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KY Oil and Gas Production
OwnerNational Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updatedabout 1 year ago

Monthly oil and gas production data by well are now available on the web through the Kentucky Geological Survey oil and gas well search pages. When you search for wells, look for the Production Data link. If there is no link, no production data have been associated with the selected well. The data are reformatted from the monthly oil and gas production data available as text files by county and year from the Kentucky Division of Oil and Gas.

DataDepthsDisposalDrillingFlow RateGasIdentifiersInjectionOilPhase StabilityPressureProduction IntervalTemperatureTotal DepthTypesWell Datagasoilproductionwells
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citationChad Rowan, KY Oil and Gas Production, 2012-05-02,
spatial{ "type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates": [[[[-88.04276, 36.49657], [-89.53327, 36.49817], [-89.56706, 36.5188], [-89.56823, 36.54147], [-89.55621, 36.557804], [-89.169624, 37.064285], [-89.14642, 37.093235], [-89.0651, 37.185913], [-87.9219, 37.91991], [-84.742874, 39.142063], [-84.444916, 39.111828], [-82.89031, 38.742775], [-82.61375, 38.472668], [-81.95957, 37.531174], [-82.878044, 36.893696], [-83.13851, 36.74006], [-83.69561, 36.584248], [-88.04276, 36.49657]]]]}
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