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AAPG Datapages: Giant Oil and Gas Fields of the World

From the site: "AAPG Datapages and the AAPG GIS Publications Committee wish to thank Dr. M. K. (Mike) Horn for allowing his Giant Oil and Gas Fields of the World GIS project to be posted on Datapages' GIS Open Files page, thereby making it available to the public as a free download. This compilation shows key information about most of the largest known hydrocarbon accumulations in the world. Specific data include discovery year, hydrocarbon volumes, trap type, geologic age, reservoir lithology, and classification into global basin and geologic province domains. Also included is an extensive reference listing. This dataset complements several AAPG memoirs and series publications that address giant oil and gas fields. Please note: This project is available in three formats: Shapefile, Geodatabase, and ArcReader."

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Natural GasOilResourceaapgdatadownloadfieldgasgishydrocarbonmapoilworld
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
AAPG Datapages: Sedimentary Basins of the World Map

From the site: "AAPG Datapages and the GIS Publications Committee wish to thank Robertson (a CGG Company) for allowing the Robertson Tellus Sedimentary Basins of the World Map to be posted on Datapages' GIS Open Files page, thereby making it available to the public as a free download. We believe that this map has merit and will be an excellent resource for geologists to have a better understanding of global sedimentology and tectonics."

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GeologyOilResourceSedimentary Basinsaapgdatadownloadgishydrocarbonmap
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
CSIRO Dataset for the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

In response to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, scientists from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) conducted on-site monitoring of dispersed oil at the request of BP. This dataset contains structured content and unstructured content. The structured content is the CSIRO shipboard measurements including CTD vertical profiles, towed fluorometry, onboard hydrocarbon sensors and GCMS data. Unstructured content is associated with shipboard measurements, including photos, raw data files/casts, cast profiles, sonar contacts, daily reports and cruise summaries. Included in this data product are CSIRO documentation with detailed information in a database data dictionary and manifest.

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CSIRODWHDeepwater HorizonGeologyMarinehydrocarbonsonarstructured dataunstructured data
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago

Online web mapping tool for visualization and simple analysis of Earth-energy data files from public and DOE related sources. Geocube allows users to upload and visualize their own datasets but also comes preloaded with individual spatial datasets as well as spatial data collections that align to topical themes.

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EarthGIScarbon storageconsumptioncustomizedownloadenergyenvironmentalfaultgasgeodatabasegeographichydrocarboninfrastructureoffshoreoilonshorepermeabilitypipelineporositypressureproductionreservoirsequestrationshapefilesubsurfacesurfacetemperaturethicknesstransmissionunconventionalvisualizationwell
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Integration of Spatial Data for Deep & Ultra-deepwater Hydrocarbon Activities in Gulf of Mexico


No licence known
GeologyMarineModelingWell Datadeepgulf of mexicohydrocarbonimpact assessmentsriskspatialulra-deepwater
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
NMR Logs

Processed nuclear magnetic resonance logs with reservoir fluid and rock porosity data.

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Dover 33Lawnichak 9-33MRCSPNMRhydrocarbonnuclear magnetic resonanceporositysaturationviscosity
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Ohio DNR Digital Data File Series

Facts and data about Ohio hydrocarbon wells. Includes: -(From the site:) "Location and formation top information for 749 wells in northwestern Ohio used in preparation of Report of Investigations No. 143: Stratigraphy, structure, and production history of the Trenton Limestone (Ordovician) and adjacent strata in northwestern Ohio" -"Well information and records from the Risk-Based Data Management System (RBDMS), created and maintained by the ODNR Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management. DDF2 contains all recorded Knox or deeper wells in the eastern half of the state plus all of the wells contained in RBDMS for the western half of the state (5,381 as of July 2009)." -Ohio oil and gas pools/fields; Stratigraphic units codes; County names and API codes; Unique township names in Ohio; and USGS 7.5-minute quadrangles in Ohio. Plus downloadable data available for purchase.

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GeologyNatural GasOilResourceStratigraphyWell Datadatadownloadgasgishydrocarbonmapnatural resourcesohiooilstratigraphywell
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Pennsylvania Spatial Data: Conservation Wells

From the site: "The conservation well layer identifies the permitted surface location of oil and gas conservation wells that have not been plugged. These include active, regulatory inactive, orphaned, and abandoned wells. A conservation well is any well which penetrates the Onondaga horizon, or in those areas in which the Onondaga horizon is nearer to the surface than thirty-eight hundred feet, any well which exceeds a depth of thirty-eight hundred feet beneath the surface."

No licence known
Natural GasOilPASDAPennsylvaniaResourceconservation wellsdatadownloadgishydrocarbonwells
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
USGS Digital Data Series: All States

From the site: "A cells polygon feature class was created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to illustrate the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in the United States. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or the type of production of the wells located within the cell is unknown or dry. The well information was initially retrieved from IHS Inc.'s PI/Dwights PLUS Well Data on CD-ROM, which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary well data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data are current through 10/1/2005."

No licence known
Natural GasOilResourceWell Datadatadigital data downloadsexplorationgasgishydrocarbonoilproductionunited statesusgswell
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
USGS Digital Data Series: Illinois

From the site: "A cells polygon feature class was created by the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) to illustrate the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in the State of Illinois. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or the type of production of the wells located within the cell is unknown or dry. Data were retrieved from the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) oil and gas wells database. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary well data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data are current as of 2006."

No licence known
Natural GasOilResourcedatadigital data downloadsexplorationgasgishydrocarbonillinoisoilproductionusgs
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
USGS Digital Data Series: Indiana

From the site: "A cells polygon feature class was created by the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) to illustrate the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in the State of Indiana. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or the type of production of the wells located within the cell is unknown or dry. The well information was acquired from the Indiana Geological Survey, Petroleum Database Management System (PDMS). Using the table viewer at, oil and gas well events and locations tables were downloaded for the entire state of Indiana. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary well data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data are current as of 2006."

No licence known
IndianaNatural GasOilResourceWell Datadatadigital data downloadsexplorationgasgishydrocarbonoilproductionusgswell
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
USGS Digital Data Series: Kentucky

From the site: "A cells polygon feature class was created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to illustrate the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in the State of Kentucky. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or the type of production of the wells located within the cell is unknown or dry. Data were retrieved from the Kentucky Oil and Gas Well Records database and saved as a shapefile of oil and gas well locations for Kentucky. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary well data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data are current as of 2005."

No licence known
Natural GasOilResourceWell Datadatadigital data downloadsexplorationgasgishydrocarbonkentuckyoilproductionusgswell
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
USGS Digital Data Series: Ohio

From the site: "A cells polygon feature class was created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to illustrate the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in the State of Ohio. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or the type of production of the wells located within the cell is unknown or dry. The well information was acquired from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey in a Geographic Information System (GIS) data layer that contains all of the locatable oil and gas wells in Ohio. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary well data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data are current as of 2004."

No licence known
Natural GasOilResourceWell Datadatadigital data downloadsexplorationgasgishydrocarbonohiooilproductionusgswell
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
USGS Digital Data Series: Pennsylvania

From the site: "A cells polygon feature class was created by the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) to illustrate the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in the State of Pennsylvania. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or the type of production of the wells located within the cell is unknown or dry. Data were retrieved from the Pennsylvania Internet Record Imaging System (PA*IRIS). Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary well data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data are current as of 2006."

No licence known
Natural GasOilPennsylvaniaResourcedatadigital data downloadsexplorationgasgishydrocarbonoilproductionusgs
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago

Ultra-Deepwater (UDW) energy resources research through NETL’s Office of Research & Development (ORD) is focused on developing a scientific base for predicting and quantifying potential risks associated with exploration and production in extreme offshore environments. The overarching goal of all projects in the UDW portfolio is to prevent and improve response efforts related to offshore hydrocarbon spills.

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Energy InfrastructureGasNETLOilOil and GasTypesUDWUltra-DeepwaterWell DataWellshydrocarbonoffshoreportfoliosrisksspill
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago