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Hazardous Fuel Treatment Reduction: Line (Feature Layer)Source

The Forest Service's Natural Resource Manager (NRM) Forest Activity Tracking System (FACTS) is the agency standard for managing information about activities related to fire/fuels, silviculture, and invasive species. FACTS is an activity tracking application for all levels of the Forest Service. The application allows tracking and monitoring of NEPA decisions as well as the ability to create and manage KV trust fund plans at the timber sale level. This application complements its companion NRM applications, which cover the spectrum of living and non-living natural resource information. This layer represents activities of hazardous fuel treatment reduction that are polygons. All accomplishments toward the unified hazardous fuels reduction target must meet the following definition: Vegetative manipulation designed to create and maintain resilient and sustainable landscapes, including burning, mechanical treatments, and/or other methods that reduce the quantity or change the arrangement of living or dead fuel so that the intensity, severity, or effects of wildland fire are reduced within acceptable ecological parameters and consistent with land management plan objectives, or activities that maintain desired fuel conditions. These conditions should be measurable or predictable using fire behavior prediction models or fire effects models. Metadata

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Forest ManagementOpen DataUS Forest Serviceactivitiesactivityfactsfirefuelshazardous fuelstreatment
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Hazardous Fuel Treatment Reduction: Polygon (Feature Layer)Source

Note: This is a large dataset. To download, go to ArcGIS Open Data Set and click the download button, and under additional resources select the shapefile or geodatabase option. The Forest Service's Natural Resource Manager (NRM) Forest Activity Tracking System (FACTS) is the agency standard for managing information about activities related to fire/fuels, silviculture, and invasive species. FACTS is an activity tracking application for all levels of the Forest Service. The application allows tracking and monitoring of NEPA decisions as well as the ability to create and manage KV trust fund plans at the timber sale level. This application complements its companion NRM applications, which cover the spectrum of living and non-living natural resource information. This layer represents activities of hazardous fuel treatment reduction that are polygons. All accomplishments toward the unified hazardous fuels reduction target must meet the following definition: Vegetative manipulation designed to create and maintain resilient and sustainable landscapes, including burning, mechanical treatments, and/or other methods that reduce the quantity or change the arrangement of living or dead fuel so that the intensity, severity, or effects of wildland fire are reduced within acceptable ecological parameters and consistent with land management plan objectives, or activities that maintain desired fuel conditions. These conditions should be measurable or predictable using fire behavior prediction models or fire effects models. Go to this url for full metadata description:

No licence known
Forest ManagementOpen DataUS Forest Serviceactivitiesactivityfactsfirefuelshazardous fuelstreatment
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
State Fact Sheets

State fact sheets provide information on population, income, education, employment, federal funds, organic agriculture, farm characteristics, farm financial indicators, top commodities, and exports, for each State in the United States. Links to county-level data are included when available.

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Census of AgricultureU S State FactUS Department of Agricultureacresagricultural exportsagricultural salesagricultural sector outputanimal outputaverage age of farmerscapital consumptioncertified organic farmschangeconservation and wetland reserve programcroplanddebtearnings per jobemploymentemployment changefact sheetfactsfamily farmsfamily held corporationsfarm assetsfarm income and balance sheetfarm organizationfarm receiptsfarm related jobsfarm sizefarmlandfarms by salesfinal crop outputfinancial indicatorsincomeland areametrononmetronumber of farmsorganicpasturelandper-capita incomepopulationpoverty raterank among statesruralsole proprietorshipstatestate factstenure of farmer agricultural commoditiestop countiestotaltotal number of jobstradeunemploymentunemployment rateurbanwoodland
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago