Vermont Test
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Available DatasetsShowing 10 of 10 results
- Digital Data from VG2018-5 Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Jeffersonville Quadrangle, Vermont. Data may include surficial geologic contacts, isopach contours lines, bedrock outcrop polygons, bedrock geologic contacts, hydrogeologic units and more. The surficial geologic materials data at a scale of 1:24,000 depict types of unconsolidated surficial and glacial materials overlying bedrock in Vermont. Data are created by mapping on the ground using standard geologic pace and compass techniques and/or GPS on a USGS 1:24,000 topographic or Lidar-drived base map. The OFR contains more complete descriptions of map units, cross-sections, isopach maps and other information that may not be included in this digital data set.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- This compilation includes sites from existing county-wide landslide inventories, Vermont Geological Survey surficial geologic maps and publications, and sites from Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Stream Geomorphic Assessment. This dataset is a compilation of available data for active, inactive and relict (historic) sites and is not a complete inventory of Vermont landslides. The inventory includes historic documented sites and landslides verified by field visits or remote sensing. Points represent feature locations and are not indicative of feature extent. Definitions:Landslide: A feature formed by the downslope movement of rock and soil under the effects of gravity. The term includes a wide variety of falls, slides, and flows. They are identified by the presence of steep slopes and/or evidence of soil movement and surface erosion. Most are adjacent to streams. Features below 4 meters in height are not mapped. The mass failures identified during stream geomorphic assessment studiesare landslides.Gully: A steep, narrow stream channel incised into surficial deposits. The stream is commonly a first-order stream and the flow in the bottom is usually intermittent. Unstable gullies have very steep sides and commonly show signs of fresh erosion in the bed and/or at the gully heads.Gully head: The upstream tip of a gully. One gully may have several gully heads.Landslide-gully complex. A gully with substantial landslides on the sides or at the head.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- Digital Data from VG2018-4 Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Bolton Mountain Quadrangle, Vermont. Data may include surficial geologic contacts, isopach contours lines, bedrock outcrop polygons, bedrock geologic contacts, hydrogeologic units and more. The surficial geologic materials data at a scale of 1:24,000 depict types of unconsolidated surficial and glacial materials overlying bedrock in Vermont. Data are created by mapping on the ground using standard geologic pace and compass techniques and/or GPS on a USGS 1:24,000 topographic or Lidar-drived base map. The OFR contains more complete descriptions of map units, cross-sections, isopach maps and other information that may not be included in this digital data set.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- Digital Data from VG2018-1 Surficial Geologic Map of the Barre East 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont. Data may include surficial geologic contacts, isopach contours lines, bedrock outcrop polygons, bedrock geologic contacts, hydrogeologic units and more. The surficial geologic materials data at a scale of 1:24,000 depict types of unconsolidated surficial and glacial materials overlying bedrock in Vermont. Data are created by mapping on the ground using standard geologic pace and compass techniques and/or GPS on a USGS 1:24,000 topographic or Lidar-drived base map. The OFR contains more complete descriptions of map units, cross-sections, isopach maps and other information that may not be included in this digital data set.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- This dataset is a compilation of glacial lake shoreline data based on surficial geologic mapping in New England and New York from 1937-2019. Data are derived from 0.7 meter resolution LiDAR DEMs and 30 meter resolution National Elevation Dataset DEMs (Glacial Lake Hitchcock). Reference: Springston, G., Wright, S., and Van Hoesen, J., 2020, Major Glacial Lakes and the Champlain Sea, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication VGSM2020-1, Scale 1:250,000.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- Digital data from VG99-1 Compilation bedrock geologic map of the Jay Peak quadrangle, Compiled by B. Doolan, 1999: VGS Open-File Report VG99-1, 1 plate, scale 1:24000. Reformatted 2017. Bedrock geologic map data at a scale of 1:24,000 depicts types of bedrock underlying unconsolidated materials in Vermont. Data is created by mapping on the ground using standard geologic pace and compass techniques and/or GPS on a USGS 1:24000 topographic base map. Data may be organized by town, quadrangle or watershed. Each data bundle may include point, line and polygon data and some or all of the following: 1) contacts (lithogic contacts), 2) fault_brittle, 3) fault_ductile, 4) fault_thrust, 5) fault_bed_plane (bedding plane thrust), 6) bedding, 7) bedding_graded (graded bedding) 8) bedding_overturn (overturned bedding), 9) bedding_select (selected points for published map), 10) foliation_n1, n2, n3 etc (foliation data), 11) outcrop (exposed outcrops), 12) field_station (outcrop and data collection point), 13) fold_axis, 14) axial_plane, 15) lamprophyre, 16) water_well_log (water well driller information), 16) linear_int (intersection lineation), 17) linear_str (stretching lineation) 18) x_section_line (line of cross-section), and photolinear (lineaments identified from air photos). Other feature classes may be included with each data bundle. ( not specifiedover 1 year ago
- Digital data from VG11-4 Springston, G., 2011,�Surficial Geologic Map of the Plainfield Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File Report VG11-4, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. Data may include surficial geologic contacts, isopach contours lines, bedrock outcrop polygons, bedrock geologic contacts, hydrogeologic units and more. The surficial geologic materials data at a scale of 1:24,000 depict types of unconsolidated surficial and glacial materials overlying bedrock in Vermont. Data is created by mapping on the ground using standard geologic pace and compass techniques and/or GPS on a USGS 1:24000 topographic base map. The materials data is selected from the Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report (OFR) publication ( The OFR contains more complete descriptions of map units, cross-sections, isopach maps and other information that may not be included in this digital data set.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- Bedrock Geologic Map of Parts of the Huntington, Richmond, Bolton and Waterbury Quadrangles, VermontDigital Data from VG95-9A Thompson, PJ�and Thompson, TB, 1995, Digital bedrock geologic map of parts of the Huntington, Richmond, Bolton and Waterbury quadrangles, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-9A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000.� The bedrock geologic map data at a scale of 1:24,000 depicts types of bedrock underlying unconsolidated materials in Vermont. Data is created by mapping on the ground using standard geologic pace and compass techniques and/or GPS on a USGS 1:24000 topographic base map. Data may be organized by town, quadrangle or watershed. Each data bundle may includes point, line and polygon data and some or all of the following: 1) contacts (lithogic contacts), 2) fault_brittle, 3) fault_ductile, 4) fault_thrust, 5) fault_bed_plane (bedding plane thrust), 6) bedding, 7) bedding_graded (graded bedding) 8) bedding_overturn (overturned bedding), 9) bedding_select (selected points for published map), 10) foliation_n1, n2, n3 etc (foliation data), 11) outcrop (exposed outcrops), 12) field_station (outcrop and data collection point), 13) fold_axis, 14) axial_plane, 15) lamprophyre, 16) water_well_log (water well driller information), 16) linear_int (intersection lineation), 17) linear_str (stretching lineation) 18) x_section_line (line of cross-section), and photolinear (lineaments identified from air photos). Other feature classes may be included with each data bundle. ( not specifiedover 1 year ago
- Digital Data from VG08-3 Kim, J., Charnock, R., Chow, D. and Springston, G., 2008, Bedrock geologic map of the Knox Mountain pluton area, Marshfield and Peacham, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG08-3, 3 color plates, scale 1:24,000. The bedrock geologic map data at a scale of 1:24,000 depicts types of bedrock underlying unconsolidated materials in Vermont. Data are created by mapping on the ground using standard geologic pace and compass techniques and/or GPS on a USGS 1:24000 topographic base map. Data may be organized by town, quadrangle or watershed. Each data bundle may includes point, line and polygon data and some or all of the following: 1) contacts (lithogic contacts), 2) fault_brittle, 3) fault_ductile, 4) fault_thrust, 5) fault_bed_plane (bedding plane thrust), 6) bedding, 7) bedding_graded (graded bedding) 8) bedding_overturn (overturned bedding), 9) bedding_select (selected points for published map), 10) foliation_n1, n2, n3 etc (foliation data), 11) outcrop (exposed outcrops), 12) field_station (outcrop and data collection point), 13) fold_axis, 14) axial_plane, 15) lamprophyre, 16) water_well_log (water well driller information), 16) linear_int (intersection lineation), 17) linear_str (stretching lineation) 18) x_section_line (line of cross-section), and photolinear (lineaments identified from air photos). Other feature classes may be included with each data bundle. ( not specifiedover 1 year ago
- Digital Data from VG98-335A Armstrong, T.R., and Ratcliffe, N.M., 1998, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Townshend 7.5 x 15 minute quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 98-335-A, 1 plate, scale 1:24000. The bedrock geologic map data at a scale of 1:24,000 depicts types of bedrock underlying unconsolidated materials in Vermont. Data is created by mapping on the ground using standard geologic pace and compass techniques and/or GPS on a USGS 1:24000 topographic base map. Data may be organized by town, quadrangle or watershed. Each data bundle may includes point, line and polygon data and some or all of the following: 1) contacts (lithogic contacts), 2) fault_brittle, 3) fault_ductile, 4) fault_thrust, 5) fault_bed_plane (bedding plane thrust), 6) bedding, 7) bedding_graded (graded bedding) 8) bedding_overturn (overturned bedding), 9) bedding_select (selected points for published map), 10) foliation_n1, n2, n3 etc (foliation data), 11) outcrop (exposed outcrops), 12) field_station (outcrop and data collection point), 13) fold_axis, 14) axial_plane, 15) lamprophyre, 16) water_well_log (water well driller information), 16) linear_int (intersection lineation), 17) linear_str (stretching lineation) 18) x_section_line (line of cross-section), and photolinear (lineaments identified from air photos). Other feature classes may be included with each data bundle. ( not specifiedover 1 year ago