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HabMoS - Mountain Woodland 2023 - Restoration Sites
OwnerNatureScot - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updated10 months ago

NatureScot has commissioned a new dataset of mountain woodland locations across Scotland; to be used to inform landscape scale restoration, 30x30 goals, Nature Networks, UK and European Reporting and Area based casework, and training data for habitat mapping. A total of 128 mountain woodland restoration sites have been compiled across Scotland, covering a total gross area of 10,844 ha. There are a total of 57 sites which contain a component targeting Annex 1 Habitat H4080, 4 sites which contain a component targeting H5130, and 8 sites which target both. Contributing organisations have participated in a purely voluntary capacity and the dataset will therefore not be an absolute list of all restoration work across Scotland. It is recommended that this new dataset is updated every three to five years.This dataset contains the following fields:UID: Unique IdentifierORG: Who was/is responsible for the restoration projectLOCATION: Name of the geographical areaSITE_NAME: Unique name for the restoration siteSTATUS: Current/Proposed/Unknown i.e. an older site which may not have been recently assessedAREA: Area of the polygon (in ha), or total area combined if the site is composed of multiple polygonsFENCED: Yes/NoPOLY_FENCE: Does the polygon show the location of a fenceline? - Yes - No (within a larger fenced area): the fenced area is larger than the given polygon - No (within a larger proposed fenced area): the proposed fenced area is larger than the given polygon - No (smaller fenced areas are within this larger polygon): the polygon given is the larger restoration project area which contains several smaller unmapped fenced sites - N/A: Area is not fencedFENCE_NOTE: Further details on fencing, such as the date installed and the type of fencingMANAGEMENT: Fencing/planting/regeneration/low interventionTARGET_HAB: General description of the intended habitat as an outcome of restoration management at the siteEUNIS_2017: Intended habitat type classed using the EUNIS habitat classification given by Strachan (2017)EUNIS_2021: Intended habitat type classed using the EUNIS habitat classification revised in 2021NVC: Intended habitat type classed using NVC codes given by Averis et al. (2004)UK_BAP: Intended habitat type classed using UK Biodiversity Action Plant habitatsANNEX1: Intended habitat type classed using EU Habitats Directive Annex 1 definitions (if applicable)DATE_PLANT: Date or date range when tree planting took place (if applicable)TARGET_SP: Tree or shrub species featuring in the restoration project, either by planting and/or as the focus of natural regenerationINFO_PLANT: Details on the numbers of trees planted per species (if known).SPECIALIST_SP: List of specialist montane scrub species included in the project (if applicable)PRO_MS_SP: The provenance of planted arctic-alpine willows (if applicable)NOTES_MAN: Any other key management details of the restoration project not already given in previous columns Complete metadata document on

Annex IMountain woodlandconditiongrazinghabitatsland coverlossnatural capitaluplands
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harvest_source_titleNatureScot Open Data Hub
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