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Data for: Generation of sanitation system options for urban planning considering novel technologies
OwnerSwiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag) - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updatedabout 1 year ago

This data has been used (1) to quantify the appropriateness of a set of sanitation technologies for a small town (Katarnyia) in Nepal and (2) to generate sanitation system options from the appropriate technologies as an input into strategic sanitation planning using a structured decision making process. For (1), the appropriateness is quantified based on a set of criteria, also called screening criteria. These criteria include technical, socio-demographic, climatic, and institutional aspects and are quantified using uncertainty functions in order to account for the quality and quantity of available input information. The data contains raw data as well as modelling results. The raw data is a compilation of information collected from literature, information collected through a household survey in the small town, field observations. They are all used to describe the screening criteria for the studied sanitation technologies and the small town. Results include: (1) the outcome of the technology appropriateness assessment (technology appropriateness scores); and (2) the sanitation system options (all possible sanitation systems built from the appropriate technologies, and a smaller set of divers and highly appropriate sanitation system options as an input into decision-making).

alternative generationdeveloping urban areasidentifying decision optionsmulti-criteria decision analysis MCDAnonesanitation system generationstrategic urban sanitation planningstructured decision making SDMsustainable sanitation
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