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Carbon storage text-based resources: WESTCARB
OwnerNational Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updatedabout 1 year ago

This collection of documents was collected and prepared simultaneously with the geospatial data collection the Carbon Storage Open Database: Morkner, P., Creason, C., Sabbatino, M., Wingo, P., DiGiulio, J., Jones, K., Greenburg, R., Bauer, J., and Rose, K, Carbon Storage Open Database, 7/1/2020,, DOI: 10.18141/1671320 This submission contains PDF documents and a ReadMe file containing essential metadata to understand provenance of each PDF included in this collection. These PDF documents were collected from public websites, analyzed using natural language processing to organize and classify them into nine topics, then grouped into this EDX submissions based on original Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership region and subcategorized by topic. Please see the readme file for more information.

CCS modelingCarbon StorageEnvironmental CCSField injection testGas and pore water analysisGeochemistryPetrophysical analysisRCSPRegional Carbon Sequestration PartnershipText-based documentsWESTCARBWell historyWestcarbmonitoringsite screening and selection
Additional Information
citationPaige Morkner, Michael Sabbatino, C. Gabriel Creason, Patrick Wingo, Jennifer Bauer, Randall Greenburg, Jennifer DiGiulio, Kate Jones, Carbon storage text-based resources: WESTCARB, 2/10/2021,
point_of_contactKelly Rose
program_or_projectRIC - Carbon Storage Data
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