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Journey to Work (JTW) 2001
OwnerTransport for NSW - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updated9 months ago

This dataset contains a snapshot of commuting patterns for Census day 2001 (Tuesday 7th August). It is a complete enumeration via a self-completion Census form. The scope of JTW is employed persons aged 15 years and over, who were employed during the week before Census night, and with a workplace in NSW. JTW data may produce slightly different counts to those obtained directly from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the same geographic level due to: * ABS confidentialising process is applied to the data that TPA purchases (randomisation of small cells) * Further validation and adjustment of the data undertaken by TPA * Imputation of records of incomplete addresses to eliminate locality ‘dump’ codes ABS data is used with permission from the Australian Bureau of Statistics

ABSStatisticalTPAcensusemployedemploymentjourney to workstatistics
Additional Information
harvest_source_titleTransport for NSW Open Data Hub
  • PDF
    2001 Journey to Work User Guide V1.1
  • ZIP
    Summary tables by Workplace Statistical Local Area (SLA)
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    Summary tables by Origin Statistical Local Area (SLA) based on place of enumeration
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    Code frames
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    TABLE 01: Origin Zone (1142) x Destination Zone (1145)
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    TABLE 02: Table 02 - Origin Zone (1142) x Destination Zone (1145) x Mode 6
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    TABLE 03: Origin SLA (62) x Destination Zone (1145) x Mode 14
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    TABLE 04: Origin CD (8194) x Destination SLA (65) x Mode 6
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    TABLE 05: Origin SLA (62) x Dest. SLA (65) x Household Type (5) x Hrs Worked (5) x Sex x Mode 6
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    TABLE 06: Origin SLA (62) x Destination SLA (65) x Mode (235)
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    TABLE 07: Origin SLA (62) x Dest. SLA (65) x Age (5) x Sex (2) x Mode (6) x Country of Birth (4)
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    TABLE 08: Origin SLA (62) x Dest. SLA (65) x Dwelling Structure (4) x Household Vehicles (4) x Mode 6
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    TABLE 09: Origin Zone (1142) x Destination SLA (65) x Household Vehicles (4) x Mode 14
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    TABLE 10: Origin SLA (62) x Destination Zone (1145) x Household Vehicles (4) x Mode 14
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    TABLE 11: Origin SLA (62) x Destination Zone (1145) x Industry (19)
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    TABLE 12: Origin SLA (62) x Destination SLA (65) x Industry (19) x Occupation (6) x Sex (2)
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    TABLE 13: Origin SLA (62) x Dest. SLA (65) x Industry (19) x Person Income (6) x Hrs worked (5)
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    TABLE 14: Origin SLA (62) x Destination SLA (65) x Mode (6) x Industry (19) x Occupation (6)
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    TABLE 15: SLA (62) x Destination SLA (65) x Industry (636)
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    TABLE 16: Origin SLA (62) x Destination SLA (65) x Occupation (446)
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    TABLE 17: Destination Zone (1145) x Industry (636)
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    TABLE 18: Destination Zone (1145) x Occupation (446)
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    TABLE 19: Destination Zone (1145) x Industry (19) x Mode 14
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    TABLE 20: Destination Zone (1145) x Age (5) x Sex (2) x Occupation (6) x Person Income (10) x Mode 6
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    TABLE 21: Destination Zone (1145) x Industry (19) x Occupation (6) x Mode 14
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    TABLE 22: Origin SLA (140) x Destination SLA (240) x Industry (69)
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    TABLE 23: Origin SLA (140) x Destination SLA (240) x Occupation (46)
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    TABLE 24: Origin SLA (140) x Destination SLA (240) x Sex (2) x Mode 14
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    TABLE 25: Origin SLA (140) x Destination SLA (240) x Mode (10) x Industry (19)
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    TABLE 26: Origin SLA (200) x Destination SLA (203) x Indigenous Status (3) x Industry (19)
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    TABLE 27: Origin SLA (200) x Dest. SLA (203) x Internet Use (5) x Mode 10 x Household Tenure (6)
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    TABLE 28: Origin SLA (61) x HH vehicles (4) x HH income (10) x HH type (5) x Dwelling Structure (4) x Mode 14
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    TABLE 29: Home SLA (199) x HH Size (5) x HH Workers (4) x HH Vehicles (4) x HH Type (5) x Dwelling Structure (4)
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