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Pipeline Report Gas Plant Totals One-third of Project Cost
OwnerNational Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updatedabout 1 year ago

About one-third of the Alaska gas pipeline project cost has little to do with physically burying steel pipe along hundreds of miles of the northern continent. Instead, this major piece of the overall project would center on a 155-acre patch at the Prudhoe Bay oil field that would house a massive complex of structures known as the gas treatment plant. The plant's cost has been estimated at $12 billion, compared with a total project cost of $32 billion to $41 billion. It would be the most expensive complex of buildings ever assembled in Alaska.

AlaskaGas PlantNatural GasProject CostsResourceWhite Paperconstructiongaspipelines
Additional Information
citationChad Rowan, Pipeline Report Gas Plant Totals One-third of Project Cost, 2013-01-08,
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