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Argonne Geothermal Geochemical Database v2.0Source

A database of geochemical data from potential geothermal sources aggregated from multiple sources as of March 2010. The database contains fields for the location, depth, temperature, pH, total dissolved solids concentration, chemical composition, and date of sampling. A separate tab contains data on non-condensible gas compositions. The database contains records for over 50,000 wells, although many entries are incomplete. Current versions of source documentation are listed in the dataset.

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compositiongeochemicalgeochemistrygeothermallithiumncgnoncondensible gaspHtdswells
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Lithium Sorption from Simulated Geothermal Brine: Impact of pH, Temperature, and Brine ChemistrySource

Lithium sorption information from experiments. Data includes the effects of pH, temperature and brine chemistry on the sorption of Lithium from a simulated geothermal brine. The sorbent used in the experiments is "hydrothermally produced, Spinel-LiMn2O4". The sorbent was produced by Carus Corporation.

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LiLithium removalLithium sorptionbrinebrine chemistry effectgeothermallithiummineral recoverypH effectsimulated brinesimulated geothermal brinetemperature effectuptake
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Lithium Uptake Data of Lithium Imprinted PolymersSource

Batch tests of lithium imprinted polymers of variable composition to assess their ability to extract lithium from synthetic brines at T = 45 degC. Initial selectivity data are included

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Content ModelNGDSUSGINbrinesgeothermalgeothermal mineral recoverylithiumlithium polymer sorbentslithium removal efficiencysorbent
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Lithium and Manganese Uptake Data from Initial Set of Imprinted PolymersSource

Batch tests of cross-linked lithium and manganese imprinted polymers of variable composition to assess their ability to extract lithium and manganese from synthetic brines at T=45 deg C .

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ICP-OESNGDS Content ModelUSGIN Content Modeladsorptionbrinebrine studycontent modelextractiongeothermalimprinted polymerlithiumlithium uptakemanganesemanganese uptakepolymersynthetic brines
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Nanofiltration Results: Membrane Removal of Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Silica, Lithium, Chlorine, and Sulfate from Simulated Geothermal BrinesSource

Results from a nanofiltration study utilizing simulated geothermal brines. The data includes a PDF documenting the process used to remove Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Silica, Lithium, Chlorine, and Sulfate from simulated geothermal brines. Three different membranes were evaluated. The results were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).

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calciumcalcium removalchlorinechlorine removallithiumlithium removalmagnesiummagnesium removalmembrane nanofiltrationmineral recoverynanofiltrationsilicasilica removalsimluated geothermal brinesodiumsodium removalsulfatesulfate removal
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
New Mexico Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis from LANLSource

This submission contains geospatial (GIS) data on water table gradient and depth, subcrop gravity and magnetic, propsectivity, heat flow, physiographic, boron and BHT for the Southwest New Mexico Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis by LANL Earth & Environmental Sciences. GIS data is in ArcGIS map package format.

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contours30CArcGISBouguer gravityDEMGISLANLNew MexicoPFAPrecambrianSouthwestanalysisavailabilitybasementboronbottomconcentrationcontourscrystallinedatadensitydepthdischargedischarge zoneelevationelevationsfairwaygeographygeologygeomorphologygeospatial datageothermalgeothermometergradientgroundwaterheat flowheat generationhydrogeologic windowslithiumlocationmagneticmagneticsmap packagempkphysiographyplayprospectivityrangessilicastructuresubcroptemperaturetopographywaterwater tablewellwell locationswells
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
New Mexico Play Fairway Analysis: Conservative Ion Water Chemistry Data and Chalcedony GeothermometrySource

Compilation of boron, lithium, bromine, and silica data from wells and springs throughout New Mexico from a wide variety of sources. The chalcedony geothermometry calculation is included in this file.

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NMNew MexicoPFAaqueous chemistryboronbrominechalcedony geothermometrycharacterizationchemistryconservative ionconservative ionsexplorationgeothermalgeothermometrylithiumplay fairway analysissilicatemperaturewaterwater chemistry
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Salton Sea Geothermal Development - Nontechnical Barriers to Entry - Analysis and PerspectivesSource

The report included in this submission details the nontechnical barriers to entry for development of geothermal resources in the Salton Sea. The Salton Sea provides an economically viable opportunity for replacing the energy imported by California which makes up 25 percent of Californias total electricity supply. However, geothermal energy in the Salton Sea has been largely undeveloped since the 1980s. This report preforms a techno-economic analysis of Geothermal Energy in the Salton Sea and develops a model to quantify the nontechnical challenges and opportunities associated with new geothermal development in the Salton Sea. Geothermal energy offers an opportunity to generate baseload, renewable energy that can help support the transition to an energy economy with reduced impacts on climate change and replace older, more expensive, nonrenewable, and more resource-impacting energy-generation facilities. The United States has the largest known geothermal resource in the world, with over 31 GW of conventional geothermal potential. However, due to market conditions, an inability to properly quantify both electrical grid benefits and resource stability, and the difficulty of exploring and developing the geothermal resource, few new geothermal projects have come online over the past three decades. The Salton Sea, in Imperial County, California, provides a prime location and opportunity to develop new geothermal resources. The Salton Sea contains a robust, well-mapped, geothermal resource, with opportunities for concurrent development of lithium and other mineral resources. This report describes the history of geothermal development at the Salton Sea and compares geothermal to other renewable energy sources in the area. The report then uses a techno-economic analysis (TEA) model to analyze the relative benefits and costs of various challenges and opportunities and provides recommendations for streamlining geothermal development at the Salton Sea and elsewhere. The challenges and opportunities analyzed in the TEA model were informed by stakeholder interviews and literature reviews. Based upon the identified challenges and opportunities and the results of the TEA model, primary findings are that certain nontechnical barriers such as permitting costs play only a minor role in determining the viability of development of the geothermal resource at the Salton Sea. Other barriers such as permitting timelines, government/agency coordination, and the potential co-location of lithium extraction with a geothermal plant may result in much larger impacts on project viability.

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CaliforniaMAGETEAanalysisbarriersdevelopmentenergyfeasibilitygeothermallithiumlithium extractionmodelnontechnicalreportresourceresource developmentresource potentialsalton seatechno economictechno-economictechnoeconomictechnoeconomic analysis
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Silica Precipitation and Lithium SorptionSource

This file contains silica precipitation and lithium sorption data from the project. The silica removal data is corrected from the previous submission. The previous submission did not take into account the limit of detection of the ICP-MS procedure.

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National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago