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WaterStat Water Footprint Statistics
OwnerWater Footprint Network - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updatedover 1 year ago

Water footprint statistics based on peer-reviewed reserach and Global Water Footprint Assessment standard, providing data on blue, green adn grey footrpints, disaggregated by product type, country (and in some cases sub-national region). Data sets include Product water footprint (crops and derived products, biofuels, farm animals and animal products, industrial products) National Water Footrpints (national production and consumption), international virtual water flow statistics (flows from trade, savings from trade), monthly blue water gridded footprint of production (30x30 arc minute), water scarcity statistics (blue water scarcity at montly 30x30 arc), Pollution due to nitrogen and phosphorous (5x5 arc minute 2002-2010), United States Production footprint at national, state and county scale (2010-12), China Water Footprint of 22 crops at 5x5 arc minute (1961-2009)

agriculturefoodtradewaterwater quality
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