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Data from: Color Analysis of Storage Roots from the USDA, ARS Sweetpotato Germplasm Collection

737 PI accessions from the US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service Sweetpotato Collection were grown in the field and in greenhouse pots, and storage roots were harvested. The periderm (skin) and stele (flesh) of storage roots were measured using a Konica Minolta Chroma Meter (CR 400, Konica Minolta, Inc., Tokyo, Japan), and data were recorded using the CIE 1976 L*a*b* and CIE L*C*h* color spaces. Data from this study is contained in a manuscript that will be submitted to Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution under the title 'Color Analysis of Storage Roots from the USDA, ARS Sweetpotato Germplasm Collection.' Data parameters presented are lightness (L*), red-green coordinate (a*), yellow-blue coordinate (b*), color intensity or chroma (C*), and hue angle (H*). Also included in this data set are percentage dry matter and root densities as these data are correlated to color values.

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ARSAgricultural Research ServiceNP304US Department of AgricultureUSDAcolorgermplasmgreenhousesperidermphenotyperootsstelesweet potatoes
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Farming Systems Study for Greenhouse gas Reduction through Agricultural Carbon Enhancement network in Morris, Minnesota

Farming Systems Study for Greenhouse gas Reduction through Agricultural Carbon Enhancement network in Morris, Minnesota Tillage is decreasing globally due to recognized benefits of fuel savings and improved soil health in the absence of disturbance. However, a perceived inability to control weeds effectively and economically hinders no-till adoption in organic production systems in the Upper Midwest, USA. A strip-tillage (ST) strategy was explored as an intermediate approach to reducing fuel use and soil disturbance, and still controlling weeds. An 8-year comparison was made between two tillage approaches, one primarily using ST the other using a combination of conventional plow, disk and chisel tillage [conventional tillage (CT)]. Additionally, two rotation schemes were explored within each tillage system: a 2-year rotation (2y) of corn (Zea mays L.), and soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) with a winter rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop; and a 4-year rotation (4y) of corn, soybean, spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) underseeded with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), and a second year of alfalfa. These treatments resulted in comparison of four main management systems CT-2y, CT-4y, ST-2y and ST-4y, which also were managed under fertilized and non-fertilized conditions. Yields, whole system productivity (evaluated with potential gross returns), and weed seed densities (first 4 years) were measured. Across years, yields of corn, soybean and wheat were greater by 34% or more under CT than ST but alfalfa yields were the same. Within tillage strategies, corn yields were the same in 2y and 4y rotations, but soybean yields, only under ST, were 29% lower in the fertilized 4y than 2 yr rotation. In the ST-4y system yields of corn and soybean were the same in fertilized and non-fertilized treatments. Over the entire rotation, system productivity was highest in the fertilized CT-2y system, but the same among fertilized ST-4y, and non-fertilized ST-2y, ST-4y, and CT-4y systems. Over the first 4 years, total weed seed density increased comparatively more under ST than CT, and was negatively correlated to corn yields in fertilized CT systems and soybean yields in the fertilized ST-2y system. These results indicated ST compromised productivity, in part due to insufficient weed control, but also due to reduced nutrient availability. ST and diverse rotations may yet be viable options given that overall productivity of fertilized ST-2y and CT-4y systems was within 70% of that in the fertilized CT-2y system. Closing the yield gap between ST and CT would benefit from future research focused on organic weed and nutrient management, particularly for corn.

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Amaranthus retroflexusAmbrosia artemisiifoliaChenopodium albumEchinochloa crus-galliEconomic Research ServiceEnvironmentGRACEnetHydraMinnesotaMorris MN FSNP211NP212Natural Resources Conservation ServiceNatural Resources and GenomicsOxalisSetaria viridisSinapis arvensisSoilSoil TemperatureSwineairair temperaturealfalfaapplication ratebeveragesbiomassbiomass productioncalcium chloridecarboncarbon dioxidechiselingclaycleaningcollarscombustioncomputed tomographycomputer softwareconventional tillagecorncover cropscrop rotationcropscuttingdairy manurediscingdiurnal variationemissionsequationsexperimental designfarmingfarming systemsfertilizer applicationfertilizersflame ionizationforagefreezingglacial tillglobal warminggrain yieldgreenhouse gas emissionsgreenhouse gasesgrowing seasonharrowingharvestingheadheat sumshoeingicelakesmagnesiummanagement systemsmanual weed controlmarket pricesmature plantsmethanemixed croppingmolesmonitoringmowingnitrogen fixationnitrous oxideno-tillagenutrient contenton-farm researchorganic foodspHpasturespesticidespig manureplantingplowsregression analysisresidual effectsrootsrow spacingryesalesseed collectingseedbedsseedsshootssnowsoil depthsoil texturesorrelsoybeansspringspring wheatstarter fertilizersstatistical modelsstrip tillagetemperaturetillageweed controlweedswheatwinter
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
International Food Security

This dataset is the basis for the International Food Security Assessment, 2016-2026 released in June 2016. This annual ERS report projects food availability and access for 76 low- and middle-income countries over a 10-year period. The dataset includes annual country-level data on area, yield, production, nonfood use, trade, and consumption for grains and root and tuber crops (combined as R&T in the documentation tables), food aid, total value of imports and exports, gross domestic product, and population compiled from a variety of sources.

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agricultural consumptioncountry-level food securityfood aidfood supply and usegrainsimports and exportsnonfood userootstradetuber
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Ring Nematode Induction of and Sensitivity to Grapevine Phenolic Compounds

[NOTE - 5/31/2022: this dataset was updated to include two additional resources: Ring Nematode Phenolic Project Materials and Methods and Ring nematode phenolic induction and sensitivity data summaries. No other changes to the data were made.] This dataset includes data collected from two experiments, one in 2018 and one in 2019, that examined the potential induction of phenolic compounds in the roots of grapevines fed upon by ring nematodes, Mesocriconema xenoplax. Furthermore, a bioassay on 96-well plates was performed to examine the ability of a subclass of phenolics in grapevines (i.e. stilbenoids available as monomers, dimers, trimers, or tetramers) to affect ring nematode mortality. There appeared no significant effects of ring nematode feeding on phenolic levels, nor did these compounds affect survival in the in vitro tests.

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NP303grapevinephenolicsring nematoderootsstilbenoids
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago