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A hydrogeologic investigtion of groundwater-fed springs and wetland at La Cienega, Santa Fe County, New Mexico - Open-file Report 569

La Cienega’s springs and wetlands are important hydrologic, ecologic and cultural resources, and provide many beneficial water-related functions. The wetlands discharge groundwater from regional and local aquifers that provide the sole water source for the southern Santa Fe region. We investigate the wetland system by examining the hydrologic interactions manifested in the wetland water balance.

No licence known
aquifer changeaquifer levelsaquiferscultural resourcesecologyecosystem healthecosystem servicesgroundwatergroundwater availabilitygroundwater flowgroundwater qualitygroundwater-surface water interactionshydrologic interactionsspringswater balancewater chemistrywater wellswetland conservationwetlands
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resourcesabout 1 year ago
Agroecological classes | 2018 Pixel classification: Classification, Stable, Dynamic, Unstable Urban, 1, 101, 202 Rangeland, 3, 103, 203 Forest, 4, 104, 204 Water, 5, 105, 205 Wetlands, 6, 106, 206 Barren, 7, 107, 207 Wilderness, 9, 109, 209 Annual, 11, 111, 211 Transition, 12, 112, 212 Grain-fallow, 13, 113, 213 Irrigated, 14, 114, 214 Orchard, 15, 115, 215 Agriculture, 50, 150, 250 Water and Other, 51, 151, 251

No licence known
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Class VI Data Support Tool Geodatabase

The Class VI Data Tool Geodatabase V1.0 is a geodatabase of spatial data layer representing geologic, geophysical, structural, hydrologic, and contextual data designed to help users find resources to support the initial development of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI permit. The database was aggregated based on the data types identified within the EPA Class VI documentation (, and spatial data that is publicly available across the USA from resources such as the US Geologic Survey, State Geologic Surveys, and the US DOE NETL Energy Data eXchange. The database is structured by categories including rock unit geology, boundaries, national CS datasets, geophysical data, faults and structural data, infrastructure, surface hydrology, groundwater, and more. Three resources are included in this submission: 1. Geodatabase 2. ReadMe file 3. Catalog of data layers and additional data resources

No licence known
Class VIClass VI Data Support ToolDisCO2verEDX SpatialGeologic dataHydologic datacarbon storagegeodatabasegeologic carbon storagegeophysical datasurface waterswetlands
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Clean Water Rule: Drinking Water MapSource

Documents Related to the Clean Water Rule Internet Archive URL:*/

Other (Public Domain)
army corps of engineersclean water actclean water rulewaterwetlands
United States Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Coastal Change Analysis Program Regional Land Cover and ChangeSource

These nationally standardized, raster-based inventories cover coastal intertidal areas, wetlands, and adjacent uplands for the coastal U.S. Data are derived from the analysis of multiple dates of remotely sensed Landsat imagery. There are two types of files available: individual dates of land cover that supply a wall-to-wall map for each area, and change files that compare one date to another in order to highlight where and what type of land cover change occurred between those dates. These data products are updated every five years and are produced through documented, repeatable procedures using standardized data and methods to ensure consistency through time and across geographies.*/

Other (Public Domain)
coastsland coverwetlands
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrationabout 1 year ago
Environmental Resource Database of New Mexico

The NMEDB is a publicly available application that consolidates New Mexico's environmental and public health data in an interactive map of the state. The NMEDB allows agencies, the public, private industry, and conservation practitioners to obtain a comprehensive view of what's happening on New Mexico's landscapes to enable data-driven decisions and minimize negative impacts to human health, plants, animals, land, air, and water.

No licence known
Clean Water Actair pollutionair qualityaquifer sensitivitybirdsbrownfieldsenergyfisheriesfloodplainsgroundwater discharge permitshealthminessuperfundwetlands
University of New Mexicoabout 1 year ago
Freshwater Ecosystems Explorer (SDG 6.6.1)

The Freshwater Ecosystems Explorer is a free and easy to use data platform providingnaccurate, up-to-date, high-resolution geospatial data depicting the extent freshwater ecosystems change over time. By helping decision-makers understand dynamic ecosystem changes, the data presented on this open access platform is intended to drive action to protect and restore freshwater ecosystems and enable countries to track progress towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal Target 6.6.

Other (Open)
Area equipped for irrigation by mixed surface water and groundwaterbasinecosystemsfreshwatergeospatiallakesmangrovesmapreservoirsriverswetlands
HTMLonline mapgeotiff
SDG 6.6.1over 1 year ago
Global Lakes and Wetlands Database

The Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD) includes the best available data sources and GIS functionality for global lakes and wetlands focused on three scales (1) large lakes and reservoirs, (2) smaller water bodies, and (3) wetlands. The map scaless provided range from 1:1 to 1:3 million resolution. Level 1 (GLWD-1) comprises the 3,067 largest lakes (area ≥ 50 km2) and 654 largest reservoirs (storage capacity ≥ 0.5 km3) worldwide, and includes extensive attribute data. Level 2 (GLWD-2) comprises permanent open water bodies with a surface area ≥ 0.1 km2 excluding the water bodies contained in GLWD-1. Level 3 (GLWD-3) comprises lakes, reservoirs, rivers and different wetland types in the form of a global raster map at 30-second resolution.

Other (Non-Commercial)
extentgeospatiallakesmapreservoirsstooragestorage capacitysurface waterwetlands
WWFover 1 year ago
Iron mineralogy and uranium-binding environment in the rhizosphere of a wetland soilSource

The dataset contains two XRF images of iron and uranium distribution on plant roots and a database of XANES data used to produce XANES spectra figure for Figure 7 in the published paper. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Kaplan, D., R. Kukkadapu, J. Seaman, B. Arey, A. Dohnalkova, S. Buettner, D. Li, T. Varga, K. Scheckel, and P. Jaffe. Iron Mineralogy and Uranium-Binding Environment in the Rhizosphere of a Wetland Soil. D. Barcelo SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. Elsevier BV, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 569: 53-64, (2016).

No licence known
iron nanoparticlesmossbauerplant rootsynchrotron speciationuraniumwetlands
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
La Cienega Groundwater Level Monitoring, Santa Fe County, New Mexico: Summaries of Findings - Open-file Reports

Beginning in 2003, the New Mexico Bureau of Geology began a hydrogeological investigation of the Española Basin, with a special focus on the wetlands at La Cienega, Santa Fe County, New Mexico to better understand the inputs that support them (Johnson, 2009). The studies focused on linking the geology of the region and the groundwater flow to help understand the potential influences on the wetlands.

No licence known
Ancha FormationOFRTesuque Formationaquifer levelsaquifer mappingaquifer storagegroundwater level trendsgroundwater levelsgroundwater monitoringwater quantitywater wellswetlands
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resourcesabout 1 year ago
Land CoverSource

This page contains available Vermont land cover data in GIS format.

No licence known
1992200120112016Alpine TundraGreen MountainsLCLULand CoverLong TrailMaple RidgeMount MansfieldStoweSunset RidgeUnderhillagriculturebiotabuilding footprintsbuildingschamplain basinconiferouscropsdeciduousenvironmentfacilitiesfootprintshayhigh-resolutionimperviousimpervious surfacesisothemeEcologicisothemeFacilitiesisothemeFarmisothemeLanditemtypeWebServicelake champlainland coverland uselandcoverlanduselcblclunewnessNewnodeVCGIpastureroofprintssalshrublandssubthemeBuildingssubthemeFlorasubthemeLandsubthemeLandcovsubthemeLandusetopicHistorictree canopytreesurbanuvmvcgi open datawetlands
State of Vermont11 months ago
Measured and Calculated Volumes of Wetland DepressionsSource

Measured and calculated volumes of wetland depressions. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Wu, Q., and C. Lane. Delineation and quantification of wetland depressions in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota. WETLANDS. The Society of Wetland Scientists, McLean, VA, USA, 36(2): 215-227, (2016).

No licence known
water storagewetlands
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Multi-tracer investigation of groundwater residence time in a karstic aquifer: Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, USA - Open-file Report 521

Several natural and anthropogenic tracers have been used to evaluate groundwater residence time within a karstic limestone aquifer in southeastern New Mexico, USA. Natural groundwater discharge occurs in the lower Pecos Valley from a region of karst springs, wetlands and sinkhole lakes at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge,on the northeast margin of the Roswell Artesian Basin. The springs and sinkholes are formed in gypsum bedrock that serves as a leaky confining unit for an artesian aquifer in the underlying San Andres limestone. Because wetlands on the Refuge provide habitat for threatened and endangered species, there is concern about the potential for contamination by anthropogenic activity in the aquifer recharge area. Estimates of the time required for groundwater to travel through the artesian aquifer vary widely because of uncertainties regarding karst conduit flow. A better understanding of groundwater residence time is required to make informed decisions about management of water resources and wildlife habitat at Bitter Lake. Results indicate that the artesian aquifer contains a significant component of water recharged within the last 10 to 50 years, combined with pre-modern groundwater originating from deeper underlying aquifers, some of which may be indirectly sourced from the high Sacramento Mountains to the west.

No licence known
CFCsRoswell Artesian BasinSan Andres Formationartesian aquiferartesian wellsdissolved gasgroundwater agegroundwater availabilitygroundwater chemistrygroundwater qualitykarstkarstic limestone aquiferradioisotopessinkhole lakesspringsstable isotopestracer testswetlands
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resourcesabout 1 year ago
NARS Hydrologic DataSource

Lake hydrologic characteristics derived from water stable isotope values that include evaporation-to-inflow ratio and water residence time. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Fergus, E., J.R. Brooks, P. Kaufmann, A. Herlihy, A. Pollard, M. Weber, and S. Paulsen. Lake Water Levels and Associated Hydrologic Characteristics in the Conterminous U.S.. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION. American Water Resources Association, Middleburg, VA, USA, 56(3): 450-471, (2020).

No licence known
aquatic monitoringassessmentcoastallake water balance parameterslakes and reservoirsrivers and streamswater stable isotopewetlands
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
NMED Wetlands Program

The goals of the New Mexico Wetlands Program are to protect and restore New Mexico’s remaining wetlands and riparian areas and to increase self-sustaining, naturally functioning wetlands areas so they continue to benefit New Mexico’s future.

License not specified
ecosystem healthmappingplayaswetlands
New Mexico Environment Departmentabout 1 year ago
NWCA 2011 Soil Chemistry - DataSource

NWCA 2011 Soil Chemistry Data. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Nahlik, A., and M.S. Fennessy. Carbon storage in US wetlands. Nature Communications. Nature Publishing Group, London, UK, 7: 1-9, (2016).

No licence known
carbonclimate changenational aquatic resource surveysnational wetland condition assessmentsoil datawetlands
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
NWCA 2011 water quality analyses datasetSource

This dataset contains water quality data and associated site information including landuse/landcover descriptions for the 2011 NWCA wetland sites at which a water sample was successfully obtained. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Trebitz, A., J. Nestlerode, and A. Herlihy. USA-scale patterns in wetland water quality as determined from the 2011 National Wetland Condition Assessment. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT. Springer, New York, NY, USA, 191(262): 24 p., (2019).

No licence known
narswater qualitywetlands
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
PhenoCam images from ARSLTARMDCRNATW site, Caroline County, Maryland, USA since 2019

This data set consists of repeat digital imagery from a tower-mounted digital camera (hereafter, PhenoCam) maintained by the USDA-ARS Hydrology Remote Sensing Laboratory (HRSL) in the Lower Chesapeake Bay (LCB) watershed. HRSL is a member of the PhenoCam network, which has as its mission to serve as a long-term, continental-scale, phenological observatory. Imagery is uploaded to the PhenoCam server every 30 minutes. The archived images provide a permanent record that can be visually-inspected to determine the phenological state of the vegetation at any point in time. Vegetation greenness metrics (e.g., GCC) derived from the ratio of the green color band to sum of red, green, and blue color bands serve as proxies for vegetation greenness. Greenness metrics can be extracted from the images using simple image processing methods in 1-day or 3-day increments. This dataset is available to the public and may be freely downloaded. Please keep the designated Contact person informed of any plans to use the dataset. Consultation or collaboration with the original investigators is strongly encouraged. Publications and data products that make use of the dataset must include proper acknowledgement. The development of PhenoCam has been supported by multiple entities. Those include the Northeastern States Research Cooperative, NSF’s Macrosystems Biology program (award EF-1065029), DOE’s Regional and Global Climate Modeling program (award DE-SC0016011), the US National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program, the USA National Phenology Network (grant number G10AP00129 from the United States Geological Survey), and is currently supported by the Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service. This research was a contribution from the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) network. LTAR is supported by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service.

No licence known
Choptank RiverLTARNP211NP212long-term monitoring sitesphenocamphenologyprimary productivitywetlands
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
PhenoCam images from ARSLTARMDCRPRCW site, Caroline County, Maryland, USA since 2019

This data set consists of repeat digital imagery from a tower-mounted digital camera (hereafter, PhenoCam) maintained by the USDA-ARS Hydrology Remote Sensing Laboratory (HRSL) in the Lower Chesapeake Bay (LCB) watershed. HRSL is a member of the PhenoCam network, which has as its mission to serve as a long-term, continental-scale, phenological observatory. Imagery is uploaded to the PhenoCam server every 30 minutes. The archived images provide a permanent record that can be visually-inspected to determine the phenological state of the vegetation at any point in time. Vegetation greenness metrics (e.g., GCC) derived from the ratio of the green color band to sum of red, green, and blue color bands serve as proxies for vegetation greenness. Greenness metrics can be extracted from the images using simple image processing methods in 1-day or 3-day increments. This dataset is available to the public and may be freely downloaded. Please keep the designated Contact person informed of any plans to use the dataset. Consultation or collaboration with the original investigators is strongly encouraged. Publications and data products that make use of the dataset must include proper acknowledgement. The development of PhenoCam has been supported by multiple entities. Those include the Northeastern States Research Cooperative, NSF’s Macrosystems Biology program (award EF-1065029), DOE’s Regional and Global Climate Modeling program (award DE-SC0016011), the US National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program, the USA National Phenology Network (grant number G10AP00129 from the United States Geological Survey), and is currently supported by the Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service. This research was a contribution from the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) network. LTAR is supported by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service.

No licence known
Choptank RiverLTARNP211NP212corn-soybean rotationlong-term monitoring sitesphenocamphenologyprimary productivitywetlands
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
PhenoCam images from ARSLTARMDCRRESW site, Caroline County, Maryland, USA since 2019

This data set consists of repeat digital imagery from a tower-mounted digital camera (hereafter, PhenoCam) maintained by the USDA-ARS Hydrology Remote Sensing Laboratory (HRSL) in the Lower Chesapeake Bay (LCB) watershed. HRSL is a member of the PhenoCam network, which has as its mission to serve as a long-term, continental-scale, phenological observatory. Imagery is uploaded to the PhenoCam server every 30 minutes. The archived images provide a permanent record that can be visually-inspected to determine the phenological state of the vegetation at any point in time. Vegetation greenness metrics (e.g., GCC) derived from the ratio of the green color band to sum of red, green, and blue color bands serve as proxies for vegetation greenness. Greenness metrics can be extracted from the images using simple image processing methods in 1-day or 3-day increments. This dataset is available to the public and may be freely downloaded. Please keep the designated Contact person informed of any plans to use the dataset. Consultation or collaboration with the original investigators is strongly encouraged. Publications and data products that make use of the dataset must include proper acknowledgement. The development of PhenoCam has been supported by multiple entities. Those include the Northeastern States Research Cooperative, NSF’s Macrosystems Biology program (award EF-1065029), DOE’s Regional and Global Climate Modeling program (award DE-SC0016011), the US National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program, the USA National Phenology Network (grant number G10AP00129 from the United States Geological Survey), and is currently supported by the Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service. This research was a contribution from the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) network. LTAR is supported by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service.

No licence known
Choptank RiverLTARNP211NP212long-term monitoring sitesphenocamphenologyprimary productivitywetlands
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Seasonal and long-term variations in hydraulic head in a karstic aquifer: Roswell Artesian Basin, New Mexico - Open-file Report 503

Water levels in the karstic San Andres limestone aquifer of the Roswell Artesian Basin, New Mexico, display significant variations on a variety of time scales. Large seasonal fluctuations in hydraulic head are directly related to the irrigation cycle in the Artesian Basin, lower in summer months and higher in winter when less irrigation occurs. Longer-term variations are the result of both human and climatic factors. Since the inception of irrigated farming more than a century ago, over appropriation of water resources has caused water levels in the artesian aquifer to fall by as much as 230 ft (70 m). The general decline in hydraulic head began to reverse in the mid-1980s due to a variety of conservation measures, combined with a period of elevated rainfall toward the end of the twentieth century.

No licence known
PVACDPecos Valley Artesian Conservancy Districtagricultureartesian aquifercarbonate aquiferclimateconfined aquifersconservationgroundwatergroundwater appropriationsgroundwater levelsgroundwater managementgroundwater qualitygroundwater resourceskarst aquiferspringswater conservationwater wellswetlands
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resourcesabout 1 year ago
US Fish and Wildlife Service Wetlands Inventory Data

NWI data can be accessed in several ways depending on your needs. To display and query wetlands data in your software application please use our Web Map Services. This will ensure you have the latest data and reduce data management overhead. If you need to conduct GIS analysis please reference the information below to download the data by HUC watershed or by state. For downloads larger than a state, please contact the Wetlands Team to request a custom download.

Open Data Commons Attribution License
US Fish and Wildlife Serviceabout 1 year ago
Uranium and Iron XRF distribution and Fe speciation resultsSource

Dataset 1: XRF image of U and Fe distribution Dataset 2: Fe linear combination fitting data. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Koster van Groos, P., D. Kaplan, H. Chang, J. Seaman, D. Li, A. Peacock, K. Scheckel , and P. Jaffe. Uranium fate in wetland mesocosms: Effects of plants at two iron loadings with different pH values. Jacob de Boer, and Shane Snyder CHEMOSPHERE. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 163: 116-124, (2016).

No licence known
iron chemistryrhizosphere chemistrysynchrotron speciationuraniumwetlands
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
VSWI Wetlands Advisory LayerSource

This dataset represents the DEC Wetlands Program's Advisory layer. This layer makes the most up-to-date, non-jurisdictional, wetlands mapping avaiable to the public and ANR staff. The wetland mapping has been completed by various consulting services for municipal and planning efforts and other State Agency.

No licence known
StatewideappMapsandmappingdeptDECdivWSMisothemeWaternodeVTANRprogWetlandsstatevermontwetland inventorywetlands
State of Vermont11 months ago
Water stable isotopes data from Pipestem Creek, North Dakota, 2014-2015Source

Water stable isotope data (hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of H2O) from wetlands and streams within the Pipestem Creek watershed. This data was collected over two open water seasons (May-September): 2014 and 2015. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Brooks, J.R., D. Mushet, M. Vanderhoof, S. Leibowitz, J. Christensen, B. Neff, D. Rosenberry, W. Rugh, and L. Alexander. Estimating wetland connectivity to streams in the Prairie Pothole Region: an isotopic and remote sensing approach. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, USA, 54(2): 995-977, (2018).

No licence known
connectivityevaporationstable isotope analsiswetlands
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Wetland Model Nitrogen and Carbon Data (Kent Island, MD, May 1995 - May 1997)Source

This data are composed of precipitation, wetland water depth, volumetric soil moisture, nitrogen and carbon concentrations measured into and out of a wetland, and model computed soil moisture content as well as nitrogen and carbon loading from the wetland. The wetland is a restored treatment wetland, located in Kent Island, MD. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Sharifi, A., M. Hantush, and L. Kalin. Modeling Nitrogen and Carbon Dynamics in Wetland Soils and Water Using Mechanistic Wetland Model. Rao S. Govindaraju Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Reston, VA, USA, 22(1): 1-18, (2017).

No licence known
aerobicanaerobicbayesian statisticscarbongluemonte carlo methodnitrogenphosphorusprocess-based modelrichards equationsensitivity analysisuncertainty estimationunsaturated soilwetland hydrologywetlands
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Wetland and Lake AssetsSource

Location and extent of Melbourne Water natural and constructed (man-made) wetlands and lakes. Captured using the Top Water Level (TWL) of each, includes wetland or lake name, asset section (for As Constructed drawings) and key attributes. Data set required to indicate the location and types of assets used for stormwater treatment (treatment and removal of pollutants from the stormwater system) and flow management (helping maintain the flow of water and reduce the impacts of floods), for ongoing condition monitoring, maintenance and hydrologic or vegetation analysis and to assist with the planning and design, construction of future stormwater management (WSUD) options.NOTE: Whilst every effort has been taken in collecting, validating and providing the attached data, Melbourne Water Corporation makes no representations or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of this data. Any person or group that uses this data does so at its own risk and should make their own assessment and investigations as to the suitability and/or application of the data. Melbourne Water Corporation shall not be liable in any way to any person or group for loss of any kind including damages, costs, interest, loss of profits or special loss or damage, arising from any use, error, inaccuracy, incompleteness or other defect in this data.

No licence known
constructeddrainageinfrastructure assetslakesmelbourne waterstormwatertreatmentwaterwaterbodieswetlands
Melbourne Water Corporation5 months ago
Wetlands and Waterbodies

This data set estimates large-scale wetland distributions and important wetland complexes, including areas of marsh, fen, peatland, and water.

Other (Open)
ecosystemsfenmarshnaturalpeatlandwater bodieswetlands
World Resource Instituteover 1 year ago