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Balancing Services Charging Report (BCR)Source

The Balancing Services Charging Report (BCR) provides a breakdown of the Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) charge. There is a BCR for each run type we calculate a BSUoS charge for - Interim Initial (II), Settlement Final (SF) and Reconciliation Final (RF). It is published each day that we invoice our BSUoS customers. The file is a zip file containing the report in PDF, PRT, DAT and CSV format. These files correspond to the BCRNEW files being published on the website.

National Grid ESOover 1 year ago
Coronavirus Demand Suppression

Data showing the demand suppression attributed to the Coronavirus Pandemic. Demand suppression is calculated by taking the National Demand + Embedded Generation outturns and comparing this with the modelled demand assuming no Coronavirus pandemic given the same model parameters (day of week, temperature, etc.). This is split into various periods of the day (timings are half-hour ending): + Night: 00:30 to 07:00 (Trough) + Morning: 07:30 to 13:00 (Peak) + Afternoon: 13:30 to 16:30 (Trough) + Peak: 17:00 to 20:30 (Peak) + Evening: 21:00 to 00:00 (Peak) It also shows the overall suppression (Whole Day). Demand drops over bank holidays are capturing both the pandemic effect as well as the effect of the bank holidays themselves which under normal conditions cause drops in demand also. We do not have sufficient data to separate these effects. This methodology works at a national level with a linear model using least squares regression and cannot be adapted for use in our regional time-based demand models. In agreement with Ofgem & BEIS we are ceasing the publication and reporting of the demand suppression assessment with effect of 19 May 2021. Data on demand suppression was being calculated using a comparison with pre-COVID demand levels, and we can no longer be sure that any changes are attributable to COVID alone. We hope that you found the ESO's assessment of the demand suppression insightful and useful.

National Grid ESOabout 3 years ago
Data Publication Requests

Please visit our ENCC Transparency Roadmap which highlights the activities we will deliver in the short to medium term. We welcome any further suggestions or questions regarding future data items or portal functionality, please get in touch with us at

data portalnew datarequestssubscribable
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National Grid ESOabout 2 years ago
ESO Operational Transparency ForumSource

>**NOTE:** The ESO operational transparency forum has a new website page, please visit the ESO website for up to date information. All historic data has been transitioned over to the new platform and in turn this data set will be discontinued.

National Grid ESOover 1 year ago
Fast Reserve Market InformationSource

Fast Reserve provides the rapid and reliable delivery of active power through an increased output from generation or a reduction in consumption from demand sources, following receipt of an electronic dispatch instruction from National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO). These reports provide information about the volume of, and time periods over which, Fast Reserve has been required. **Note** - Since the introduction of Fast Reserve dispatch instructions to our [NBM ASDP report]( on our data portal in 2020, we have continued to provide the Fast Reserve Market Information report (MIR). As the NBM ASDP report is available in CSV format and contains all of the data that we use to create the monthly Fast Reserve MIR, we believe that market providers can now use the machine readable format to undertake their own analysis of the Fast Reserve service and create bespoke reporting. In addition, as Fast Reserve is only being procured through the Optional service, there is no tender results data to share as part of market information. Therefore, we intend to stop producing the MIR for future months, and just retain all the historical MIR on our data portal, with the June 2021 report being the last one published.

National Grid ESOover 1 year ago
Firm Fast Reserve Post Tender ReportsSource

Fast Reserve provides the rapid and reliable delivery of active power through an increased output from generation or a reduction in consumption from demand sources, following receipt of an electronic dispatch instruction from National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO). These tender reports provide information on the post-assessment results of tenders. > **Note:** This datafeed **is no longer being updated** as we are not currently procuring Fast Reserve. More information about the future of Fast Reserve tenders can be found here: [](

National Grid ESOover 1 year ago
GIS Boundaries for GB DNO License AreasSource

This dataset contains approximate GIS (geographic information system) geospatial boundaries for each of the DNO License Areas in Great Britain. There are 14 licensed Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) in Britain and each is responsible for a regional distribution services area. DNO License Areas are sometimes referred to as GSP Groups and historically have also been known as Public Electricity Supplier (PES) regions, though the latter name is no longer widely used. The DNO License Area boundaries are unusual because they are only well defined when tested. The boundaries tend to run through rural areas and change over time whenever a new connection is added close to a boundary. For example, a new connection close to an existing boundary can approach the DNO responsible for both neighbouring License Areas to ask for a connection, and is free to choose either depending on how much they will charge - once the new connection is made the boundary is, theoretically, re-drawn to ensure that the new connection falls into the correct License Area. The boundaries in this dataset were shared by Western Power Distribution (the DNO responsible for 4 of the 14 License Areas) and come with the disclaimer that they are probably a little outdated and not 100% accurate. That said, they are a good indication of the geography of DNO License Areas. DNO License Areas are widely used as an aggregation entity when reporting electricity network data, for example, in Elexon's publication of electricity settlement data. As such, they are also useful for regional modelling of the GB electricity transmission network, for example to aggregate distributed embedded generator energy flows onto the transmission network. A good example of this is the Regional PV_Live outturn estimates published by The University of Sheffield (

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boundariesdemanddnogenerationgisgrid supply pointgspgsp grouplicense areapespublic electricity supplierregionalshapefilesubscribable
National Grid ESOover 1 year ago
Interconnector Trading Procurement Framework

Documentation relating to interconnector trading, including the procurement framework and supporting materials. Watch the video below: >**NOTE:** Interconnector Requirement and Auction Summary Data

National Grid ESOover 1 year ago
Optional Downward Flexibility Management (ODFM) Service DocumentsSource

In our role as Electricity System Operator (ESO), we balance generation and demand in real time. When demand is low, there may be a requirement for additional flexibility to balance generation and demand, as well as to achieve sufficient negative reserve and high frequency response. Restrictions associated with COVID-19 are likely to present lower demand periods for longer durations this summer than we have seen in the past. To help manage these changing system conditions we have implemented an Optional Downward Flexibility Management (ODFM) Service across the summer period. Optional Downward Flexibility Management (ODFM) is a service which allows the ESO to access downward flexibility that is not currently accessible in real time and expand our ability to control output from providers we cannot currently access through the Balancing Mechanism and the Platform for Ancillary Services. The documents in this dataset outline the contractual terms and associated templates. We shall also publish occasional market information here relating to requirements and market reports. > **Note: You can find market information reports and results for the ODFM service [here](**

ancillarybalancingdownward flexibilityguidanceodfmsubscribable
National Grid ESOover 1 year ago
Platform For Energy Forecasting (PEF) Strategic Project RoadmapSource

In April 2018, the ESO initiated strategic transformation project to develop and implement state of art forecasting capability to deliver value to consumers by providing accurate possible, user-friendly comprehensive forecasts to our stakeholders to make informed decisions ahead of real-time Our strategic forecasting project aims to replace our existing energy forecasting system (EFS) with an advanced cloud-based platform for energy forecasting (PEF) while designing & improving forecasting models, methodologies and apply advanced statistical learning & machine learning modelling techniques & automation. On this page, you will find updates to the roadmap for the project.

National Grid ESOover 1 year ago
Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) Market InformationSource

If demand ends up being greater than forecast, or there is unforeseen generation unavailability, extra sources of power may be needed to manage the system. One form of reserve that is used to manage this is Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR), which runs from 20 mins - 4 hours after a frequency event occurs. These market information reports are produced after each tender round and are designed to give existing and potential STOR participants an overall view of the tenders received. They give data on the tendered utilisation and availability prices, our forward contracted position and further details on the type and dynamics of the tendered units. **Please Note:** This datafeed **is no longer being updated** as we are not currently procuring STOR. More information about the future of STOR tenders can be found here: [](

National Grid ESOover 1 year ago
Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) Post Tender ReportsSource

If demand ends up being greater than forecast, or there is unforeseen generation unavailability, extra sources of power may be needed to manage the system. One form of reserve that is used to manage this is Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR), which runs from 20 mins - 4 hours after a frequency event occurs. These tender results show the outcome of the associated tender round for every STOR year available in that tender round. > ** Please Note:** This datafeed is **no longer being updated** as we are now procuring STOR via daily auctions. More information about STOR daily auctions can be found here: [](

National Grid ESOover 1 year ago
System ExcursionsSource

The National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) publishes an annual report on the performance of the National Electricity Transmission System (NETS) in Great Britain and fulfils Transmission Licence Standard Condition C17: Transmission System Security Standard and Quality of Service. This dataset provides details of any voltage or frequency excursions in the NETS. It is updated following any voltage or frequency excursions.

National Grid ESOover 1 year ago