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Thirteen-year Stover Harvest and Tillage Effects on Corn Agroecosystem Sustainability in Iowa
OwnerUnited States Department of Agriculture - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updated10 months ago

This dataset includes soil health, crop biomass, and crop yield data for a 13-year corn stover harvest trial in central Iowa. Following the release in 2005 of the Billion Ton Study assessment of biofuel sources, several soil health assessments associated with harvesting corn stover were initiated across ARS locations to help provide industry guidelines for sustainable stover harvest. This dataset is from a trial conducted by the National Laboratory for Agriculture and Environment from 2007-2021 at the Iowa State University Ag Engineering and Agronomy farm. Management factors evaluated in the trial included the following. Stover harvest rate at three levels: No, moderate (3.5 ± 1.1 Mg ha-1 yr-1), or high (5.0 ± 1.7 Mg ha-1 yr-1) stover harvest rates. No-till versus chisel-plow tillage. Originally, the 3 stover harvest rates were evaluated in a complete factorial design with tillage system. However, the no-till, no-harvest system performed poorly in continuous corn and was discontinued in 2012 due to lack of producer interest. Cropping sequence. In addition to evaluating continuous corn for all stover harvest rates and tillage systems, a corn-alfalfa rotation, and a corn-soybean-wheat rotation with winter cover crops were evaluated in a subset of the tillage and stover harvest rate treatments. One-time additions of biochar in 2013 at rates of either 9 Mg/ha or 30 Mg/ha were evaluated in a continuous corn cropping system. The dataset includes: 1) Crop biomass and yields for all crop phases in every year. 2) Soil organic carbon, total carbon, total nitrogen, and pH to 120 cm depth in 2012, 2016, and 2017. Soil cores from 2005 (pre-study) were also sampled to 90 cm depth. 3) Soil chemistry sampled to 15 cm depth every 1-2 years from 2007 to 2017. 4) Soil strength and compaction was assessed to 60 cm depth in April 2021. These data have been presented in several manuscripts, including Phillips et al. (in review), O'Brien et al. (2020), and Obrycki et al. (2018).

NP212biocharbiofuelscover cropsno-tillagesoil carbon changesoil health
Additional Information
dcat_publisher_nameAgricultural Research Service
harvest_source_titleUSDA Open Data Catalog
  • CSV
    Field 70-71 ConeIndex_BulkDensityDepths_2021
  • R
    R Script for Phillips et al. 2022
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    Field 70-71 CornYield_2008-2021
  • CSV
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  • XLSX
    Field 70-71 Plot Status 2007-2021
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    Field 70-71 Crop Yield File 2008-2020
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    Field 70-71 Deep Soil Cores 2012-2017
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    Field 70-71 Baseline Deep Soil Cores 2005
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    Field 70-71 Surface Soil Test Data 2007-2021
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    Iowa Stover Harvest Trial Data Dictionary
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