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Winter 2019–2020 Water-Level Elevation Map for the Albuquerque Metropolitan Area - Open-file Report 622
OwnerNew Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updatedabout 1 year ago

Residents of the Albuquerque metropolitan area rely in part on groundwater for domestic, municipal, and industrial use. An understanding of changes in groundwater levels and groundwater storage changes in the aquifer is necessary to achieve groundwater management goals set by the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority. Periodic and continuous water-level measurements in wells and maps of the water-level elevation surface, or water table, derived from these data are essential tools for understanding the groundwater resources of the region. The Open File Report linked here describes the preparation and interpretation of a water-table map for the Albuquerque area for the winter of 2019–2020. Data provided were used to prepare the map. Water-level changes and changes in the amount of groundwater in storage in the aquifer since the predevelopment time period are presented in several images in the report. This project was funded by the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority

OFRaquifer changeaquifer levelsaquifer mappingaquifer storagegroundwater elevationsgroundwater interpolationgroundwater levelsgroundwater modelinggroundwater monitoringgroundwater resourcesgroundwater storagewater table
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harvest_source_titleNew Mexico Water Data
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    Open-file Report - 622 Winter 2019–2020 Water-Level Elevation Map for the Albuquerque Metropolitan Area
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