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Nickel proteomics dataSource

The dataset include the following figures and tables: 1)Changes in protein expression of the 14 pathway regulators induced by Ni (II). 2)Hierarchical clustering of 12 differentially expressed or phosphorylated proteins in BEAS-2B cells treated with Ni (II). 3) Relative cell survival (X-axis) vs. protein expression or phosphorylation levels (Y-axis) in BEAS-2B control cells treated with Ni (II) at 4 different concentrations 4)Four representative proteins, PDIA1, ACADM, RUVBL1, PRDX2 identified using 2-DE profiling were either increased or decreased in a concentration responsive manner 5)Networks of proteins showing inter-relationships and pathways which was obtained using IPA 6)Schematic representation of the interplay of the core proteins and cytotoxicity pathways mediated by Ni (II). 7) some supplementary data. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Ge , Y., M. Bruno , N. Coates , K. Wallace , D. Andrews , A. Swank , W. Winnik , and J. Ross. Proteomic Assessment of Biochemical Pathways That Are Critical to Nickel-Induced Toxicity Responses in Human Epithelial Cells. PLoS ONE. Public Library of Science, San Francisco, CA, USA, 11(9): 1-20, (2016).

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cytotoxicitydose responseelisahuman epithelial cellsmetalsnickelnickel proteomic profilephosphorylationprotein expressionproteomicssys-tems biology
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
USGS Mineral Resources: PGE-Ni-Cr deposit and occurrence

From the site: "A compendium of previously published databases and database records that describe PGE, nickel, and chromium deposits and occurrences."

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GeologyResourcechromiumdatadatabasedepositdownloadgisminemineral resourcesnickelpgeusgs
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Vanadium and nickel complexes in petroleum resid acid

Acid and base fractions from petroleum vacuum resids with no detectable (by visible spectrophotometry) quantities of porphyrinic Ni or V complexes were hydrotreated under various conditions to determine if significant amounts of porphyrinic metals were released, via disassociation or other means, upon hydrotreating. No significant quantities were observed, thereby indicating that nonporphyrinic metals were not simply associated, complexed or otherwise masked (in terms of visible spectrophotometric response) porphyrinic metal complexes. However, it is possible that hydrotreating was simply not effective in breaking up these associates and/or that some porphyrinic forms of metal were in fact released but were rapidly destroyed by hydrotreating. In addition, three liquid chromatographic (LC) separation methods were sequentially applied to Cerro Negro (Orinoco belt Venezuelan heavy crude) >700{degree}C resid in an effort to separate and concentrate the metal complexes present. Nonaqueous ion exchange chromatography was used initially to separate the resid into acid, base and neutral types. Two concentrates containing 19,500 and 13,500 ppm total V, or an estimated 19 and 13 wt % V-containing compounds respectively, were obtained. The degree of enrichment of Ni compounds obtained was significantly lower. By visible spectrophotometry, using vanadyl etioporphyrin as a standard, each of the concentrates contained near a more »1:1 ratio of porphyrinic:nonporphyrinic V complexes. Analogous separation behavior for porphyrinic versus nonporphyrinic metal forms was observed throughout much of the work, thereby suggesting that a comparable diversity of structures existed within each general class of metal compounds. The generally wide dispersion of both Ni and V over the LC separation scheme suggests a structural variety of metal complexes that is comparable to that observed for other heteroatoms (N, S, O) in petroleum.

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Wilkin et al. (2019) datasetSource

The dataset contains chromatographic traces of samples containing thioarsenic species and solubility data for disordered orpiment (arsenic sulfide). This dataset is associated with the following publication: Wilkin, R.T., R.G. Ford, L.M. Costantino, R.R. Ross, D.G. Beak, and K.G. Scheckel. Thioarsenite Detection and Implications for Arsenic Transport in Groundwater. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, USA, 53(20): 11684-11693, (2019).

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arsenicarsenic speciationchromiumgroundwateriron sulfidesnickelremediationthioarseniteuranium
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Zhao et al. (2017) Chem. Geol. v. 474 p.1Source

The dataset provides information on chromium concentrations extracted from rock samples collected at the Garfield SF site in New Jersey (USA). The data are discussed in Zhao et al. (2017). Chemical Geology, v. 474, p. 1-8. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Zhao, J., T. Al, S. Chapman, B. Parker, K. Mishkin, D. Cutt, and R. Wilkin. Determination of Cr(III) solids formed by reduction of Cr(VI) in a contaminated fractured bedrock aquifer: evidence for natural attenuation of Cr(VI). CHEMICAL GEOLOGY. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 474: 1-8, (2017).

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arsenicchromiumgroundwateriron sulfidesnickeluranium
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago