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Absolute change in annual temperature (Alaska) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.Historical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the state of Alaska were developed by the Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP) ( Average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). These datasets have several important differences from the MACAv2-Metdata ( products, used in the contiguous U.S. They were developed using different global circulation models and different downscaling methods, and were downscaled to a different scale (771 m instead of 4 km). While these cover the same time periods and use broadly similar approaches, caution should be used when directly comparing values between Alaska and the contiguous United States.Raster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramAlaskaNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changetemperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Absolute change in annual temperature (CONUS) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.Historical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the contiguous United States are ensemble mean values across 20 global climate models from the CMIP5 experiment (, downscaled to a 4 km grid. For more information on the downscaling method and to access the data, please see Abatzoglou and Brown, 2012 ( and the Northwest Knowledge Network ( We used the MACAv2- Metdata monthly dataset; average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). Absolute change was then calculated between the historical and future time periods.Raster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramCONUSNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changecontiguous U.S.temperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Absolute change in summer temperature (Alaska) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.Historical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the state of Alaska were developed by the Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP) ( Average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). These datasets have several important differences from the MACAv2-Metdata ( products, used in the contiguous U.S. They were developed using different global circulation models and different downscaling methods, and were downscaled to a different scale (771 m instead of 4 km). While these cover the same time periods and use broadly similar approaches, caution should be used when directly comparing values between Alaska and the contiguous United States.Raster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramAlaskaNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changetemperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Absolute change in summer temperature (CONUS) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.Historical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the contiguous United States are ensemble mean values across 20 global climate models from the CMIP5 experiment (, downscaled to a 4 km grid. For more information on the downscaling method and to access the data, please see Abatzoglou and Brown, 2012 ( and the Northwest Knowledge Network ( We used the MACAv2- Metdata monthly dataset; average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). Absolute change was then calculated between the historical and future time periods.Raster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramCONUSNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changecontiguous U.S.temperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Absolute change in winter temperature (Alaska) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.Historical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the state of Alaska were developed by the Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP) ( Average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). These datasets have several important differences from the MACAv2-Metdata ( products, used in the contiguous U.S. They were developed using different global circulation models and different downscaling methods, and were downscaled to a different scale (771 m instead of 4 km). While these cover the same time periods and use broadly similar approaches, caution should be used when directly comparing values between Alaska and the contiguous United States.Raster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramAlaskaNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changetemperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Absolute change in winter temperature (CONUS) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.Historical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the contiguous United States are ensemble mean values across 20 global climate models from the CMIP5 experiment (, downscaled to a 4 km grid. For more information on the downscaling method and to access the data, please see Abatzoglou and Brown, 2012 ( and the Northwest Knowledge Network ( We used the MACAv2- Metdata monthly dataset; average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). Absolute change was then calculated between the historical and future time periods.Raster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramCONUSNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changecontiguous U.S.temperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
CAT - Year 2100 Global Warming ProjectionsSource

Limiting warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels means that the greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced rapidly in the coming years, about halved by 2030, and brought to zero soon after around mid-century. The CAT evaluates progress towards this global goal by quantifying the aggregate effects of current policies and the pledges and targets put forward by countries and compares these with the emissions levels consistent over time with the 1.5°C limit using the MAGICC climate model.

License not specified
GHG emissionGlobalcarbonemissionwarming
The Climate Action Trackerover 1 year ago
CAT Emissions GapSource

As of November 2022, a substantial gap remains between the levels of emissions in 2030 projected in the NDCs submitted to the UNFCCC and between current levels of government action, and the lower levels that would be consistent with the temperature limit of the Paris Agreement. The benchmark emissions from a 1.5°C compatible pathway are at 27 GtCO2e in 2030. The emissions gap between this level and 2030 NDCs (excluding hot air)[1] is 19–22 GtCO2e in 2030 (the 'targets gap'), and 23-27 GtCO2e in 2030 for current policies and action (the 'implementation gap').

License not specified
GHG emissionGlobalcarbonemissionwarming
The Climate Action Trackerover 1 year ago
CAT net zero target evaluationsSource

At their best, well-designed and ambitious net zero targets are key for reducing global carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions to net zero around 2050 and 2070, respectively. This is necessary to keep to the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C temperature limit. Ambitious net zero targets can also guide the implementation of Paris-aligned actions in the short and medium term, in particular 2030 emission reduction goals.

License not specified
The Climate Action Trackerover 1 year ago
Future annual temperature (Alaska) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.\n\nHistorical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the state of Alaska were developed by the Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP) ( Average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). These datasets have several important differences from the MACAv2-Metdata ( products, used in the contiguous U.S. They were developed using different global circulation models and different downscaling methods, and were downscaled to a different scale (771 m instead of 4 km). While these cover the same time periods and use broadly similar approaches, caution should be used when directly comparing values between Alaska and the contiguous United States.\n\nRaster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (\n\n

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramAlaskaNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changetemperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Future annual temperature (CONUS) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.Historical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the contiguous United States are ensemble mean values across 20 global climate models from the CMIP5 experiment (, downscaled to a 4 km grid. For more information on the downscaling method and to access the data, please see Abatzoglou and Brown, 2012 ( and the Northwest Knowledge Network ( We used the MACAv2- Metdata monthly dataset; average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). Absolute change was then calculated between the historical and future time periods.Raster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramCONUSNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changecontiguous U.S.temperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Future summer temperature (Alaska) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.Historical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the state of Alaska were developed by the Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP) ( Average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). These datasets have several important differences from the MACAv2-Metdata ( products, used in the contiguous U.S. They were developed using different global circulation models and different downscaling methods, and were downscaled to a different scale (771 m instead of 4 km). While these cover the same time periods and use broadly similar approaches, caution should be used when directly comparing values between Alaska and the contiguous United States.Raster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramAlaskaNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changetemperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Future summer temperature (CONUS) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.\n\nHistorical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the contiguous United States are ensemble mean values across 20 global climate models from the CMIP5 experiment (, downscaled to a 4 km grid. For more information on the downscaling method and to access the data, please see Abatzoglou and Brown, 2012 ( and the Northwest Knowledge Network ( We used the MACAv2- Metdata monthly dataset; average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). Absolute change was then calculated between the historical and future time periods.\n\nRaster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramCONUSNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changecontiguous U.S.temperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Future winter temperature (Alaska) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.Historical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the state of Alaska were developed by the Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP) ( Average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). These datasets have several important differences from the MACAv2-Metdata ( products, used in the contiguous U.S. They were developed using different global circulation models and different downscaling methods, and were downscaled to a different scale (771 m instead of 4 km). While these cover the same time periods and use broadly similar approaches, caution should be used when directly comparing values between Alaska and the contiguous United States.Raster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramAlaskaNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changetemperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Future winter temperature (CONUS) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.Historical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the contiguous United States are ensemble mean values across 20 global climate models from the CMIP5 experiment (, downscaled to a 4 km grid. For more information on the downscaling method and to access the data, please see Abatzoglou and Brown, 2012 ( and the Northwest Knowledge Network ( We used the MACAv2- Metdata monthly dataset; average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). Absolute change was then calculated between the historical and future time periods.Raster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramCONUSNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changecontiguous U.S.temperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Historical and future temperature trends (Map Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.\n\nHistorical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the contiguous United States are ensemble mean values across 20 global climate models from the CMIP5 experiment (, downscaled to a 4 km grid. For more information on the downscaling method and to access the data, please see Abatzoglou and Brown, 2012 ( and the Northwest Knowledge Network ( We used the MACAv2- Metdata monthly dataset; average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). Absolute and percent change were then calculated between the historical and future time periods.\n\nHistorical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the state of Alaska were developed by the Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP) ( These datasets have several important differences from the MACAv2-Metdata ( products, used in the contiguous U.S. They were developed using different global circulation models and different downscaling methods, and were downscaled to a different scale (771 m instead of 4 km). While these cover the same time periods and use broadly similar approaches, caution should be used when directly comparing values between Alaska and the contiguous United States.\n\nRaster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramAlaskaNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changecontinental U.S.temperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Historical annual temperature (Alaska) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.Historical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the state of Alaska were developed by the Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP) ( Average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). These datasets have several important differences from the MACAv2-Metdata ( products, used in the contiguous U.S. They were developed using different global circulation models and different downscaling methods, and were downscaled to a different scale (771 m instead of 4 km). While these cover the same time periods and use broadly similar approaches, caution should be used when directly comparing values between Alaska and the contiguous United States.Raster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramAlaskaNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changetemperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Historical annual temperature (CONUS) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.\n\nHistorical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the contiguous United States are ensemble mean values across 20 global climate models from the CMIP5 experiment (, downscaled to a 4 km grid. For more information on the downscaling method and to access the data, please see Abatzoglou and Brown, 2012 ( and the Northwest Knowledge Network ( We used the MACAv2- Metdata monthly dataset; average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). Absolute change was then calculated between the historical and future time periods.\n\nRaster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramCONUSNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changecontiguous U.S.temperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Historical summer temperature (Alaska) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.Historical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the state of Alaska were developed by the Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP) ( Average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). These datasets have several important differences from the MACAv2-Metdata ( products, used in the contiguous U.S. They were developed using different global circulation models and different downscaling methods, and were downscaled to a different scale (771 m instead of 4 km). While these cover the same time periods and use broadly similar approaches, caution should be used when directly comparing values between Alaska and the contiguous United States.Raster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramAlaskaNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changetemperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Historical summer temperature (CONUS) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.\n\nHistorical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the contiguous United States are ensemble mean values across 20 global climate models from the CMIP5 experiment (, downscaled to a 4 km grid. For more information on the downscaling method and to access the data, please see Abatzoglou and Brown, 2012 ( and the Northwest Knowledge Network ( We used the MACAv2- Metdata monthly dataset; average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). Absolute change was then calculated between the historical and future time periods.\n\nRaster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (\n\n

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramCONUSNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changecontiguous U.S.temperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Historical winter temperature (Alaska) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.\n\nHistorical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the state of Alaska were developed by the Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP) ( Average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). These datasets have several important differences from the MACAv2-Metdata ( products, used in the contiguous U.S. They were developed using different global circulation models and different downscaling methods, and were downscaled to a different scale (771 m instead of 4 km). While these cover the same time periods and use broadly similar approaches, caution should be used when directly comparing values between Alaska and the contiguous United States.\n\nRaster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramAlaskaNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changetemperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Historical winter temperature (CONUS) (Image Service)Source

The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of national forest managers for information on projected climate changes at a scale relevant to decision making processes, including forest plans. The maps use state-of-the-art science and are available for every national forest in the contiguous United States with relevant data coverage. Currently, the map sets include variables related to precipitation, air temperature, snow (including snow residence time and April 1 snow water equivalent), and stream flow.Historical (1975-2005) and future (2071-2090) precipitation and temperature data for the contiguous United States are ensemble mean values across 20 global climate models from the CMIP5 experiment (, downscaled to a 4 km grid. For more information on the downscaling method and to access the data, please see Abatzoglou and Brown, 2012 ( and the Northwest Knowledge Network ( We used the MACAv2- Metdata monthly dataset; average temperature values were calculated as the mean of monthly minimum and maximum air temperature values (degrees C), averaged over the season of interest (annual, winter, or summer). Absolute change was then calculated between the historical and future time periods.Raster data are also available for download from RMRS site (, along with pdf maps and detailed metadata (

No licence known
AWAEAir Water and Aquatic Environments ProgramCONUSNational ForestsOSCOffice of Sustainability and ClimateOpen DataRMRSRocky Mountain Research StationUSDA Forest ServiceUSFSclimateclimate changecontiguous U.S.temperaturewarming
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
The CAT ThermometerSource

The temperatures on the CAT thermometer are ‘median’ warming estimates in 2100. This means there is a 50% chance that the calculated temperature will be exceeded if the given emissions pathway is followed. The ‘median’ is based on the probability distribution generated by the climate model (MAGICC7) when it takes into account uncertainties in our knowledge of climate sensitivity, the carbon cycle, and the effect of greenhouse gases, aerosols, and other factors that are used to calculate the temperatures

License not specified
GHG emissionGlobalcarbonemissiontemperaturewarming
The Climate Action Trackerover 1 year ago
The Climate Action Tracker Data PortalSource

The Climate Action Tracker decarbonisation data portal provides a dashboard to track decarbonisation per country in various sectors. The portal aims to facilitate understanding of what factors drive the overall emissions trend in different countries (‘Where are we?’) and, for selected indicators, what the best-in-class/2°C/1.5°C compatible benchmark level would be (‘Where do we want to go?’).

License not specified
GHG emissionGlobalcarbonemissiontemperaturewarming
The Climate Action Trackerover 1 year ago