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Previous ParcelsSource

The Washington State Parcels Project provides a statewide data set of tax parcels attributes that cover those counties that currently have digital tax parcels. Attribute data has been normalized so that the field names are the same across all counties. The data set contains the tax parcel identification number, situs addresses, the Department of Revenue land use codes, improvement and land values, and a link to the county's assessor's website for parcel information (if it exists).

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2022AdamsAsotinBentonCadastreChelanClallamClarkColumbiaCowlitzDouglasFerryFranklinGarfieldGrantGrays HarborIslandJeffersonKingKitsapKittitasKlickitatLewisLincolnMasonOkanoganPacificPend OreillePierceSan JuanSkagitSkamaniaSnohomishSpokaneStevensThurstonWahkiakumWalla WallaWashingtonWhatcomYakimaaddressassessmentassessorboundariesboundarycadastrallanduselocationownerparcelplanningsurveytax
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
WA Legal DescriptionsSource

Click for MetadataClick for downloadService URL: Legal Description spatial layer covers the entire upland area of the State of Washington and consists of often overlapping areas that provide the structure and building blocks for the delineation of parcels of land, a parcel being briefly described as a portion of land identified for purpose of ownership, encumbrance, taxation or governmental administration. Legal Description areas are referred to in written legal descriptions used in the conveyance of parcels. In the Public Land Survey states, of which most non-colonial states including Washington are counted, the most widely recognized legal description area is called a Section. Normally there are 36 Sections in a Township, which is another legal description area. In Washington (and in Oregon) many early land claims took the form of Donation Land Claims, which are, like Sections, confined to being a part of a Township. Tracts, which are used by federal surveys to denote irregular areas where the claim to ownership is based on bona fide rights, and Protracted Blocks, which are a buffer between surveyed areas and areas of unsurveyed (protracted) Sections, are two additional subdivisions of Townships. Sections were not normally subdivided, except in theory, by the federal surveys. The subdivisions of Sections performed by county and local surveyors, using the federal design or schema for section subdivisions, are also part of the Legal Description layer. The fabric of Townships, Sections and their subdivisions, Donation Land Claims, Tracts and Protracted Blocks comprise what is known as the Public Land Survey System (PLSS). These PLSS surveys are referred to as Rectangular Surveys, due to their characteristic orientation to true meridian and to the normally square-like character of the areas encompassed. Other irregular federal surveys are included in the Legal Description layer. These include Mineral Surveys, Homestead Entry Surveys, Townsites and non-rectangular Indian Allotments. Under the authority of Counties and Cities many local subdivisions of the PLSS have been created and are included in the Legal Description Layer. Local subdivisions include the streets, blocks and lots that are common in urban and suburban environments.WA Legal Descriptions Metadata

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BoundariesCadastreWAWashingtonlegal descriptionparcelpublic land surveyuplands
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
WA Public Land Survey PointsSource

The Point layer covers the State of Washington with a variety of different types of locations. The great majority of Points, point type 1, Corner Point, are located at the corners, or angle points, of Legal Description and Parcel areas. (See the metadata for Legal Description and Parcel.) Corner Points can represent differing types of locations such as surveyed monuments, locations calculated by survey, locations digitized from various maps like US Geological Survey quadrangles, and locations that serve no other purpose than to stabilize the endpoint of a Boundary or angle point of a Legal Description or Parcel. Points are the only features in the upland Cadastre that have attributes regarding the source and accuracy of the data. The known accuracy of the data varies dramatically from place to place. The attributes also indicate whether there is a known physical object to look for on the ground. The second type of Point, Geodetic Control Point, point type 2, is not currently populated. The third type of Point, Significant Coordinated Location, point type 3, can be used to store any type of point location that has cadastral significance. At present, the only Significant Coordinated Points in Cadastre are those points along the Washington Pacific Ocean coast which were used by the US Minerals Management Service to calculate the boundary of the State at one marine league from the coast.WA Public Land Survey Points MetadataClick to download

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CadastreWAWashingtoncoordinated cornergeodetic control pointlegal descriptionparcelpublic land surveysection cornersurvey points
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago