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DEEPEN Data Catalog for Magmatic Geothermal Systems in the United States
OwnerNational Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updatedabout 1 year ago

This data catalog contains information related to the Training Site Analysis for the Geothermica project "DE-risking Exploration of geothermal Plays in magmatic ENvironments (DEEPEN)." The DEEPEN project aims to reduce exploration risk for geothermal fluids in magmatic systems by developing improved an improved framework for interpretation of exploration data using the Play Fairway Analysis (PFA) methodology. The Training Site Analysis performed for DEEPEN leverages existing datasets to develop a customized PFA approach to exploration for multiple geothermal resource types in magmatic systems (conventional hydrothermal resources, supercritical fluid and superheated steam resources, and superhot EGS resources). This data catalog contains links to publicly available data files related to 8 training sites in the United States. US training sites are: the Cascades/Aleutians PFA project; the Hawaii PFA project, the Oregon Cascades PFA project, the Snake River Plain, Idaho PFA project, the Washington State PFA project, Newberry Volcano, Coso Geothermal Field, and the Geysers Geothermal field. This database contains an overview of these training sites, data sources, and links to publicly available exploration datasets. For the five PFA projects, details on exploration data related to PFA components (heat, fluid, permeability, sometimes seal) are provided, including a summary of data weighting methodologies.

AleutiansCaliforniaCascadesCosoDEEPENGeysersHawaiiNewberryOregonPFASRPSnake River PlainWashingtoncharacterizationdata catalogenergyexplorationgeochemistrygeologygeophysicsgeothermalgroundwatermagmaticmagmatic environmentsmodelingplay fairwayremote sensingsupercriticaltemperaturevolcanicvolcanowell dataworld volcanic centers
Additional Information
dcat_publisher_nameNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • XLSX
    DEEPEN US Training Site Data Catalog.xlsx
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