°C median' values, use 'change style' to display other values.The warming levels used are 1.5°C, 2.0°C, 2.5°C, 3.0°C, 4.0°C, and two baselines are also provided for 1981-2000 (corresponding to 0.51°C warming) and 2000-2017 (corresponding to 0.835°C warming).What is the data?The data is from the UKCP18 regional projections using the RCP8.5 scenario. Rather than giving projections for a specific date under different scenarios, one scenario is used and projections are given at the different warming levels. So this data shows the expected number of Icing Days should these warming levels be reached, at the time that the warming level is reached.For full details, see 'Future Changes to high impact weather in the UK'. HM Hanlon, D Bernie, G Carigi and JA Lowe. Climatic Change, 166, 50 (2021) do the 'median', 'upper', and 'lower' values mean?This scenario is run as 12 separate ensemble members. To select which ensemble members to use, a single value was taken from each ensemble member - the mean of a 21yr period centred on the year the warming level was reached. They were then ranked in order from lowest to highest.The 'lower' fields are the second lowest ranked ensemble member.The 'higher' fields are the second highest ranked ensemble member.The 'median' fields are the median average of all ensemble members.This gives a median average value, and a spread of the ensemble members indicating the level of uncertainty in the projections.This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

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Met OfficeUKUKCPUKCP18annualclimatecountdaysicingicing daysprojectionstemperature
Met Officeover 1 year ago
Annual Count of Summer Days - ProjectionsSource

Annual Count of Summer Days (annual number of days where the maximum daily temperature is above 25°C), projections for a range of future warming levels from UKCP18. Provided on a 12km BNG grid.Summer days is a measure of the health impact from high temperatures and heatwaves - it is based on temperature thresholds which, when exceeded, can pose risks to human health and wellbeing. Summer Days are shown to increase everywhere throughout the UK. There is a higher frequency in the South of the UK, and this is projected to increase considerably with global warming. Tropical Nights is another metric measuring health impacts of high temperatures.This data contains a field for each warming level. They are named 'Summer Days', the warming level, and 'upper' 'median' or 'lower' as per the description below. E.g. 'Summer Days 2.5 median' is the median value for the 2.5°C projection. Decimal points are included in field aliases but not field names e.g. 'Summer Days 2.5 median' is 'SummerDays_25_median'. Data defaults to displaying 'Summer Days 2.0°C median' values, use 'change style' to display other values.The warming levels used are 1.5°C, 2.0°C, 2.5°C, 3.0°C, 4.0°C, and two baselines are also provided for 1981-2000 (corresponding to 0.51°C warming) and 2000-2017 (corresponding to 0.835°C warming).What is the data?The data is from the UKCP18 regional projections using the RCP8.5 scenario. Rather than giving projections for a specific date under different scenarios, one scenario is used and projections are given at the different warming levels. So this data shows the expected number of Summer Days should these warming levels be reached, at the time that the warming level is reached.For full details, see 'Future Changes to high impact weather in the UK'. HM Hanlon, D Bernie, G Carigi and JA Lowe. Climatic Change, 166, 50 (2021) do the 'median', 'upper', and 'lower' values mean?This scenario is run as 12 separate ensemble members. To select which ensemble members to use, a single value was taken from each ensemble member - the mean of a 21yr period centred on the year the warming level was reached. They were then ranked in order from lowest to highest.The 'lower' fields are the second lowest ranked ensemble member.The 'higher' fields are the second highest ranked ensemble member.The 'median' fields are the median average of all ensemble members.This gives a median average value, and a spread of the ensemble members indicating the level of uncertainty in the projections.This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

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Met OfficeUKUKCPUKCP18annualclimatecountdaysprojectionssummersummer daystemperature
Met Officeover 1 year ago
Annual Count of Traveller Families 2009 to 2012Source

Annual Count of Traveller Families 2009 to 2012

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CSV months ago
Annual Count of Tropical Nights - ProjectionsSource

Annual Count of Tropical Nights (annual number of days where the minimum daily temperature is above 20°C), projections for a range of future warming levels from UKCP18. Provided on a 12km BNG grid.Tropical nights is an index used for measuring how many extremely warm nights occur; it is relevant for human health because in periods of high daytime temperatures, it is important that the body has time to recover from the heat stress of the daytime during the lower temperatures at night. It should be noted that without examples in the present climate, it is not possible to validate this metric as effectively as the other metrics. Summer Days is another metric measuring health impacts of high temperatures.This data contains a field for each warming level. They are named 'Tropical Nights', the warming level, and 'upper' 'median' or 'lower' as per the description below. E.g. 'Tropical Nights 2.5 median' is the median value for the 2.5°C projection. Decimal points are included in field aliases but not field names e.g. 'Tropical Nights 2.5 median' is 'TropicalNights_25_median'. Data defaults to displaying 'Tropical Nights 2.0°C median' values, use 'change style' to display other values.The warming levels used are 1.5°C, 2.0°C, 2.5°C, 3.0°C, 4.0°C, and two baselines are also provided for 1981-2000 (corresponding to 0.51°C warming) and 2000-2017 (corresponding to 0.835°C warming).What is the data?The data is from the UKCP18 regional projections using the RCP8.5 scenario. Rather than giving projections for a specific date under different scenarios, one scenario is used and projections are given at the different warming levels. So this data shows the expected number of Tropical Nights should these warming levels be reached, at the time that the warming level is reached.For full details, see 'Future Changes to high impact weather in the UK'. HM Hanlon, D Bernie, G Carigi and JA Lowe. Climatic Change, 166, 50 (2021) do the 'median', 'upper', and 'lower' values mean?This scenario is run as 12 separate ensemble members. To select which ensemble members to use, a single value was taken from each ensemble member - the mean of a 21yr period centred on the year the warming level was reached. They were then ranked in order from lowest to highest.The 'lower' fields are the second lowest ranked ensemble member.The 'higher' fields are the second highest ranked ensemble member.The 'median' fields are the median average of all ensemble members.This gives a median average value, and a spread of the ensemble members indicating the level of uncertainty in the projections.This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

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Met OfficeUKUKCPUKCP18annualclimatecountdaysnightprojectionstemperaturetropicaltropical nights
Met Officeover 1 year ago
Traffic Count LocationsSource

This dataset contains the location, GPS coordinates and textural description, of all traffic counts conducted by VicRoads over the past 20+ years. VicRoads collects thousands of counts each year across the state. Depending on the type of equipment used, this will determine the accuracy and the type of data collected. eg Data collected at Traffic Lights (SCATS) does not classify the data into cars and truck. Turning Movement data does not have a traffic speed component etc. Data is not collected at every location every year. Some Traffic flow movements (TFMs) have also been used for adhoc counts. A strategic counting program has been developed to ensure an even coverage of data is available both temporally and spatially based on value to the state.About this dataset...

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BluetoothOperationTrafficTraffic Open Datacount
Victoria Department of Transport and Planning (DTP)2 months ago