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A Thermal-Hydrological-Chemical Model for the EGS Demonstration Project at Newberry Volcano, ORSource

Newberry Volcano in Central Oregon is the site of a Department of Energy funded Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) Demonstration Project. Stimulation and production of an EGS is a strong perturbation to the physical and chemical environment, giving rise to coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) processes leading to permeability changes as a result of mineral dissolution and precipitation, rock deformation, and fracture reactivation. To evaluate these processes, and to help guide EGS stimulation and reservoir development strategies, a combined native-state and reservoir model of the west flank of Newberry Volcano was created that encompasses the planned stimulation zone and a several km region of the west flank from the surface down to the supercritical region, likely close to a postulated cooling intrusive body. Temperature and pressure distributions were first modeled using TOUGHREACT with boundary conditions estimated from nearby drill holes, and compared to measurements made in the over 3 km deep NWG 55-29 drill hole. With estimates of the porosity and heat capacities for the major hydrogeologic units, thermal conductivities were calibrated by matching to the measured temperature profile. To simulate the development of the observed hydrothermal mineralogy, a reaction-transport model (THC) was developed using the pre-alteration mineralogy and shallow groundwater chemistry as the initial geochemical conditions, assuming that modeled temperature and pressure distributions were relatively constant over several thousand years. Close correspondence of modeled and observed epidote distributions support the observation that past hydrothermal activity took place under thermal gradients similar to current values, whereas calcite and sulfide abundances at depth likely require a magmatic gas component. Multicomponent geothermometry was used to estimate potential temperatures of equilibration of waters, and to evaluate the effects of kinetics on calculated mineral equilibration temperatures. The ultimate goal will be to capture both the local chemical and mechanical changes in the rock owing to stimulation as well as the potential long-term response and sustainability of the larger-scale geothermal reservoir.

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EGSNEWGENNewberryOregonchemicalcross-sectionsdemonstrationenhanced geothermal systemgeothermalhydrologicalhydrologyinjectionmechanicalmodelstimulationthermal
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Geocellular Model of Mt. Simon Sandstone for University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DDU feasibility studySource

The geocellular model of the Mt. Simon Sandstone was constructed for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DDU feasibility study. Starting with the initial area of review (18.0 km by 18.1 km [11.2 miles by 11.3 miles]) the boundaries of the model were trimmed down to 9.7 km by 9.7 km (6 miles by 6 miles) to ensure that the model enclosed a large enough volume so that the cones of depression of both the production and injection wells would not interact with each other, while at the same time minimizing the number of cells to model to reduce computational time. The grid-cell size was set to 61.0 m by 61.0 m (200 feet by 200 feet) for 160 nodes in the X and Y directions. Within the model, 67 layers are represented that are parameterized with their sediment/rock properties and petrophysical data. The top surface of the Mt. Simon Sandstone was provided by geologists working on the project, and the average thickness of the formation was taken from the geologic prospectus they provided. An average thickness of 762 m (2500 feet) was used for the Mt. Simon Sandstone, resulting in 60 layers for the model. Petrophysical data was taken from available rotary sidewall core data (Morrow et al., 2017). As geothermal properties (thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity) are closely related to mineralogy, specifically the percentage of quartz, available mineralogical data was assembled and used with published data of geothermal values to determine these properties (Waples and Waples, 2004; Robertson, 1988). The Mt. Simon Sandstone was divided into three separate units (lower, middle, upper) according to similar geothermal and petrophysical properties, and distributed according to available geophysical log data and prevailing interpretations of the depositional/diagenetic history (Freiburg et al. 2016). Petrophysical and geothermal properties were distributed through geostatistical means according to the associated distributions for each lithofacies. The formation temperature was calculated, based on data from continuous temperature geophysical log from a deep well drilled into the Precambrian basement at the nearby Illinois Basin Decatur Project (IBDP) where CO2 is currently being sequestered (Schlumberger, 2012). Salinity values used in the model were taken from regional studies of brine chemistry in the Mt. Simon Sandstone, including for the IBDP (e.g., Panno et al. 2018). After being reviewed by the project's geologists, the model was then passed onto the geological engineers to begin simulations of the geothermal reservoir and wellbores.

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3-D3DDDUDeep Direct-UseIllinoisIllinois BasinMt. Simon SandstoneSt. PeterUniversity of Illinois at Urbana Champaigncharacterizationdensitydepthenergyfeasibilitygeocellular modelinggeologicgeologygeothermalheat capacityhydrologicmechanicalmodelpermeabilitypetrophisicalporositypropertiesreservoirstructuralthermalthermal conductivitythickness
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Geocellular model of St. Peter Sandstone for University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DDU Feasibility StudySource

The geocellular model of the St. Peter Sandstone was constructed for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DDU feasibility study. Starting with the initial area of review (18.0 km by 18.1 km [11.2 miles by 11.3 miles]) the boundaries of the model were trimmed down to 9.7 km by 9.7 km (6 miles by 6 miles) to ensure that the model enclosed a large enough volume so that the cones of depression of both the production and injection wells would not interact with each other, while at the same time minimizing the number of cells to model to reduce computational time. The grid-cell size was set to 61.0 m by 61.0 m (200 feet by 200 feet) for 160 nodes in the X and Y directions. The top surface of the St. Peter Sandstone was provided by geologists working on the project, and the average thickness of the formation was taken from the geologic prospectus they provided. An average thickness of 68.6 m (225 feet) was used for the St. Peter Sandstone, resulting in 45 layers for the model. Petrophysical data was taken from available rotary sidewall core data (Morrow et al., 2017). As geothermal properties (thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity) are closely related to mineralogy, specifically the percentage of quartz, available mineralogical data was assembled and used with published data of geothermal values to determine these properties (Waples and Waples, 2004; Robertson, 1988). The St. Peter Sandstone was divided into facies according to similar geothermal and petrophysical properties, and distributed according to available geophysical log data and prevailing interpretations of the depositional/diagenetic history (Will et al. 2014). Petrophysical and geothermal properties were distributed through geostatistical means according to the associated distributions for each lithofacies. The formation temperature was calculated, based on data from continuous temperature geophysical log from a deep well drilled into the Precambrian basement at the nearby Illinois Basin Decatur Project (IBDP) where CO2 is currently being sequestered (Schlumberger, 2012). Salinity values used in the model were taken from regional studies of brine chemistry in the St. Peter Sandstone, including for the IBDP (e.g., Panno et al. 2018). After being reviewed by the project's geologists, the model was then passed onto the geological engineers to begin simulations of the geothermal reservoir and wellbores.

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3-D3DDDUDeep Direct-UseIllinoisIllinois BasinMt SimonSt. Peter SandstoneUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigncharacterizationdensitydepthenergyfeasibilitygeocellular modelinggeologicgeologygeothermalheat capacityhydrologicmechanicalmodelpermeabilitypetrophysicalporositypropertiesreservoirspecific heat capacitystructuralthermalthermal conductivitythickness
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Magnetotelluric Data Collected in 2016 over the San Emidio Geothermal Field in NevadaSource

This data set includes the magnetotelluric (MT) data collected from October 21 to November 9, 2016 over the San Emidio geothermal field in Nevada by Quantec Geoscience USA Inc. on behalf of US Geothermal Inc. as part of a project entitled "A Novel Approach to Map Permeability Using Passive Seismic Emission Tomography". This data set includes descriptions of the instrumentation, data acquisition and processing procedures, as well as the final processed data and digital archive formats. A total of 81 MT locations were surveyed (52 profile sites, and 29 MT sites). Data were processed and inspected for quality assurance on site, and reviewed daily by the geophysicist in charge of the project.

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GeophysicsPacific DC IntertieProcessed dataWHOLESCALEenergygeothermalgravityholehydrologicintegrated geologic modelmagnetotelluricsmechanicalmodelingobservationpassive micro-seismicphysicsspatialstresssystemtemporalthermalwater
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Mechanically Operated, Surface-Controlled Deviation Device for Directional Drilling

A Study to Determine Feasibility of Developing a Mechanically Operated, Surface-Controlled Deviation Device for Directional Drilling, Final Report; July 1982

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Passive Seismic Emission Tomography Results at San Emidio NevadaSource

The utility of passive seismic emission tomography for mapping geothermal permeability has been tested at San Emidio in Nevada. The San Emidio study area overlaps a geothermal field in production since 1987 and another resource to the south of the production field. Passive seismic data collections were completed at San Emidio in late 2016 by Microseismic Inc as part of a DOE project. The PSET results are being analyzed as part of the WHOLESCALE project. This submission includes P-wave velocity model data, and the passive seismic data with more information on each bellow.

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P-Wave Velocity ModelP-wavePSETSan EmidioWHOLESCALEcharacteriztionenergyexcelgeophysicsgeospatial datageothermalholehydrologichydrothermalmechanicalmodelingobservationpassive seismicphysicsprocessed dataseismicspatialstresssystemtemporalthermalvelocitywater
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Seismic Survey 2016 Data at San Emidio NevadaSource

In December 2016, 1301 vertical-component seismic instruments were deployed at the San Emidio Geothermal field in Nevada. The first record starts at 2016-12-05T02:00:00.000000Z (UTC) and the last record ends at 2016-12-11T14:00:59.998000Z (UTC). Data are stored in individual files in one-minute increments in SEGD and MSEED formats. See the metadata in GDR submission (linked below as "Seismic Survey 2016 Metadata at San Emidio Nevada") for details about the seismic station locations, seismic data logger specifications, instrumentation specifications, descriptions of data, a fracture finding summary, and the final report for the 2016 seismic survey done in San Emidio, Nevada.

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NevadaSEGDSan EmidioWHOLESCALEcharacterizationdataenergygeophysicsgeothermalholehydrologichydrothermalmechanicalmetadataminiseedmodelingmseedobservationphysicsseismicseismicityspatialstresssurveysystemtemporalthermalwater
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Seismic Survey 2016 Metadata at San Emidio, NevadaSource

1301 Vertical Component seismic instruments were deployed at San Emidio Geothermal field in Nevada in December 2016. The first record starts at 2016-12-05T02:00:00.000000Z (UTC) and the last record ends at 2016-12-11T14:00:59.998000Z (UTC). Data are stored in individual files in one-minute increments. Data includes seismic station locations, seismic data logger specifications, instrumentation specifications, descriptions of data, a fracture finding summary and the final report for the 2016 WHOLESCALE seismic survey done in San Emidio, Nevada.

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NevadaWHOLESCALEdataenergygeothermalholehydrologicintrumentationmechanicalmetadatamodelingobservationphysicsreportseismicseismicityspatialspecspecificationsspecsstresssurveysystemtechnical specificationtemporalthermalwater
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
WHOLESCALE Catalog of Rock Samples at San Emidio Nevada collected in January 2021Source

This submission contains information on thirty-six rock samples collected from San Emidio, Nevada during January, 2021 for Subtask 2.3 of the WHOLESCALE project. The following resources include a .zip of rock sample photos taken in the field, a .zip of rock sample photos taken in the laboratory at UW-Madison, and an excel catalog of rock samples with information on sample name, rock type, coordinates of sample location, structural measurements, field notes, observations for plug preparation (e.g., weathering, ability to be cut and cored), and rock descriptions. It should be noted that not every sample was photographed in the field. Names and descriptions of rock formation units are taken from Rhodes et al. (2011). The README.txt file is a description of this submission.

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NevadaSan EmidioWHOLESCALEcore samplesenergyfieldgeologygeothermalholehydrologicimagesmechanicalmodelingobservationphotosphysicsrock samplerock samplessamplesamplesspatialstresssystemtemporalthermalwater
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago