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DOE ScienceCinemaSource

DOE ScienceCinema highlights scientific videos featuring leading-edge research from the U.S. Department of Energy. Using innovative, state-of-the-art audio indexing and speech recognition technology from IBM Watson, ScienceCinema allows users to search for specific words and phrases spoken within video files.

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CERNDOEDepartment of EnergyIBMOSTIOffice of Scientific and Technical InformationWatsonacceleratoraudio indexingcoalconferencesenergy policyenergy researchinformation sciencelecturesmultimedianuclearphysicsscientific and technical informationsymposiavideos
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)10 months ago
Emission & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID)Source

The Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) is a comprehensive source of data on characteristics of almost all electric power generated in the United States. This data includes capacity; heat input; net generation; associated air emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and mercury; emissions rates; resource mix (i.e., generation by fuel type); nonbaseload calculations; line losses (a.k.a., grid gross loss); and many other attributes. The data is provided at the unit and generator levels, as well as, aggregated to the plant, state, balancing authority, eGRID subregion, NERC region, and US levels. As of January 2023, the available editions of eGRID contain data for years 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2004, and 1996 through 2000.

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airair pollutionair qualitybiomasscarbon dioxideclean energyclimate changecoaldisplaced emissionsegridegrid subregionelectricityemission ratesemission reductionsemissionsemissions and generation resource integrated databaseemissions ratesenergyenergy efficiencyenvironmentenvironmental impactsenvironmental protection agencyfacilitiesgasgeothermalghgglobal climate changegreen powergreenhouse gashydrohydroelectricityhydropowerlandfill gaslocationmercurymethanemonitoringmunicipal solid wastenercnerc regionnitrogen dioxidenon-baseloadnonrenewable resourcesnuclearoilpollutantspower generationpower plantsproductionrenewable energyrenewable resourcessolarstate policysulfur dioxidesystem mixtechnologiestechnologytotal output emission rateu.s. epaunited statesutilitiesutilitiescommunicationutilitywind
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Evaluation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Three-Phase Permeability Measurements

Evaluation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Three-Phase Permeability Measurements, Status Report; October 1986

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1986Geologyevaluationimaginmagneticmeasurementsnuclearpermeabilityresonancestatus reportthree-phase
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
International Energy Data: Nuclear Application Programming Interface (API)Source

This API provides international data on nuclear electricity capacity and generation. Data organized by country. Users of the EIA API are required to obtain an API Key via this registration form:

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APIglobal datainternational datanuclearnuclear capacitynuclear generationworld data
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)10 months ago
Lifecycle Assessment/Analysis (LCA)Source

Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is a comprehensive form of analysis that utilizes the principles of Life Cycle Assessment, Life Cycle Cost Analysis, and various other methods to evaluate the environmental, economic, and social attributes of energy systems ranging from the extraction of raw materials from the ground to the use of the energy carrier to perform work (commonly referred to as the “life cycle” of a product). Results are used to inform research at NETL and evaluate energy options from a National perspective.

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analysisbiomasscoalcostingfossilfuelgeothermalhydropowerlifecycleliquidnatural gasnuclearpetroleumrenewablesolarwind
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)10 months ago
Nuclear power stations of EDF SASource

Abstract: Location and installed capacity of EDF SA's nuclear and fossil-fired power plants and generation units in operation. The geographical scope is metropolitan France, but not Corsica or the Ponant Islands. Detailed description: The dataset has a consolidated view as at 31/12/2022.

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Électricité de France S.A (EDF)over 1 year ago
Secondary reserves of EDF SA power plantsSource

Summary : Secondary reserves of EDF SA's nuclear and fossil-fired power plants. Detailed explanation of the secondary reserve mechanism: At all times, production must be equal to consumption. RTE ensures this balance in real time and takes into account the vagaries of consumption or production (weather, availability of the production facilities, etc.). To maintain the balance between supply and demand, RTE must have an adjustable power reserve at all times, both upwards and downwards. There are three types of reserves that can be called upon in succession: The reserves that can be activated automatically: the frequency system services, which can be broken down into the primary reserve and the secondary reserve Manually activatable reserves: the adjustment mechanism that constitutes the tertiary reserve In order to build up these reserves, an integrated European balancing market has been created. Its main features are defined in the European Electricity Balancing Regulation, which describes the technical, operational and commercial rules for the acquisition of balancing capacities, the activation of balancing energy and their financial settlement. Source of the explanation:

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nuclearsecondary reserve
Électricité de France S.A (EDF)over 1 year ago
US DOE NNSA Response to 2011 Fukushima Incident: At-sea Aerial Data

The enclosed package represents radiation data collected with the fixed-wing aircraft (C-12) off the east coast of Japan on three separate flights dated April 5, 2011, April 18, 2011, and May 9, 2011. The data were collected with an array of large thallium activated sodium iodide (NaI(T)) crystals and associated readout electronics to produce time and location referenced measurements. These results represent raw data that have not been validated but not calibrated to physical units. They do not include any further evaluation.

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FukushimaJapaTohokuenvironmental monitoringnuclearradiationradiological
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)10 months ago
US DOE NNSA Response to 2011 Fukushima Incident: Iodine-131 Aerial Data Analysis

The enclosed package represents radiation data collected with the fixed-wing aircraft (C-12) from 2-3 April 2011. The data were collected with an array of large thallium activated sodium iodide (NaI(Tl)) crystals and associated readout electronics to produce time and location referenced measurements. These results represent raw data that have been analyzed to map the ground deposition of Iodine-131 released during the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. They are calibrated to surface contamination units and validated. They do not include any further evaluation.

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FukushimaJapanTohokuenvironmental monitoringnuclearradiationradiological
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)10 months ago
US DOE/NNSA Aerial Survey of Washington, DCSource

The enclosed package represents radiation data collected with a helicopter over Washington, DC in 2013. The data were collected with an array of large thallium activated sodium iodide (NaI(Tl)) crystals and associated readout electronics to produce time and location referenced measurements. These results represent raw data that have been calibrated to physical units and validated. They do not include any further evaluation.

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environmental monitoringnuclearradiationradiology
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)10 months ago
US DOE/NNSA Response Data RepositorySource

This portal contains environmental radiological monitoring data collected in response to the nuclear emergency following the March 11th, 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. Available data sets include field measurements, field samples, and analysis results. It is designed to contain data sets from other large-scale response efforts should they occur.

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environmental monitoringnuclearradiation
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)10 months ago
US DOE/NNSA Response to 2011 Fukushima Incident: Instrument Samples (InSitu Measurements

Field Samples are physical media collected during the response which are subsequently analyzed either in a laboratory or in the field using InSitu equipment. Common field samples include air filters and soil samples. Radiochemistry analysis typically reports the presence of specific radionuclides measured as total activity or as either activity/unit of mass or activity/unit of volume, depending upon the sample media. In addition, total beta and total alpha activity may be reported. Currently, air filter and soil sample analysis results may be downloaded through the data repository. Both data sets are similar; they contain a number of columns describing the collected sample as well as the results of radiochemical analysis. In addition, there are a number of special fields that are specific to a given sample type; e.g. Air Filters specify the filter type and total volume, while soil samples specify the sample weight. For convenience, the sample information and subsequent analysis has been flattened into a simple tabular format. Consequently, if a sample has multiple analysis results the sample collection values will be repeated through the set; e.g. sample ID#, barcode, latitude/longitude, collection date etc. To be included in the data repository, a given sample must meet the following criteria: has a valid latitude, longitude, and collection date; has been sent to a laboratory for analysis, or had analysis performed in the field; has at least one valid analysis result with a reportable unit, nuclide, and activity which has been validated by an authorized laboratory staff member. These results represent raw data that have been calibrated to physical units and validated. They do not include any further evaluation.

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FukushimaJapanTohokuenvironmental monitoringnuclearradiationradiological
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)10 months ago
US DOE/NNSA Response to 2011 Fukushima Incident: March 2011 Aerial Data

The enclosed package represents radiation data collected with the fixed-wing aircraft (C-12) from 17 March 2011 to 19 March 2011. The data were collected with an array of large thallium activated sodium iodide (NaI(T)) crystals and associated readout electronics to produce time and location referenced measurements. These results represent raw data that have been calibrated to physical units and validated. They do not include any further evaluation.

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FukushimaJapanTohokuenvironmental monitoringnuclearradiationradiological
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)10 months ago
US DOE/NNSA Response to 2011 Fukushima Incident: Raw Aerial Data and Extracted Ground Exposure Rates and Cesium Deposition

The enclosed package represents radiation data collected with the fixed-wing aircraft (C-12) from 2 April 2011 to 9 May 2011. The data were collected with an array of large thallium activated sodium iodide (NaI(T)) crystals and associated readout electronics to produce time and location referenced measurements. These results represent raw data that have been calibrated to physical units and validated. They do not include any further evaluation.

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FukushimaJapanTohokuenvironmental monitoringnuclearradiationradiological
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)10 months ago
US DOE/NNSA and DoD Response to 2011 Fukushima Incident: Field Team Radiological Measurements

Field Measurements describe activity and exposure rate. They have been collected by a variety of agencies from both fixed detector locations as well as by mobile field teams. These results represent raw data that have been calibrated to physical units and validated. They do not include any further evaluation.

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FukushimaJapanTohokuenvironmental monitoringnuclearradiationradiological
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)10 months ago
US DOE/NNSA and DoD Response to 2011 Fukushima Incident: Radiological Air Samples

Field Samples are physical media collected during the response which are subsequently analyzed either in a laboratory or in the field using InSitu equipment. Common field samples include air filters and soil samples. Radiochemistry analysis typically reports the presence of specific radionuclides measured as total activity or as either activity/unit of mass or activity/unit of volume, depending upon the sample media. In addition, total beta and total alpha activity may be reported. Currently, air filter and soil sample analysis results may be downloaded through the data repository. Both data sets are similar; they contain a number of columns describing the collected sample as well as the results of radiochemical analysis. In addition, there are a number of special fields that are specific to a given sample type; e.g. Air Filters specify the filter type and total volume, while soil samples specify the sample weight. For convenience, the sample information and subsequent analysis has been "flattened" into a simple tabular format. Consequently, if a sample has multiple analysis results the "sample collection" values will be repeated through the set; e.g., sample ID#, barcode, latitude/longitude, collection date etc. To be included in the data repository, a given sample must meet the following criteria: has a valid latitude, longitude, and collection date; has been sent to a laboratory for analysis, or had analysis performed in the field; has at least one valid analysis result with a reportable unit, nuclide, and activity which has been validated by an authorized laboratory staff member. These results represent raw data that have been calibrated to physical units and validated. They do not include any further evaluation.

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FukushimaJapanTohokuenvironmental monitoringnuclearradiationradiological
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)10 months ago
US DOE/NNSA and DoD Response to 2011 Fukushima Incident: Radiological Soil Samples

Field Samples are physical media collected during the response which are subsequently analyzed either in a laboratory or in the field using InSitu equipment. Common field samples include air filters and soil samples. Radiochemistry analysis typically reports the presence of specific radionuclides measured as total activity or as either activity/unit of mass or activity/unit of volume, depending upon the sample media. In addition, total beta and total alpha activity may be reported. Currently, air filter and soil sample analysis results may be downloaded through the data repository. Both data sets are similar; they contain a number of columns describing the collected sample as well as the results of radiochemical analysis. In addition, there are a number of special fields that are specific to a given sample type; e.g., Air Filters specify the filter type and total volume, while soil samples specify the sample weight. For convenience, the sample information and subsequent analysis has been "flattened" into a simple tabular format. Consequently, if a sample has multiple analysis results the "sample collection" values will be repeated through the set; e.g. sample ID#, barcode, latitude/longitude, collection date etc. To be included in the data repository, a given sample must meet the following criteria: has a valid latitude, longitude, and collection date; has been sent to a laboratory for analysis, or had analysis performed in the field; has at least one valid analysis result with a reportable unit, nuclide, and activity which has been validated by an authorized laboratory staff member. These results represent raw data that have been calibrated to physical units and validated. They do not include any further evaluation.

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FukushimaJapanTohokuenvironmental monitoringnuclearradiationradiological
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)10 months ago
Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography for Determining Residual Oil

Feasibility of Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography for Determining Residual Oil Saturation, Status Report; September 1986

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1986Geologycomputeddeterminingfeasibilityimagingmagneticnuclearresidual oilresonancesaturationtomographyusing
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago