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Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device - Scaled Tank Test Design and ResultsSource

Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device, Tow Tank Dynamic Rig Structural Analysis Results. This is the detailed documentation for scaled device testing in a tow tank, including models, drawings, presentations, cost of energy analysis, and structural analysis. This dataset also includes specific information on drivetrain, roller bearing, blade fabrication, mooring, and rotor characteristics.

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2.5 MWAquantisC-planeCECHydrokineticLCOEMHKMarineanalysisaxialaxial flow turbineaxisblade fabricationcost of energycurrentdesigndevicedrawingsdrivetraindynamic rigeconomicsenergygenerationhorizontallab datalab testlaboratory testinglevelized cost of energymodelingmodelsmooringoceanocean currentpowerpresentationsresourceresultsroller bearingrotor characteristicsstructuraltank testtechnologytow tankturbine
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Fallon FORGE 3D Geologic ModelSource

An x,y,z scattered data file for the 3D geologic model of the Fallon FORGE site. Model created in Earthvision by Dynamic Graphic Inc. The model was constructed with a grid spacing of 100 m. Geologic surfaces were extrapolated from the input data using a minimum tension gridding algorithm. The data file is tabular data in a text file, with lithology data associated with X,Y,Z grid points. All the relevant information is in the file header (the spatial reference, the projection etc.) In addition all the fields in the data file are identified in the header.

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3D Geologic Model EGS FORGE3D Geologic ModelEGSFORGEFallongeologygeothermalstructural
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Final Report - Cascades/Aleutians Play Fairway ProjectSource

Final Report describing data collection, evaluation, modeling and analysis. Ranking of Cascade and Aleutian volcanic centers for geothermal potential.

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AleutiansCascadesPFAPlay Fairwayalaskaassessmentcaliforniadataevaluationexplorationgeochemistrygeodesygeologygeophysicsgeothermalheat flowinvestigationmodelmt st helensreconaissancereservoirshastasitestatisticsstructuraltectonicvolcanicvolcanowashington
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Geocellular Model of Mt. Simon Sandstone for University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DDU feasibility studySource

The geocellular model of the Mt. Simon Sandstone was constructed for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DDU feasibility study. Starting with the initial area of review (18.0 km by 18.1 km [11.2 miles by 11.3 miles]) the boundaries of the model were trimmed down to 9.7 km by 9.7 km (6 miles by 6 miles) to ensure that the model enclosed a large enough volume so that the cones of depression of both the production and injection wells would not interact with each other, while at the same time minimizing the number of cells to model to reduce computational time. The grid-cell size was set to 61.0 m by 61.0 m (200 feet by 200 feet) for 160 nodes in the X and Y directions. Within the model, 67 layers are represented that are parameterized with their sediment/rock properties and petrophysical data. The top surface of the Mt. Simon Sandstone was provided by geologists working on the project, and the average thickness of the formation was taken from the geologic prospectus they provided. An average thickness of 762 m (2500 feet) was used for the Mt. Simon Sandstone, resulting in 60 layers for the model. Petrophysical data was taken from available rotary sidewall core data (Morrow et al., 2017). As geothermal properties (thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity) are closely related to mineralogy, specifically the percentage of quartz, available mineralogical data was assembled and used with published data of geothermal values to determine these properties (Waples and Waples, 2004; Robertson, 1988). The Mt. Simon Sandstone was divided into three separate units (lower, middle, upper) according to similar geothermal and petrophysical properties, and distributed according to available geophysical log data and prevailing interpretations of the depositional/diagenetic history (Freiburg et al. 2016). Petrophysical and geothermal properties were distributed through geostatistical means according to the associated distributions for each lithofacies. The formation temperature was calculated, based on data from continuous temperature geophysical log from a deep well drilled into the Precambrian basement at the nearby Illinois Basin Decatur Project (IBDP) where CO2 is currently being sequestered (Schlumberger, 2012). Salinity values used in the model were taken from regional studies of brine chemistry in the Mt. Simon Sandstone, including for the IBDP (e.g., Panno et al. 2018). After being reviewed by the project's geologists, the model was then passed onto the geological engineers to begin simulations of the geothermal reservoir and wellbores.

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3-D3DDDUDeep Direct-UseIllinoisIllinois BasinMt. Simon SandstoneSt. PeterUniversity of Illinois at Urbana Champaigncharacterizationdensitydepthenergyfeasibilitygeocellular modelinggeologicgeologygeothermalheat capacityhydrologicmechanicalmodelpermeabilitypetrophisicalporositypropertiesreservoirstructuralthermalthermal conductivitythickness
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Geocellular model of St. Peter Sandstone for University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DDU Feasibility StudySource

The geocellular model of the St. Peter Sandstone was constructed for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DDU feasibility study. Starting with the initial area of review (18.0 km by 18.1 km [11.2 miles by 11.3 miles]) the boundaries of the model were trimmed down to 9.7 km by 9.7 km (6 miles by 6 miles) to ensure that the model enclosed a large enough volume so that the cones of depression of both the production and injection wells would not interact with each other, while at the same time minimizing the number of cells to model to reduce computational time. The grid-cell size was set to 61.0 m by 61.0 m (200 feet by 200 feet) for 160 nodes in the X and Y directions. The top surface of the St. Peter Sandstone was provided by geologists working on the project, and the average thickness of the formation was taken from the geologic prospectus they provided. An average thickness of 68.6 m (225 feet) was used for the St. Peter Sandstone, resulting in 45 layers for the model. Petrophysical data was taken from available rotary sidewall core data (Morrow et al., 2017). As geothermal properties (thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity) are closely related to mineralogy, specifically the percentage of quartz, available mineralogical data was assembled and used with published data of geothermal values to determine these properties (Waples and Waples, 2004; Robertson, 1988). The St. Peter Sandstone was divided into facies according to similar geothermal and petrophysical properties, and distributed according to available geophysical log data and prevailing interpretations of the depositional/diagenetic history (Will et al. 2014). Petrophysical and geothermal properties were distributed through geostatistical means according to the associated distributions for each lithofacies. The formation temperature was calculated, based on data from continuous temperature geophysical log from a deep well drilled into the Precambrian basement at the nearby Illinois Basin Decatur Project (IBDP) where CO2 is currently being sequestered (Schlumberger, 2012). Salinity values used in the model were taken from regional studies of brine chemistry in the St. Peter Sandstone, including for the IBDP (e.g., Panno et al. 2018). After being reviewed by the project's geologists, the model was then passed onto the geological engineers to begin simulations of the geothermal reservoir and wellbores.

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3-D3DDDUDeep Direct-UseIllinoisIllinois BasinMt SimonSt. Peter SandstoneUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigncharacterizationdensitydepthenergyfeasibilitygeocellular modelinggeologicgeologygeothermalheat capacityhydrologicmechanicalmodelpermeabilitypetrophysicalporositypropertiesreservoirspecific heat capacitystructuralthermalthermal conductivitythickness
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Geologic Framework of Thermal Springs, Black Canyon, Nevada and ArizonaSource

This report presents the geologic framework critical in understanding spring discharge and the hydrogeology in Black Canyon directly south of Lake Mead below Hoover Dam, Nevada and Arizona. Most of the springs are thermal 2 Geologic Framework of Thermal Springs, Black Canyon, Nevada and Arizona with temperatures as much as 45 degrees C. This study is part of a hydrogeologic and geochemical study of the Black Canyon thermal springs by the U.S. Geological Survey, funded by the National Park Service and National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. The study consisted of (1) compilation of existing geologic mapping, augmented by new field geologic mapping and geochronology (Felger and others, 2014), (2) collection and analysis of structural data adjacent to the springs of interest (appendix 1; Anderson and Beard, 2011; Beard and others, 2011a), and (3) construction of regional cross sections (pl. 1). The most significant results identify faults, fracture zones, and rock characteristics that influence the hydrogeology of Black Canyon. Additional results include refinement of the volcanic stratigraphy based on field mapping and new geochronology. This report will be integrated into a companion hydrogeologic report that includes new geochemical and spring flow data that describes groundwater components of Black Canyon thermal springs (M. Moran, written commun, 2013).

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ArizonaBlack CanyonNevadaThermal Springscross sectioncross-sectionfaultsfracture zonesgeochronologygeologic mappinggeologygeothermalhydrogeologichydrogeologymaprock characteristicsstratigraphystructuralstructureusgs
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Geothermal Exploration of Newberry Volcano, Oregon Summary ReportSource

Abstract: Davenport Newberry (Davenport) has completed 8 years of exploration for geothermal energy on Newberry Volcano in central Oregon. Two deep exploration test wells were drilled by Davenport on the west flank of the volcano, one intersected a hydrothermal system; the other intersected isolated fractures with no hydrothermal interconnection. Both holes have bottom-hole temperatures near or above 315 deg C (600 deg F). Subsequent to deep test drilling an expanded exploration and evaluation program was initiated. These efforts have included reprocessing existing data, executing multiple geological, geophysical, geochemical programs, deep exploration test well drilling and shallow well drilling. The efforts over the last three years have been made possible through the DOE's facilitation of innovative geothermal exploration techniques. The combined results of the last 8 years have led to a better understanding of the history and complexity of Newberry Volcano and improved the design and interpretation of geophysical exploration techniques with regard to blind geothermal resources in volcanic terrain.

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AltaRockDavenportIETNewberryNewberry VolcanoOregonblind geothermal systemdrillingexplorationgeothermalinvestigationsitestructuralterrainvolcanic
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Geothermal Geodatabase for Rico Hot Springs Area and Lemon Hot Springs, Dolores and San Miguel Counties, ColoradoSource

This geodatabase was built to cover several geothermal targets developed by Flint Geothermal in 2012 during a search for high-temperature systems that could be exploited for electric power development. Several of the thermal springs have geochemistry and geothermometry values indicative of high-temperature systems. In addition, the explorationists discovered a very young Climax-style molybdenum porphyry system northeast of Rico, and drilling intersected thermal waters at depth. Datasets include: 1. Structural data collected by Flint Geothermal 2. Point information 3. Mines and prospects from the USGS MRDS dataset 4. Results of reconnaissance shallow (2 meter) temperature surveys 5. Air photo lineaments 6. Areas covered by travertine 7. Groundwater geochemistry 8. Land ownership in the Rico area 9. Georeferenced geologic map of the Rico Quadrangle, by Pratt et al. 10. Various 1:24,000 scale topographic maps

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ColoradoDolores CountyGISGeochemistryGeodatabaseRicoSan Miguel Countyair photo lineamentsdatageologic mapgeologygeospatial datageothermalgeothermometrygroundwaterland ownershipmapmines and prospectspoint informationreconnaissancerico quadrangleshallow temperature surveystructuraltopographictravertine
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: Deformation Data, Hawaii IslandSource

GPS-derived Horizontal Velocities on the Hawaii island, provided by James Foster of the Pacific GPS Facility.

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GPSHawaiiHawaii IslandPFAdeformationgeodesygeodetic datageologygeothermalhorizontal velocitystructuralvelocity
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: Mapped FaultsSource

Faults combined from USGS 2007 Geologic Map of the State of Hawaii and the USGS Quaternary Fault and Fold database. This data is in shapefile format.

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ArcGISGISHawaiiPFAfaultsgeologygeospatial datageothermalshape fileshapefilestructural
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: Mapped RiftsSource

Rifts mapped through reviewing the location of dikes and vents on the USGS 2007 Geologic Map of the State of Hawaii, as well as our assessment of topography, and, to a small extent, gravity data. Data is in shapefile format.

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ArcGISGISHawaiiPFAgeologygeospatial datageothermalriftsshape fileshapefilestructural
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: USGS Quaternary Fault and Fold DatabaseSource

This database contains information on faults and associated folds in the United States that are believed to be sources of M>6 earthquakes during the Quaternary (the past 1,600,000 years). Maps of these geologic structures are linked to detailed descriptions and references. Used to supplement faults mapped on the USGS 2007 Geologic Map of the State of Hawaii. Reference: U.S. Geological Survey, 2006, Quaternary fault and fold database for the United States, accessed 2015, from USGS web site: http//

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DatabaseFaultHawaiiUSGSactivefaultsfeaturesfoldgeologicgeologic unitgeologygeothermalpfaquaternaryseismicitystructural
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Material Properties for Brady Hot Springs Nevada USA from PoroTomo ProjectSource

The PoroTomo team has completed inverse modeling of the three data sets (seismology, geodesy, and hydrology) individually, as described previously. The estimated values of the material properties are registered on a three-dimensional grid with a spacing of 25 meters between nodes. The material properties are listed an Excel file. Figures show planar slices in three sets: horizontal slices in a planes normal to the vertical Z axis (Z normal), vertical slices in planes perpendicular to the dominant strike of the fault system (X normal), and vertical slices in planes parallel to the dominant strike of the fault system (Y normal). The results agree on the following points. The material is unconsolidated and/or fractured, especially in the shallow layers. The structural trends follow the fault system in strike and dip. The geodetic measurements favor the hypothesis of thermal contraction. Temporal changes in pressure, subsidence rate, and seismic amplitude are associated with changes in pumping rates during the four stages of the deployment in 2016. The modeled hydraulic conductivity is high in fault damage zones. All the observations are consistent with the conceptual model: highly permeable conduits along faults channel fluids from shallow aquifers to the deep geothermal reservoir tapped by the production wells.

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3DBrady Hot SpringsNevadaPoissons ratioYoungs modulusconceptualconduitdensitydipenergyfaultfluidfracturedgeodesygeologygeothermalhydraulic conductivityhydrologyinterferometryinversionlithologymaterialmodelmodelingp-wavepermeableporoelastic tomographyporotomopressurepropertiespropertypumpingratereservoirs-waveseismicseismic amplitudeseismologyshallowstrain ratestrikestructuralsubsidencetemperaturethermal contractiontrendsunconsolidatedvelocityzone
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Newberry EGS Literature ReferencesSource

Research references to literature about the Newberry geothermal area, Oregon.

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EGSEMNEWGENNewberryOregonactive sourcecompressional wavecorecrustaldrillholeelectricelectricalenhanced geothermal systemexplorationexploratory drillingfield guideflow testingframeworkgeologic historygeologygeophysicsgeothermalgravityhydrothermalliteraturelithologymagma chambermagnetotelluricmineralogyp wavepetrologyresource characterizationseismicslimholestructuralstructureteleseismictomographyvelocityvolcano hazards
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Oregon Cascades Play Fairway Analysis: Faults and Heat Flow MapsSource

This submission includes a fault map of the Oregon Cascades and backarc, a probability map of heat flow, and a fault density probability layer. More extensive metadata can be found within each zip file. For information about "Oregon Faults," contact John David Trimble, Oregon State University.

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cascadescomposite risk segmentcrsdensityfaultfault densityfaultsfeaturesflowgeologygeospatial datageothermalheatheat flowheatflowkrigingmaporegonoregon state universitypfaplay fairway analysisprobabilitystructural
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Play Fairway Analysis CA-NV-OR: Figures on 2km GridsSource

Various data sets displayed on a 2km grid for the Play Fairway Analysis CA-NV-OR area.

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CA-NV-ORCaliforniaNevadaOregoncharacterizationexplorationfavorabilitygeochemistrygeologic profilegeophysicsgeoreferencedgeospatial datageothermalheatheat flowheat rankland accesspermeabilitypfaplay fairway analysisprotected landquantity of datarankrasterseismicseismic momentskewstructural
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
SW New Mexico Play Fairway Analysis: Oil Well Formation TopsSource

Rock formation top picks from oil wells from southwestern New Mexico from scout cards and other sources. There are differing formation tops interpretations for some wells, so for those wells duplicate formation top data are presented in this file.

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New MexicoPFASW NMSouthwestern New Mexicocharacterizationdepthexplorationformation topformation topsgeologicgeologygeothermalinterpretationlithologymetadataoil welloil wellsplay fairway analysisstratigraphystructuraltop dataunitswellwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Faults, Fractures, and Lineaments in the Mineral MountainsSource

This submission includes a shapefile of the Opal Mound Fault, and multiple datasets of lineaments mapped in the Mineral Mountains which overlook the Utah FORGE site, hyperlinked to rose diagrams in a polygon grid shapefile.

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ArcGISFORGELineamentMilfordOpal MoundRoosevelt Hot SpringsShapefileUtahUtah FORGEegsfaultfaultsfracturefracturesgeologygeospatial datageothermaljointlineamentsmineral mountainsmoundopalrose diagramshape filestructural
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Final Topical Report 2018Source

This is the final topical report for the Phase 2B Utah FORGE project, which is located near Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah. This PDF format report details results associated with the conceptual geologic model, deep well 58-32, rock geomechanics, reservoir temperatures, seismic surveys, seismic monitoring, certainty, and NEPA. The report also provides an overview of all of the deliverables which were used to produce the results and full appendices.

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CO2DFNEGSFORGEHeISMPMilfordQuaternary faultsRoosevelt Hot SpringsTEMUtahUtah FORGEUtah FORGE 2BUtah FORGE 2B final reportUtah FORGE final reportUtah FORGE phase 2Bcarbon dioxideconceptual geologic modelconstructionenergyenvironmental assessmentenvironmental impact assessmentfracturesgeologygeomechanical propertiesgeomechanicsgeophysicsgeothermalgravityheliumhydrochemistryinduced seismicityinduced seismicity mitigation planinfrastruturemicroseismicityoutreachpermeabilitypermittingpetrologypetrology cuttingsrock stressseismic mitigationseismic monitoringseismic reflectionseismicitysoil gassoil gas surveystress analysisstructuraltechno-economic assessmenttemperature profiletransient electromagneticswellwell 58-32
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
WV Geology - Ordovician Structural Map

From the site: "In May/June 2007, two hardcopy map sheets of the 1976 Structural Map of WV were scanned at 300 dpi 8-bit color by the WV GIS Technical Center. The scanned TIFs were converted to index color mode, and resampled to 150 dpi. The map sections were then mosaicked together and georeferenced to a 15-minute Longitude/Latitude grid."

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GeologyWest Virginiadownloadgeologymapstructural
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Washington Play Fairway Analysis - Poly 3D Matlab Fault Modeling Scripts with Input Data to Create Permeability Potential ModelsSource

Matlab scripts and functions and data used to build Poly3D models and create permeability potential GIS layers for 1) Mount St. Helens seismic zone, 2) Wind River Valley, and 3) Mount Baker geothermal prospect areas located in Washington state.

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100k geologic fault mapping24k geologic fault mappingCascade RangeLOWESSMatlabMount BakerMount St. Helens seismic zoneMt BakerPoly3DWashingtonWashington StateWind River Valleycodedilation tencencydilation tendencydisplacementdisplacement gradientexplorationfaultfault modelfavorabilityfeaturesgeologygeothermalmaximum Coulomb shear stressmicro-seismicitymodelmodelingpermeabilitypermeability potentialpfaplay fairwayprospectscriptsensitivitysigma 3slip tendencystress modelstructuraluncertainty
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago
West Flank Coso, CA Magnetic and Gravity DataSource

Gravity and aeromagnetic data for West Flank FORGE site.

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AeromagneticCACosoEGSFORGEGravityMagneticWest Flankaeromagcesium vaporcore complexcoso rangeeast-central Californiageophysical datageophysicsgeothermalindian wells valleymagnetometermetamorphicstructural
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)about 1 year ago