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UNESCWA Data Portal
OwnerUNESCWA - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updatedover 1 year ago

Range of environment and water indicators for Western Asia Countries. Data presented online and can be exported as PDF or XLS. The data runs 5 yearly from 1975 and annually from 1990 to 2015, although not every year is provided for each indicator or country. The following water-related indicators are provided, although not every indicator is available for each country. Average precipitation (cubic meters and mm per year), Surface water abstraction (cubic meters per year), domestic water use (cubic meters per year), Access to improved drinking water (percentage) Wastewater produced (cubic meters per day), Desalination production (cubic meters per year), Total freshwater abstraction (cubic meters per year), Groundwater Abstraction (Cubic Meters Per year), total freshwater use (Cubic meters), Total non-conventional use (cubic metesr per yera), Per capita water resources from conventional and non-conventional resources (Cubic meters per year), Per capita total water resource change (% for previous two years), agricultural water use (Cubic meters per year), Access to improved drinking water sources (urban) (Percentage), Wastewater treated in urban wastewater treatment plants(cubic meters per day), Access to improved drinking water sources (rural) (Percentage) Access to improved sanitation (rural) (Percentage), Population using improved drinking water sources (rural) (urban) (Percentage), Population using improved sanitation facilities (rural) (urban) (Percentage)

agricultural water useagriculturedesalinationdomesticgroundwaterimproved drinking waterimproved sanitationnon-conventional waterrainfallsurface waterwater abstractionwater treatment
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