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FERC Form 1 Electric Utility Cost, Energy Sales, Peak Demand, and Customer Count Data 1994-2019
OwnerNational Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updatedabout 1 year ago

This spreadsheet contains information reported by over 200 investor-owned utilities to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in the annual filing FERC Form 1 for the years 1994-2019. It contains 1) annual capital costs for new transmission, distribution, and administrative infrastructure; 2) annual operation and maintenance costs for transmission, distribution, and utility business administration; 3) total annual MWh sales and sales by customer class; 4) annual peak demand in MW; and 5) total customer count and the number of customers by class. Annual spending on new capital infrastructure is read from pages 204 to 207 of FERC Form 1, titled Electric Plant in Service. Annual transmission capital additions are recorded from Line 58, Column C - Total Transmission Plant Additions. Likewise, annual distribution capital additions are recorded from Line 75, Column C - Total Distribution Plant Additions. Administrative capital additions are recorded from Line 5, Column C - Total Intangible Plant Additions, and Line 99, Column C - Total General Plant Additions. Operation and maintenance costs associated with transmission, distribution, and utility administration are read from pages 320 to 323 of FERC Form 1, titled Electric Operation and Maintenance Expenses. Annual transmission operation and maintenance are recorded from Line 99, Column B - Total Transmission Operation Expenses for Current Year, and Line 111, Column B - Total Transmission Maintenance Expenses for Current Year. Likewise, annual distribution operation and maintenance costs are recorded from Line 144, Column B - Total Distribution Operation Expenses, and Line 155, Column B - Total Distribution Maintenance Expenses. Administrative operation and maintenance costs are recorded from: Line 164, Column B - Total Customers Accounts Expenses; Line 171, Column B - Total Customer Service and Information Expenses; Line 178, Column B - Total Sales Expenses; and Line 197, Column B - Total Administrative and General Expenses. The annual peak demand in MW over the year is read from page 401, titled Monthly Peaks and Output. The monthly peak demand is listed in Lines 29 to 40, Column D. The maximum of these monthly reports during each year is taken as the annual peak demand in MW. The annual energy sales and customer count data come from page 300, Electric Operating Revenues. The values are provided in Line 2 - Residential Sales, Line 4 - Commercial Sales, Line 5 - Industrial Sales, and Line 10 - Total Sales to Ultimate Consumers. More information about the database is available in an associated report published by the University of Texas at Austin Energy Institute: Also see an associated paper published in the journal *Energy Policy*: Fares, Robert L., and Carey W. King. "Trends in transmission, distribution, and administration costs for US investor-owned electric utilities." *Energy Policy* 105 (2017): 354-362. All data come from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FERC Form 1 Database available in Microsoft Visual FoxPro Format:

CostDistributionElectricityFERCFERC Form 1Federal Energy Regulatory CommissionGridTransmissionUtilitycapital costdataelectric operating revenuesenergyenergy infrastructuregrid infrastructureinfrastructurepowerprocessed datatransmission plantutilities
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dcat_publisher_nameNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
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    FERC Form 1 - Electric Utility Data 1994-2019.xlsx
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    Trends in transmission distribution and administration costs for US investor owned electric utilities
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