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UK SSP: Social Cohesion (units: % of population reporting neighbours willing to help)
OwnerMet Office - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updatedover 1 year ago

Share of population reporting neighbours willing to help from the UK Climate Resilience Programme UK-SSPs project.This data contains a field for each year. A separate field for 'Scenario' allows the data to be filtered, e.g. by scenario 'SSP3'.Boundaries use ONS NUTS3 boundaries and have been simplified to 10m resolution. Indicator Social Cohesion Metric Share of population reporting neighbours willing to help Unit % Spatial Resolution NUTS 3 Temporal Resolution Decadal Sectoral Categories N/A Baseline Data Source UK HLS 2015 Projection Trend Source Stakeholder process What are Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs)?The global SSPs, used in IPCC assessments, are five different storylines of future socioeconomic circumstances, explaining how the global economy and society might evolve over the next 80 years. Crucially, the global SSPs are independent of climate change and climate change policy, i.e. they do not consider the potential impact climate change has on societal and economic choices.Instead, they are designed to be coupled with a set of future climate scenarios, the Representative Concentration Pathways or ‘RCPs’. When combined together within climate research (in any number of ways), the SSPs and RCPs can tell us how feasible it would be to achieve different levels of climate change mitigation, and what challenges to climate change mitigation and adaptation might exist.Until recently, UK-specific versions of the global SSPs were not available combined with the RCP-based climate projections. The aim of the project was to fill this gap by developing a set of socioeconomic scenarios for the UK that is consistent with the global SSPs used by the IPCC community, and which will provide the basis for further UK research on climate risk and resilience.More details can be found on the UK SSP project site and in this storymap.This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

SSPSSPsUKUK SSPUK SSPsclimateeconomymodellingscenariosocial cohesionsocioeconomic
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dcat_publisher_nameMet Office
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