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ARS Collection of Entomopathogenic Fungal Cultures (ARSEF)

NOTE: Due to security issues, the ARSEF database search function is not currently available and we are transitioning to a site on the ARS-AZURE cloud. Please contact the curator ( if you need information about specific groups or a custom search of the database that can be sent via e-mail. Printed PDF catalogues of all isolates and other information about the collection are available on the ARSEF website at The Agricultural Research Service Collection of Entomopathogenic Fungal Cultures is the world's largest, most kaleidoscopic, and most comprehensive collection of living cultures of fungi that are pathogenic to or associated with insects, spiders, mites, ticks, and other invertebrates. Some isolates in the collection are not themselves invertebrate pathogens but are critically important for the improvements of taxonomies and systematics for the many diverse groups of fungi represented here. As of July 2016, ARSEF maintains more than 13000 isolates of more than 700 taxa of fungi isolated from 1300 hosts collected at more than 2400 locations on every continent. The database is searchable by Fungi, Hosts, Locations, Provenance, or Accessions. Results are provided in PDF format. Catalog files are in the Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format and are readable with the Adobe Acrobat Reader. All catalogs and live searches of isolate data incorporate the most current supportable taxonomies for ARSEF fungi. Significant changes in the nomenclatural rules for many fungi have a large and ongoing impact on the entomopathogens in the order Hypocreales. These changes are discussed the introductory material in the catalogs. If you are unsure about the most current identifications for isolates, online searches of ARSEF accessions return taxonomic information in the collection database at the moment of the search.

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Entomopathogenic FungiInsectsInvertebratesculturesfungimitesorganismsspiderstaxonomyticks
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United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Data from: A systematic review of the behavioral responses by stored-product arthropods to individual or blends of microbially-produced volatile cues

A systematic search of the literature using Google Scholar, ( and Web of Science was used to identify studies that examined the effects of individual compounds or mixtures of MVOCs on the behavioral responses of stored-product arthropods. Stored-product arthropods were defined as those insects and arachnids attacking stored, durable commodities in the post-harvest supply chain at any of the successive links, including storage, transportation, processing, and marketing. Where applicable, we parsed studies into component experiments where behavioral responses or other factors such as type of assays or measured variables may have differed (e.g. dosage, compound, etc.). We classified each test as resulting in statistically significant attraction (+), repellence (−), or neither (○) compared to a negative or positive control. We excluded any studies lacking appropriate negative or positive controls, lacking replication, or lacking sufficient details on the identity of tested substrates to enable appropriate interpretation. Terms used to search databases included the following singly and/or in combination: “fungal”, “volatiles”, “stored products”, “insect behavior”, “insect-microbe”, “interactions”, “semiochemicals”, “mycotoxin”, “behavioral response”, “attraction”, and “postharvest”, and combinations thereof. In addition, we kept track of methodology used for tests, response variables, target insect, insect stage, and microbial taxon. We split our analysis up between tests with complex (but usually uncharacterized) blends of MVOCs, and those with known individual or known component mixtures of MVOCs.

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MVOCsNP304Weevilsarthropodsattraction behaviorbehavioral ecologyinfochemicalslesser grain borermicrobial cuesmitesred flour beetlesemiochemicalsstored product pestsstored productswheat
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
De novo transcriptome assembly and annotations for wheat curl mite (Aceria tosichella)

To study the impact of wheat streak mosaic virus on global gene expression in wheat curl mite, we generated a de novo transcriptome assembly using 50 x 50 paired end reads from the Illumina HiSeq 2500. Reads were assembled using Trinity (version 2.0.6) and contigs greater than 200 nt were retained. All assembled transcripts were annotated using the Trinotate pipeline using blastp searches against the Swiss-prot/Uni-Prot database, blastx searches against the Swiss-prot/Uni-Prot databases, HMM searches against the Pfam-A database, blastp searches against the non-redundant protein database, and signalP and tmHMM predictions. To reduce noise from low abundance transcripts not well supported by the data, we filtered the assembly to retain only those transcripts with TPM values >=0.5.

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Aceria tosichellaEriophyidaeNP304RNA-SeqTransdecoderTrinityde novo transcriptomemitesnp301wheat streak mosaic virus
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
U.S. National Insect Collection Database

This subset of the U.S. National Insects Collection, which is primarly housed by the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, comprises the Coccomorpha (scale insects), Aphidomorpha (aphids), Alyrodomorpha (whiteflies), Psyllomorpha (psyllids), Thysanoptera (thrips), and Acari (mites) collections. Information about the Aphidomorpha (Aphididae, Adelgidae, and Phylloxeridae) samples is available through this database. To search for one of these subgroups, use the "family" dropdown on one of the search subpages. You can search by Field or Keywords, and may also restrict your search to Genetic Samples, Primary Type Specimens, Species Inventory, Specimen Inventory, records with images, records with geo-referenced localities, or Illustrations.

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AcariAlyrodomorphaAphidomorphaCoccomorphaInsectsPsyllomorphaThysanopteraaphidexoskeletonsmitesorganismspsyllidsscale insectsthripswhitefly
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago