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2014 Naive Broiler CAFO Study for Agricultural Antibiotic Resistance in Mississippi State, Mississippi

2014 Naive Broiler CAFO Study for Agricultural Antibiotic Resistance in Mississippi State, Mississippi Conventional commercial broiler production involves the rearing of more than 20,000 broilers in a single confined space, atop bedding material such as pine shavings or rice hulls, for approximately 6.5 weeks. This environment is known for harboring pathogens and antibiotic resistant bacteria, but studies have focused on previously established houses. A concerted effort by the broiler industry has involved the scaling back of antibiotic use on-farm, but this has only been a recent occurrence. In the current study, a set of three naïve houses were followed from inception through 11 broiler flocks and monitored for ambient climatic conditions, bacterial pathogens, and antibiotic resistance. Within the first 3 weeks of the first flock cycle, 100% of litter samples were positive for Salmonella and Listeria while Campylobacter was culture negative. In all likelihood, given that pre flock bedding and soil levels were negative for pathogens and 4-5 orders of magnitude lower for other indicators, chicks most likely provided the colonizing bacteria. The influence of intra-house location was minor with only watering lines and side walls influencing some pathogen and indicator levels. Most bacterial groups experienced the typical cyclical pattern of litter contamination seen in other studies. This study represents a first of its kind view into the time required for bacterial pathogens and antibiotic resistance to colonize and establish in naïve broiler houses.

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Antibiotic Resistance GenesEnvironmentNP211NP212antibiotic resistancebroiler poultryfarminglitterpoultrytetracycline
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
2017 Litter Pollution Monitoring System Results DCCSource

This report sets out the results of the National Litter Pollution Monitoring System (System Results) for Dublin City Council. These results are compared to national results and aggregate results for all Dublin councils. Data presented in this report are based on Litter Quantification and Litter Pollution Surveys carried out by local authorities in 2017. These surveys measure the composition and extent/severity of litter pollution respectively. Chapter 2 analyses the results of Litter Quantification Surveys carried out by Dublin City Council. These surveys indicate the main constituent elements of litter pollution in Dublin City. Chapter 3 presents the results of Litter Pollution Surveys, which indicate the severity and causes of litter pollution.

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PDF months ago
Log of Litter fines issued 2003-2012 DCCSource

Logging of litter fines This dataset contains a log of the litter fines issued in Dublin City from 2003 to 2012, the location and date of offence and the relevant section of the Bye-Law for the Prevention and Control of Litter

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Environment and Energyenvironmentlitterlitter-fineswaste-management
DOCXLSCSV months ago
Rangeland Analysis Platform: Monitor rangelands across the USA

The Rangeland Analysis Platform ( is a free online application that provides simple and fast access to geospatial vegetation data for U.S. rangelands. The tool was developed to provide landowners, resource managers, conservationists, and scientists access to data that can inform land management planning, decision making, and the evaluation of outcomes. The Rangeland Analysis Platform (RAP) uses innovative cloud computing technology to provide maps and analysis opportunities straight to your desktop, delivered securely and instantaneously. The maps and data provided by RAP are intended to be used alongside local knowledge and site-specific data to inform management actions that improve rangelands and wildlife habitat. Biomass The Rangeland Analysis Platform’s vegetation biomass product provides annual and 16-day aboveground biomass from 1986 to present of: annual forbs and grasses, perennial forbs and grasses, and herbaceous (combination of annual and perennial forbs and grasses). Estimates represent accumulated new biomass throughout the year or 16-day period and do not include biomass accumulation in previous years. Aboveground biomass was calculated by separating net primary production (paritioned by functional group) to aboveground and converting carbon to biomass (Jones et al. 2021, Robinson et al. 2019). Estimates are provided in United States customary units (lbs/acre) to facilitate use. Although these data were produced across a broad region, they are primarily intended for rangeland ecosystems. Biomass estimates may not be suitable in other ecosystems, e.g., forests., and are not to be used in agricultural lands, i.e., croplands. Cover The Rangeland Analysis Platform’s vegetation cover product provides annual percent cover estimates from 1986 to present of: annual forbs and grasses, perennial forbs and grasses, shrubs, trees, and bare ground. The estimates were produced by combining 75,000 field plots collected by BLM, NPS, and NRCS with the historical Landsat satellite record. Utilizing the power of cloud computing, cover estimates are predicted across the United States at 30m resolution, an area slightly larger than a baseball diamond. Partitioned NPP The Rangeland Analysis Platform provides net primary productivity (NPP) estimates from 1986 to present. Estimates are partitioned into the following functional groups: annual forb and grass, perennial forb and grass, shrub, and tree. NPP is the net increase (i.e., photosynthesis minus respiration) in total plant carbon, including above and below ground. NPP data download Partitioned NPP is available as GeoTIFFs from and in Google Earth Engine (ImageCollection ‘projects/rap-data-365417/assets/npp-partitioned-v3’).

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AgricultureBiotaEnvironmentNP216VegetationWeb Mapbiomasscarboncovergeographic information systemlandsatlandscape analysislitter
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago